Friday, April 21, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for April 21, 2023

Do You Want a Hard Copy of the Picture Directory?

If you want a hard copy version of the directory, please order one by May 15 with the online order form that you can find HERE. We are asking for a $10 donation per directory to cover the costs of production. An offering envelope will be included with the directory for your donation.

I hope that many if not most of you have checked out the online versions of our new picture directory. If you haven't, you can find the PDF version HERE. If you can't find the password, email me at and I will send it to you. If you find errors, let me know and I will correct them before we send the directory to the printer.

You may also want to create your own online account with Instant Church Directory. This enables you to make changes to your own account, upload a different photo, and download an app to view the directory on your phone or tablet. To create your online account, go HERE.

Non-Member Funeral

Maureen and I are sometimes called on to conduct a funeral for someone who is not a member of Grace. I did that this week for Sue Wetzel on Thursday. Sue was very active in Moose and VFW, and was a close friend of Pam Pephrey. She was also for 37 years the step-mother of one of my members at St. Peter Norwalk, Scott Wetzel. Scott was my council president at St. Peter for a number of years, and our children grew up together in church and in Norwalk Trucker sports. Sue's son Tim and his wife Kris are members at St. John's Bellevue, my previous interim. I didn't even know until now that Tim and Scott were step-siblings. You can read Sue's obituary HERE. It was good to connect again with Scott and his family, and also with Tim and Kris.

Death of Grace Member

Linda sent this information out this week concerning the death of Grace member Rosie Evans, who passed away Sunday, April 16, 2023. We pray for peace and comfort for her family and friends. There are no planned arrangements at this time.

Constitution Committee Met

John Avers and I met on Wednesday to continue our work on amendments to the Grace Constitution. We will continue to use the following documents in our work:

LIFT Post-Easter Bible Study Continues

Pastor Paul has been leading a six-session study prepared by the The ELCA Task Force on Studies for Civic Life and Faith that has been meeting at Grace on Wednesday evening at 6:00 in the lounge. In providing this study curriculum and soliciting feedback, the task force invites you to join a conversation about religious liberty, the proper role of the church in relation to government, and many other critical topics. A response form after each session lets participants communicate with the task force itself on the material covered. The preparation of this study is part of the process toward developing a social statement on these many topics related to civic life and faith. Participants’ feedback is key in helping the task force as it moves into the next phase of its work, drafting a social statement. We had about 15 in attendance at Wednesday's meeting. The next session, April 26, will address the question "What are Lutheran views on civic life?"

Membership Class Meeting

I had my first session of a membership class for Ryan and Amy. Amy was raised Roman Catholic, and Ryan's family never attended church, and he has never been baptized. I have three more sessions with them, and then we'll plan a reception of new members Sunday which will also be baptism for Ryan and his and Amy's 15-month old son Liam.

Joy Circle Met Tuesday

On Tuesday I joined the Joy Circle monthly meeting, and had the privilege of leading the Bible study. The Circle, along with thousands of other WELCA groups across the ELCA are studying the Small Catechism this year. Our topic this month was commandments seven through ten.

Links for You


Episode 129: Not Out of the Woods Yet
April 20, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the state of the pandemic in the U.S. and around the world, the end of the Public Health Emergency in the U.S., and the recent FDA approval of an additional bivalent booster dose. You can stream or download this episode HERE.

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