Friday, September 1, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 1, 2023

Noisy Offering

Remember that we make noise at weekend worship with our loose change. Proceeds this quarter are being delivered to the Sandusky County Food Pantry.

A Visit from Becky and Jana

On Tuesday, Becky Seibert stopped by, accompanied by Jana Jaroslav Marek, our synod visitor from the Slovak Lutheran Church in Serbia. She comes from the city of PanĨevo, which is about 7 hours north of the New Testament city of Thessalonica. Her visit has been arranged by the Slovak Zion Synod, a non-geographical ethnic synod in our ELCA, in coordination with our NWOS Global Mission Board and Companion Synod program. Jana is a university student studying economics, and works as an administrator in a Lutheran congregation in Serbia. Jana has been in Ohio since June 20, staying in Toledo, and has been in the Fremont area since August 20, hosted by Pastor Henry and Becky. She returns to Serbia on September 20.

I joined Becky and Jana for a visit to beautiful downtown Fremont, where, following lunch at Down Thyme Cafe, we visited the Care and Share store. Jana, Becky and Maureen will be working together to bring the message during worship on September 16-17, our annual Thankoffering service. It is always inspiring to experience these exchanges and learn from each other the many and various ways that we are the church, doing God's work with our hands.

God's Work Our Hands

And.... speaking of doing God's work with our hands, that's exactly what we have planned for Sunday, September 10, an annual Day of Service for ELCA congregations, which has been happening now for the past ten years.. Pastor Paul has taken the lead to organize and schedule several service projects for early afternoon on September 10 so that we can join thousands of other ELCA congregations in reaching out in service to our community. It all begins with lunch at St. Mark at 11:30 am, and then you'll have an opportunity toTo learn more about the opportunities for service (some outside, some inside), and for an online signup sheet, go HERE. Those participating in the project are encouraged to purchase a bright yellow God's Work Our Hands t-shirt. I'll be wearing my this weekend. Cost for the shirt is $10.

Preschool Open House

On Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm I joined the Noah's Ark Open House, the official welcome and prep for the upcoming school year at the Grace sponsored preschool program, led by Director Andrea Hirt, and Lead Teacher Susan Sawdo. Children had a chance to play while parents completed their registration forms, and met with Linda Baumer who was present to receive the initial tuition payments. I don't have the exact numbers available, but the school is close to capacity for the coming school year. Kudos to Andrea, Susan, and board members for their hard work in the redevelopment of the Noah's Ark program. You can view some photos of the Open House event HERE. One of the photos of the hallway wall shows the new wifi center recently installed by Vince, our internet/wifi/network specialist.

Kudos to Janitor Staff

With all the construction happening at Grace right now, there has been lots of dust raised, which is unavoidable. Jim, Michaele and Gregg have done an excellent job of cleaning it all up and having the building ready for our weekend worship. Thanks Jim, Michaele and Gregg for a job well done!

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