Friday, October 7, 2022

Using Story to Build Engagement and Support


Using Story to Build

Engagement and Support


October 13

7 pm - 8 pm

From crafting a narrative budget to conducting a successful stewardship drive, how we relay the impact of ministry significantly shapes the engagement and support of our congregations. Learn ways to unearth stories in your congregation and use them to build excitement for what God is doing.


GSB Consultant Jennie Smith will lead a 1-hour Zoom session for pastors, councils, and other church leaders tasked with fiduciary-related responsibilities of the congregation.

Workshop Flyer

Zoom Information

Meeting ID: 868 3622 7087

Passcode: 442862

Dial by your location

    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Click here to join the Zoom Workshop!

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