Friday, April 7, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for April 7, 2023

Renewal of Vows on Tuesday

On Tuesday, pastors, deacons and SAM's gathered at Community of Christ Lutheran Church in Whitehouse to renew our vows, receive prayer and anointing, hear the Word proclaimed by Bishop Daniel, and gather afterwards for lunch and fellowship. You can view some pics of the event HERE. From Grace and LIFT, I, Maureen, and Pr. Paul and his family were in attendance.

Easter's Coming!

So far we've had a good Holy Week -- with about 60 at Maundy Thursday and 35 at Good Friday service, and a very good fish dinner. Thanks Linda, Keeter, and everyone that helps to make this a well oiled machine! It was very good!

Picture Directory Editing

I hope you all received the emails about the online version of the directory and received the link for the full-color pdf and the password. I will be running some monochrome printed copies of the directory for review by those who don't have internet and make them available on a table by the chapel and downstairs in the dining room, so that any desired edits can be noted and made. Once we're sure all our information is as correct as possible, we'll send it to the printer. In know that that's the end product many are waiting for. A reminder that it's not too late to send a photo of you and/or your family if you are not yet included in the directory. Just email your photo to me and I'll get it added.

Thanks Heather and Rob!

Last Saturday I arrived at the church office and discovered that wifi in the office was not working. I texted Heather to let her know, and she suggested I try resetting the router in the boiler room. I tried that but it didn't solve the problem. Heather and Rob drove over Saturday evening, and were able to get wifi restored by resetting the router behind the kitchen. So far so good - wifi has worked fine all week. Another problem we've been having has been with a flicker in the feeds from the camera to the computer in the balcony. Heather was working on that Thursday, including installing a new switching box. Rob was still troubleshooting the new box after Good Friday worship. Such are the frustrations with technology. Thanks, Heather and Rob, for all you do to keep the tech at Grace at its workable best!

Meeting with Lutheran Social Service Rep

A Week ago Tuesday, Maureen and I met with Jeremy Schneider, who is the Mission Advancement Coordinator (or public relations coordinator) for Lutheran Social Service of Northwestern Ohio (LSSNWO). Accompanying Jeremy was Grace member George Dupey, who is on staff at LSSNWO as a Case Manager. Jeremy brought brochures and other information to help us understand what LSSNWO does, both throughout the NW Ohio area as well as specifically in Fremont. We learned that the following services are offered by LSSNWO in Fremont:

  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Marriage counseling
  • Couples counseling
  • family counseling
  • Case management

Case management, the work that George does, includes meeting with clients and determining their needs, and connecting them with resources and agencies that can provide the help they currently need.

LSSNWO is one of three agencies that make up a larger umbrella of service, including also Luther Home of Mercy in Williston, and Filling Homes in Napoleon. Along with Genacross, these four Lutheran sponsored agencies do important social service ministry in NW Ohio on our behalf. Grace supports LSSNWO with an annual grant of $4,500 from the Endowment Fund.

Possible Worship Time Change

There has been some discussion at Grace regarding the possibility of moving to one service during the summer months -- 9:00 am has been a suggested time. We will discuss this Monday night at Executive and Council. If you are not on Council and have some thoughts about this, let Maureen, me, or any council member know. If there is a change, information would have to go into the May newsletter, the deadline for which is Wednesday, April 12.

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