Friday, March 8, 2024

Conference of Bishops Update

Conference of Bishop Update

Last week the ELCA Conference of Bishops gathered together and prepared two statements responding to events happening in the United States and around the world. Below are full copies of the statements along with resources to help frame the ELCA perspective on these issues.


Let us pray,

Holy God, out of your great love for the world, your Word became flesh to live among us and to reconcile us to you and to one another. Rekindle among us the gift of your Spirit so that we seek to live in unity with all people, breaking down the walls that divide, ending the hostility among us, and proclaiming peace to those who are near and to those who are far away; through Christ Jesus, in whom we all have access in the one Spirit to you, both now and forever.


What is the Conference of Bishops?

In addition to synodical responsibilities, the 65 synod bishops join the elected ELCA Presiding Bishop and Secretary to form the Conference of Bishops. This 67-member group gathers at least twice each year for worship and study, mutual sharing and to conduct business.

While primarily advisory, the role of the Conference of Bishops is significant within the life of this church. The conference elects its own officers, has standing committees and a representative to each ELCA churchwide unit and separately incorporated ministry. The conference has a particular role in matters related to rostered ministers and also reviewing proposals before they are passed along to the ELCA Church Council for adoption.

The conference advises the Presiding Bishop in matters related to churchwide planning and ecumenical relations.

ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for a

permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9)

The Conference of Bishops of the ELCA is adding its voice to the growing group of faith leaders urgently calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza.

"The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is adding its voice to the growing group of faith leaders urgently calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. We urge President Joe Biden, our legislators, and all who lead and make decisions on behalf of the United States to do everything in their power to bring an end to the current suffering and lay the foundation for lasting peace with justice."

Statement from the Conference of Bishops
Full Letter to President Biden

ELCA Resources: Peace, Israel, & Palestine

To learn more about the ELCA perspective on peace, Israel, and Palestine, check out the resources below.

ELCA Social Message: Israel/Palestine (1989)
ELCA Social Statement: Peace (1989)
ELCA Sumud (formerly Peace Not Walls)

Statement from the ELCA Conference of Bishops in solidarity with migrants in Texas

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." (Matthew 25:35)

he Conference of Bishops of the ELCA have issued a statement of support “in solidarity with people of faith who respond to God’s call to serve their neighbor.” In the statement, the body said they “are deeply troubled by the actions of the Texas attorney general’s office against Annunciation House, a volunteer-run faith-based organization that has been a pillar of welcome and hospitality in El Paso for more than 40 years.”

Statement from the Conference of Bishops

ELCA Resources: Immigration & AMMPARO

To learn more about the ELCA perspective on immigration and the ELCA's strategy for Accompanying Migrants with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunities (AMMPARO)

ELCA Social Message: Immigration (1998, 2021)

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