Friday, April 14, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for April 14, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for April 14, 2023

Pulpit Swap this Weekend

Pastor Paul and I will swap pulpits this weekend -- Pastor Paul will be the preacher at all three Grace services, and I'll be the preacher and presider at St. Mark for the 9:45 am service. Maureen and I have been alternating at being the one to cover St. Mark while Paul comes this way. Pastor Paul also occasionally swaps with Pastor Matt at Grace.

Easter Worship Attendance

We had good numbers for Easter worship - here are the details:

  • Saturday - 4:00 - 59
  • Sunday - 7:45 - 66
  • Sunday - 10:00 - 154
  • Total: 279

Picture Directory Update

Almost Ready for Printing

Our directory is almost ready for the third and final phase of the rollout - to send to the printer. We have found a supplier that can print and plastic spine bind the directories for less than $10 each. Our plan will be to take orders, and print as many as we need, plus some extras for late decisions and new members/friends. In our communications pieces we will ask for a donation of $10 per directory to cover all the costs of production. This will be received via a special offering envelope that will come with the directory. Our deadline for corrections and orders for printed directories is Monday, May 15.

Viewing the Directory Online

Many of you have already viewed the directory online, and may make the online version the primary one that you will use. There are two ways of doing this:

  • Instant Church Directory Online Account -- The benefits of an online account are that you able to not only view all the photoes and information that is in the printed directory, but also make changes to your own contact info (phone numbers, email addresses) and decide whether or not to keep that info private (meaning seen only by Grace staff members). Having an online account also enables you to view the directory on a mobile device like a phone or iPad. For details on how to set up an online account, you can go HERE.
  • A Password Protected PDF -- This option enables you to view the directory in the exact layout as the printed directory, and to view it online. This method is less desireable to use on a smaller screen, especially a phone, as you need to scroll back and forth and up and down to view, and pinch in or out to zoom. You can view the PDF version of the directory HERE. You will be asked for a password, which you can find in an April 6 email from Grace Lutheran Church, or just email me at and I will send it to you.

If you haven't viewed the directory using either of these options, I encourage you to do so, and to check your info for correct spellings, or preferences such as given name or nickname, and correct contact info.

ELCA Truth and Healing Movement

The ELCA’s Truth & Healing Movement is an opportunity for this church to increase our understanding of our colonizing impacts on Indigenous people in the past and present. Over the next several months, there will be opportunities to learn, raise awareness and engage in other ways to impact hearts and lives across this church. We believe that the truth, and our knowing and embracing it, is the first step toward healing for all of us. For more information, including an introductory video featuring Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, go HERE.

LIFT Notes

Check out the latest issue of LIFT Notes, which you can view HERE, for all the latest on what's happening across our LIFT congregations and ministries. Be sure to take another look at the info about our Wednesday night study on Civic Life and Faith, led by Pastor Paul. You'll also find info about a planned Ascension Service, VBS, and the first year anniversary of the worshiping community of Camino de Vida (Spanish for Way of Life) led by Pastor Mary Carmen Padilla.

Synod Transitional Leaders Meet

On Thursday I joined the mothly Zoom meeting of our synod transitional leaders. It's always good to touch base with this group to find out what's happening with other congregations in transition and the call process, and what's working for them.

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