Friday, September 29, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 29, 2023

Electrical Circuits Upgraded in Office

For a long time, Grace office staff have relied on an older microwave that seemed to be past its prime. It would heat, but it had lost some of its heating punch. Also, one could not operate the microwave and the Keurig coffee maker at the same time, as that was sure to trip a breaker. Recently, a new microwave was purchased for the office, using funds donated for that purpose. But there was a problem. Using the new microwave by itself tripped the breaker, which also crashed Tricia's computer. Burkette Electric came and addressed the situation. I'm not sure exactly what those professionals did, but everything seems to be working just fine now.

Congregational Resource Team Meeting

On Tuesday I joined a Zoom meeting of our synod's Congregational Resource Team. Several months ago I was invited to join this team, which I did. The Synod website describes the Teams purpose like this:

Helping your Congregation gain a vision for itself for ministry and mission
Founded in 2012, the Congregational Resource Team (CRT) exists to promote the health and well-being of congregations of the Northwestern Ohio Synod. We offer programs to foster congregational health, offer conflict resolution, and help with the call process.

One of the programs offered by CRT is a series of six workshops developed by the Healthy Congregations organization, based in Columbus. These workshops help congregations see themselves as an emotional system through the application of family systems thinking. I will eventually take the training from Healthy Congregation to become a workshop facilitator. During my interim at St. John's, we did two of these workshops, and they were very well received and very helpful.

Eastern Conference Pastors Meeting

Eastern Conference Pastors met Thursday morning for our bi-monthly meeting at Grace Castalia. We welcomed the newest member of our group, Pastor Jennifer Hermann, recently installed as the pastor of Trinity Sandusky (Venice) on Bardshar Road. Jennifer's family includes 9-year-old son Malachi, who is adjusting to a new school. Becky accompanied Pastor Henry to the meeting to talk about accompaniment, the word that she shared with us in her message along with Maureen and Jana on September 17, meaning the relationship we have with three other Lutheran church bodies around the world, including Tanzania, Serbia and Mexico. It was a good meeting in that we all shared what was happening in our congregations and lives. Pastor Dennis, recently retired from Emmanuel Hessville, was present, so it was good to see him.

Healthy Congregations September Event

Today (Friday) I attended via Zoom the Healthy Congregations September Event from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Through keynote messages and small group workshops used a Bowen Family Systems lens to engage our thinking and responses to trauma. Among other things the event helped us to

  • explore ways of responding to and managing the effects of trauma in ourselves and in our communities.
  • apply a systems approach to trauma in a variety of different circumstances.

Some Thoughts on Stewardship

Last week at this time I was finishing the writing for the brochure and bulletin inserts that will be key parts of our Stewardship Appeal, a six-week program that will launch the weekend of October 15. Here are some sentences and paragraphs from my recent Stewardship reading:

Christian Stewardship is the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities, and material possessions, based upon the conviction that these are trusts from God to be used in service for the benefit of all humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ's redeeming love. (National Council of Churches United Stewardship Council - 1946)

From his book Abundance by Mike Ward:
Let me define two important Concepts:
Abundance: I believe that abundance is a mindset and not a condition of wealth. Abundance is recognizing the One who provides us everything and recognizing that it is not only enough, but enough to share.
Generosity: This is not only for the uber wealthy among us. In fact, much of the times those who are most generous are not the wealthiest. The generous are the ones who have learned that the joy of material wealth is the ability to share it with others for the common good with no expectation of receiving anything in return.

Some Links for You

Friday, September 22, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 22, 2023

LIFT Board Met Sunday

LIFT Board met for their bi-monthly meeting at St. John's on Sunday at 12:30. We reviewed recent events, including Updates on God's Work Our Hands, the addition of Emmanuel to Pastor Paul's schedule, the backpack buddy and laundry ministries, Bridge of Hope, Camino de Vida and Confirmation. We are beginning to look ahead to Pet Blessing (will be at a local dog park), Great Hymns of Faith in November, and Breakfast at Bethlehem (actually at St. John's) in December. Budget for 2024 is around the corner, so congregations need to get support decisions made. A ministry agreement with Emmanuel for the services Pr. Paul provides is still in the planning process.

An Inspiring Ordination Service

I had to leave the LIFT Board meeting a bit early to make it to Trinity Lutheran in Vermilion for the 3:30 ordination service for Morgan Walker Annable. Morgan was a youth member of Trinity, my first interim assignment in 2012. She expressed early interest (age 12) in becoming a pastor, and on Sunday, she did in the Service of Ordination and with laying on of hands and with prayer. It was a joyous celebration of God's call and Morgan's answer. Another connection of Morgan is that her dad, Jeff Walker, is my Thrivent agent, so I have been able to get first hand accounts of the progress Morgan was making toward ordination. I was hoping she'd get assigned to NW Ohio, but NE Ohio was the lucky synod. Morgan was called to Grace in Wadsworth, Ohio. You can view photos of the festiveevent HERE. I certainly enjoyed seeing and visiting with my Trinity friends from 11 years ago.

Stewardship Update

The Stewardship Team met again on Thursday, primarily to review our schedule and orient ourselves to the coming weeks which will be a busy time. Maureen met with our Stewardship Temple Talk speaker to orient them to the task we have asked them to, which will be to speak for about 3-4 minutes connecting faith, life, and stewardship. Becky S. will speak on October 21-22, Les W. on October 28-29, and Cecelia B. on November 4-5. On those three weekends there will be bulletin inserts describing the three ministry initiatives that be the focus of our fall appeal:

  • Grow and Develop our Noah's Ark Preschool ($192 per week needed)
  • Build and deliver 50 single beds to local children and families in need ($192 per week needed)
  • Position Grace financially to call the pastor that it needs, and to sustain ministry excellence ($384 per week needed)

Our campaign will launch on October 15, our Ingathering Sunday will November 12 (Intent Cards received) and a Celebration Sunday will be November 19, with refreshments following Sunday service.

Links for You

Friday, September 15, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 15, 2023

God's Work Our Hands Went Well

LIFT participated in the ELCA-wide Day of Service -- God's Work Our Hands (GWOH) for the first time on Sunday. About 25 persons from Grace, St. John's and St. Mark met at 11:30 am at St. Mark, where our hosts had our lunchroom festively decorated and served a tasty luncheon of deluxe sandwiches, chips, pop, and a "hand" cookie (you'll see one in the pics if you look). Following lunch we divided into four service groups:

  • Mulching and weeding at Birchard Place (FKA Community Fortress)
  • Clothes sorting at Alicia’s Closet, a resource for foster families, housed at St. John’s
  • A project with LIFT’s Bridge of Hope pantry
  • Card and letter writing for shut-ins, advocacy, and the incarcerated at St. Mark

I joined the group that went to 410 Birchard Ave., FKA Community Fortress, transitional housing for homeless. The building is now under new management, but continuing services for homeless individuals. The new owner/manager is New Housing Ohio (NHO). NHW was very appreciative of the work we did - they reposted LIFT's post of photos from our work at the site. Kudos to Pastor Paul who did the lion's share of the organizing for this event, and to St. Mark's for hosting the lunch with GWOH decoration. Pastor Paul took lots of photos which are posted on the LIFT Facebook page, which you can view HERE. There are about ten posts on our GWOH day with lots of pics. Be sure to check them all out!

Sympathy to Jody Jess

We extend our sympathy to Jody Jess and her family on the death of her father Paul Roberts. Visitation and service will be at Foos in Clyde on Saturday, September 6, beginning at 11:00 am. The service will be at 3:00 pm. You can find the obituary HERE. Rest eternal grant him, O Lord!

LIFT Leaders

Lift Leaders met at Noon on Wednesday. We discussed the GWOH and agreed that it went well -- there was some overlap with Rally Day, which also traditionally is held on othe Sunday after Labor Day. We may decide to do it on a different weekend next year. It was good to see Pastor Mary Carmen again -- she and Leo have recently returned from a trip to Mexico - a sad one as Leo's brother-in-law died while they were there.

Stewardship Team Zoom

The Stewardship Team met on Thursday at 11:30 to jointly join (sounds redundant, I know) a Zoom meeting that is part of the support we receive for our participation in The Stewardship for All Seasons program. The busiest part of the program is the appeal, and we are getting much help and direction to carry out the appeal at Grace. The main topic of our Zoom meeting was "Inspiration," learning why it's important and how to do it. A part of that comes with Stewardship Temple Talks, which we will do on the last two weekends in October and the first in November. Following the Zoom, we met to review the draft of the appeal brochure, which outlines our stewardship goals and ministry that we hope to fund in 2024, and plans for our Temple Talks. The appeal will launch on October 15, and our Ingathering Sunday is November 12.

Symphony Sponsorship Letters Out

The Toledo Symphony Orchestra Community Christmas Concert at Grace is scheduled for Friday, December 1, 2023, at 7:30 pm. The planning committee is again offering sponsor categories, as follows:

Platinum Angel $2,000 or more 30 free tickets
Gold Angel $1,000 20 free tickets
Silver Angel $500 10 free tickets
Bronze Angel $300 8 free tickets
Pewter Angel $200 6 free tickets
Patron I $100 4 free tickets
Patron II $50 2 tickets

If you'd like to join as a sponsor, or simply purchase single tickets, stop at the church office during office hours. Checks should be made payable to Grace Lutheran Church, earmarked for the Toledo Symphony. I attended last year, and it was wonderful -- Don't miss it if you don't have to!

Links for You

Personal Note - Marcy's Retirement

On Tuesday evening I joined Marcy in attending the Norwalk City School Board meeting where she was recognized on the occasion of her retirement after 26 years of service, 25 as a 5th grade teacher. You can view the Norwalk Reflector's coverage of the event, which also recognized retiring teacher Jessica Enderle, HERE.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 8, 2023

God's Work, Our Hands

The God's Work, Our Hands Day of Service is ready to go for this Sunday, September 10, beginning with a light lunch at St. Mark at 11:30. Thanks, Pr. Paul, for all the organizing and publicizing! for more info on the scheduled service projects and other relevant details, including online signup, you can go HERE. Bright yellow God's Work Our Hands T-shirts to wear during our serving will be available at St. Mark. The cost for the T-shirt is $10.

Sympathy to Mary Nossaman and Family

We extend our sympathy to Mary Nossaman and her family on the death Gary on Wednesday, September 6 following an extended illness. Visitation will be this Sunday from 2-6pm at Herman Funeral Home, and for an hour before the service at the church which begins at 11:00 am. You can read the obituary for Gary HERE*. Rest eternal grant him, O Lord!

Worship Committee Met Tuesday

Worship Committee now has a new meeting day and time - first Tuesday of the Month at 11:00 am. At our September meeting on Tuesday we reviewed our worship plans through the end of October, which include a move to very familiar ELW Setting 3 (LBW Setting 1) beginning this weekend. WELCA Thankoffering Sunday is next weekend, and will feature Triple Tag Team of Maureen, Becky Seiber, and Jana, our synod visitor from Serbia bringing the message that weekend. The day's activities will include dedication of quilts crafted by Grace WELCA to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. Quilt leader Jan Harris has scheduled the third Wednesday at 6:00 in the Dining Room for Grace members who want to help with quilts, but are unavailable during the day on the regular third Monday.

We discussed the candelabras, and are looking into getting battery operated candles, as the oil candles can be messy and difficult to change, and difficult to light, especially for our shorter kids that serve as acolytes. We also agreed that they would only be brough out on festival Sundays.

Stewardship Appeal Plans Moving Forward

Stewardship Team met Wednesday to continue our plannig for our Fall Appeal, using the expertise of GSB Fundraising through their Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS) program in which we are enrolled. You will notice that we will be doings some things differently this year. SAS directs us to be very specific about our goal, which is to set a goal of 10-15% over the previous year of giving, and also to be very specific about our ministry initiatives. For Grace, that includes the extra giving that will likely be needed to call the new pastor. We are in the process of creating the appeal brochure, bulletin inserts, and letters, and recruiting volunteers for Temple Talks on October 22 and 29, and November 5. You can review the full schedule from an earlier post which you can view HERE.

Just Three Things

You can read the current issue HERE.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 1, 2023

Noisy Offering

Remember that we make noise at weekend worship with our loose change. Proceeds this quarter are being delivered to the Sandusky County Food Pantry.

A Visit from Becky and Jana

On Tuesday, Becky Seibert stopped by, accompanied by Jana Jaroslav Marek, our synod visitor from the Slovak Lutheran Church in Serbia. She comes from the city of PanĨevo, which is about 7 hours north of the New Testament city of Thessalonica. Her visit has been arranged by the Slovak Zion Synod, a non-geographical ethnic synod in our ELCA, in coordination with our NWOS Global Mission Board and Companion Synod program. Jana is a university student studying economics, and works as an administrator in a Lutheran congregation in Serbia. Jana has been in Ohio since June 20, staying in Toledo, and has been in the Fremont area since August 20, hosted by Pastor Henry and Becky. She returns to Serbia on September 20.

I joined Becky and Jana for a visit to beautiful downtown Fremont, where, following lunch at Down Thyme Cafe, we visited the Care and Share store. Jana, Becky and Maureen will be working together to bring the message during worship on September 16-17, our annual Thankoffering service. It is always inspiring to experience these exchanges and learn from each other the many and various ways that we are the church, doing God's work with our hands.

God's Work Our Hands

And.... speaking of doing God's work with our hands, that's exactly what we have planned for Sunday, September 10, an annual Day of Service for ELCA congregations, which has been happening now for the past ten years.. Pastor Paul has taken the lead to organize and schedule several service projects for early afternoon on September 10 so that we can join thousands of other ELCA congregations in reaching out in service to our community. It all begins with lunch at St. Mark at 11:30 am, and then you'll have an opportunity toTo learn more about the opportunities for service (some outside, some inside), and for an online signup sheet, go HERE. Those participating in the project are encouraged to purchase a bright yellow God's Work Our Hands t-shirt. I'll be wearing my this weekend. Cost for the shirt is $10.

Preschool Open House

On Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm I joined the Noah's Ark Open House, the official welcome and prep for the upcoming school year at the Grace sponsored preschool program, led by Director Andrea Hirt, and Lead Teacher Susan Sawdo. Children had a chance to play while parents completed their registration forms, and met with Linda Baumer who was present to receive the initial tuition payments. I don't have the exact numbers available, but the school is close to capacity for the coming school year. Kudos to Andrea, Susan, and board members for their hard work in the redevelopment of the Noah's Ark program. You can view some photos of the Open House event HERE. One of the photos of the hallway wall shows the new wifi center recently installed by Vince, our internet/wifi/network specialist.

Kudos to Janitor Staff

With all the construction happening at Grace right now, there has been lots of dust raised, which is unavoidable. Jim, Michaele and Gregg have done an excellent job of cleaning it all up and having the building ready for our weekend worship. Thanks Jim, Michaele and Gregg for a job well done!

Links for You