Friday, September 22, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 22, 2023

LIFT Board Met Sunday

LIFT Board met for their bi-monthly meeting at St. John's on Sunday at 12:30. We reviewed recent events, including Updates on God's Work Our Hands, the addition of Emmanuel to Pastor Paul's schedule, the backpack buddy and laundry ministries, Bridge of Hope, Camino de Vida and Confirmation. We are beginning to look ahead to Pet Blessing (will be at a local dog park), Great Hymns of Faith in November, and Breakfast at Bethlehem (actually at St. John's) in December. Budget for 2024 is around the corner, so congregations need to get support decisions made. A ministry agreement with Emmanuel for the services Pr. Paul provides is still in the planning process.

An Inspiring Ordination Service

I had to leave the LIFT Board meeting a bit early to make it to Trinity Lutheran in Vermilion for the 3:30 ordination service for Morgan Walker Annable. Morgan was a youth member of Trinity, my first interim assignment in 2012. She expressed early interest (age 12) in becoming a pastor, and on Sunday, she did in the Service of Ordination and with laying on of hands and with prayer. It was a joyous celebration of God's call and Morgan's answer. Another connection of Morgan is that her dad, Jeff Walker, is my Thrivent agent, so I have been able to get first hand accounts of the progress Morgan was making toward ordination. I was hoping she'd get assigned to NW Ohio, but NE Ohio was the lucky synod. Morgan was called to Grace in Wadsworth, Ohio. You can view photos of the festiveevent HERE. I certainly enjoyed seeing and visiting with my Trinity friends from 11 years ago.

Stewardship Update

The Stewardship Team met again on Thursday, primarily to review our schedule and orient ourselves to the coming weeks which will be a busy time. Maureen met with our Stewardship Temple Talk speaker to orient them to the task we have asked them to, which will be to speak for about 3-4 minutes connecting faith, life, and stewardship. Becky S. will speak on October 21-22, Les W. on October 28-29, and Cecelia B. on November 4-5. On those three weekends there will be bulletin inserts describing the three ministry initiatives that be the focus of our fall appeal:

  • Grow and Develop our Noah's Ark Preschool ($192 per week needed)
  • Build and deliver 50 single beds to local children and families in need ($192 per week needed)
  • Position Grace financially to call the pastor that it needs, and to sustain ministry excellence ($384 per week needed)

Our campaign will launch on October 15, our Ingathering Sunday will November 12 (Intent Cards received) and a Celebration Sunday will be November 19, with refreshments following Sunday service.

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