Friday, September 8, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for September 8, 2023

God's Work, Our Hands

The God's Work, Our Hands Day of Service is ready to go for this Sunday, September 10, beginning with a light lunch at St. Mark at 11:30. Thanks, Pr. Paul, for all the organizing and publicizing! for more info on the scheduled service projects and other relevant details, including online signup, you can go HERE. Bright yellow God's Work Our Hands T-shirts to wear during our serving will be available at St. Mark. The cost for the T-shirt is $10.

Sympathy to Mary Nossaman and Family

We extend our sympathy to Mary Nossaman and her family on the death Gary on Wednesday, September 6 following an extended illness. Visitation will be this Sunday from 2-6pm at Herman Funeral Home, and for an hour before the service at the church which begins at 11:00 am. You can read the obituary for Gary HERE*. Rest eternal grant him, O Lord!

Worship Committee Met Tuesday

Worship Committee now has a new meeting day and time - first Tuesday of the Month at 11:00 am. At our September meeting on Tuesday we reviewed our worship plans through the end of October, which include a move to very familiar ELW Setting 3 (LBW Setting 1) beginning this weekend. WELCA Thankoffering Sunday is next weekend, and will feature Triple Tag Team of Maureen, Becky Seiber, and Jana, our synod visitor from Serbia bringing the message that weekend. The day's activities will include dedication of quilts crafted by Grace WELCA to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. Quilt leader Jan Harris has scheduled the third Wednesday at 6:00 in the Dining Room for Grace members who want to help with quilts, but are unavailable during the day on the regular third Monday.

We discussed the candelabras, and are looking into getting battery operated candles, as the oil candles can be messy and difficult to change, and difficult to light, especially for our shorter kids that serve as acolytes. We also agreed that they would only be brough out on festival Sundays.

Stewardship Appeal Plans Moving Forward

Stewardship Team met Wednesday to continue our plannig for our Fall Appeal, using the expertise of GSB Fundraising through their Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS) program in which we are enrolled. You will notice that we will be doings some things differently this year. SAS directs us to be very specific about our goal, which is to set a goal of 10-15% over the previous year of giving, and also to be very specific about our ministry initiatives. For Grace, that includes the extra giving that will likely be needed to call the new pastor. We are in the process of creating the appeal brochure, bulletin inserts, and letters, and recruiting volunteers for Temple Talks on October 22 and 29, and November 5. You can review the full schedule from an earlier post which you can view HERE.

Just Three Things

You can read the current issue HERE.

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