Friday, October 7, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for October 7, 2022

Last Call for Picture Directory Sitting Times

There still are lots of time slots to sit for a profesional portrait that Grace will use to create a new photo directory. The first sessions will be next Saturday and Sunday.

Total Slots: 108
Filled Slots: 69
Available Slots: 39
% Filled: 63.89%

If you haven't signed up yet, do so today, by clicking or tapping HERE.

If you'd be willing to serve a two-hour shift as a receptionist, let me know. Time slots were listed in last week's Grace Notes, which you can find HERE.

Why I Give Statements

As a part of our stewardship campaign which will kick off on October 23, we are asking for congregation leaders (meaning everyone who receives this email) to write a one to three sentence stament that answers the question "Why I Give," meaning why I give to Grace. These statements will be included in the stewardship packet that will be distributed on November 13, and which will also include an "Intent" card. You can email your statement to me at Council members may also give their statements to me at the meeting this Monday night.

ELCA Hunger News

One area of ministry that the ELCA has done very well at is Hunger Relief, both in congregational resources to promote awareness and gioving to ELCA Hunger, but also in the rubber-meets-the-road ministry that helps to reduce hunger around the world. You can find an Action Guide for Congregations HERE, and the latest issue of ELCA Hunger News HERE.

Preschool Playground

What fun it was this week to hear children's voices, and look out the window into the courtyard and seeing Noah's Ark kids romping and running in the grass, and drawing chalk pictures on the sidewalk. A preschool grant provided funds for the fencing at the front of the courtyard facing State Street to be purchased and installed. The fencing is elegant, complements the building, and keeps the kids safe.

Stewardship Meeting

The Stewardship Team met on Wednesday to continue the plans for our Stewardship Campaign using the theme "Live Simply." Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 19, to stuff the Campaign intro letter, which will include a statement of giving to date for 2022. We are also finalizing our plans for our congregation Stewardship Event which will be a simple continental breakfast and program in the dining room from 9:15 - 9:45 am at which we will distribute Stewardship packets with intent cards.

Jarrod Installation

Grace was well represented at St. John in Port Clinto on Wednesday evening for the installation of their new pastor, Jarrod Schaaf. Grace member Peggy Door is the St. John's organist, and the St. John's choir was joined by members of the Grace Chance Choir, which provided a special anthem for the service. I attended, vested, and joined the procession opening the service. These occasions are always time of joy and remembrance for pastors and congregations. Grace can look forward to the day when you will install your new pastor.

LifT Notes

Inspiration for your discipleship journey for the week of October 6- October 12. You can read this latest issue of LifT Notes HERE.

Email from Pastor Mary Carmen

I received this email from Camino de Vida Pastor Mary Carmen this past week, an appeal for blankets, jackets, and warm clothes.

Dear Pastors.

I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

The cold season begins, and our migrant field workers need blankets, jackets, warm clothes. The harvest season is approaching, and they work in the outdoors.

The Bridge of Hope Pantry, led by Anne Garcia, has given around 25 blankets in the past week, and some jackets that people and family members have donated.

Can you please share this need to your congregation, by your social media or email?.

Anne and her husband Roger will visit the camps next week taking all the donations you got. It doesn’t have to be new; it can be used.

We know they will continue to work outdoors in the fields until the harvest is done, they can be here until the end of November, they do not have heaters in their homes, that’s why they need warm blankets.

Thanks so much for your support.

M.B.A. Mary Carmen Padilla Bridge of Hope Supervisor and Camino de Vida Church Planter Pastor Fremont, Ohio. Mobile 419 779 1467

Free Workshop: Using Story to Build Support

Jennif Wolf Smith, a consultant with GSB Fundraising, who was the leader of our last year's stewardship drive, will be leading a one-hour Zoom workshop in which we will "learn ways to unearth stories in your congregation and use them to build excitement for what God is doing." Members of the Stewardship Team learned some of these important concepts, and have begun to implement them with our monthly "Grace Stories." This will be a worthwhile workshop for all any any congregation leaders on Thursday, October 13, 7:00 - 8:00 pm. You can learn more, and find the Zoom link HERE.

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