Photo Directory Update
We're going into the third weekend of our signups for our new congregation picture directory. Members are signing up via the SignUpGenius website, and on paper on the sign-up sheets on the table in the chapel area of the sanctuary. Have you signed up yet? So far, 58 persons or families have claimed one of the appointment times, an increase of 30 from last week. Of the persons on the email list for this blog, 12 of 34 have signed up. Remember that all who sit for a portrait will receive digital images of their portraits along with a copyright release to print your portraits using your favorite photo print provider.
At my Bible study this past Wednesday, I recruited several more people to help make phone calls as we move toward the final week before the first photo session. We will also need volunteers to serve as "receptionists" to greet people as they arrive, and facilitate signing in with up-to-date contact info. I'm thinking two-hour shifts, as follows:
- Saturday, October 15, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
- Saturday, October 15, 3:30 - 5:30 pm
- Sunday, October 16, 9:00 - 10:0 am and 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Sunday, October 16, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
- Thursday, October 20, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
- Saturday, October 22, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
- Saturday, October 22, 3:30 - 5:30 pm
- Sunday, October 16, 9:00 - 10:0 am and 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Sunday, October 16, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
If you haven't signed up yet, why not do it now by clicking or tapping HERE!!
Stewardship Update
On Wednesday, Stewardship Team members Maureen, Bill Auxter, and I met to create a narrative budget to include in the packet for our 2022 Stewardship Campaign which we will launch on October 20, and run for six weeks until November 27. What is a narrative budget, you may ask?
A Narrative Budget tells the story of how a congregation practices good stewardship of the gifts entrusted to it. It provides a vision of where the church is and hopes to be in the coming budget cycle. Why use a Narrative Budget? It provides a way of presenting the congregation’s yearly spending in terms of ministries supported by financial giving of members. As such, its purpose is simple. It tells what we, as a congregation, are doing and intend to do with your generous giving.
Maureen, Bill and I created the narrative budget using the 2022 Congregational line item budget, which we expect will be very similar to the 2023 budget that will be approved at the annual meeting in January. We took the main section totals of the line item budget, and distributed that amount by estimating what percentage of those totals are used to carry out the ministry of Grace in five areas:
- One in Christ -- ministry functions of weekly Word and Sacrament worship, through which the Gospel is proclaimed and we are strengthened through hearing the Word and receiving the Sacraments.
- Growing As Disciples -- ministry functions of growing our faith through Bible Study and small groups.
- Sent With the Spirit -- focuses on how our ministry reaches those in need, both within and beyond our walls through our many outreach ministries, such as funeral ministry, Soup Kitchen, LIFT ministries, and the many ministries we support through our gifts to Northwestern Ohio Synod and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Valuing Young People -- function of ministry to and with children and youth. We attributed 100% of our Youth Director salary and expenses to this category.
- Expecting to Be Surprised -- Because our God is the God of surprises, who brings life out of death and hope out of despair in Jesus’ resurrection, we anticipate new things that God is doing among us and through us as signs of and participants in the in breaking reign of God in Christ Jesus, including the call of a new pastor.
Just to be clear, as Maureen, Bill and I created this budget, we did so with what we hope are "educated guesses." Our goal in doing this is to help keep us focused on the ministry that our gifts to Grace makes possible.
Your Stewardship Team meets again on Wednesday the 5th to continue the planning for our campaign.
One more thing -- the team would like to include in our stewardship program packet some "Why I give" statements. These are short paragraphs - two to four sentences that answer that question. Email me your statements at
Bishop Daniel's September 27 Email
Bishop Daniel talks about "small drops of hope," referencing the tears of the prophet Jeremiah for his people. Quoting Bishop Daniel in his message:
So many times, our way forward is marked by difficulty and despair, which is why we need those small drops of hope to lead us to a new place. Small drops of hope give us the strength and courage to take the next small step into God’s great promise of a future filled with hope.
So where are you sharing those small drops of hope? And if you’re not, why not? Drop me a line. I’d love to hear about the small drops of hope that you are sharing in your community.
You can read all of Bishop Daniel's weekly email HERE.
On The Way Event
Our Synod is planning a mission event for OCTOBER 22, 2022 | 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM at ST. JOHN LUTHERAN, PORT CLINTON. The event is titled ON THE WAY DAY! At this event you will
- Learn new spiritual practices
- Hear stories from the emerging church locally and around the world
- Experience dinner church
- Dream with your team about building relationships beyond your church building
Register by October 15th or call 419-423-3664.
Hurricane Relief
It is always heartbreaking to hear and see the reports from areas that have been devastated by hurricane wind and water. In response to Hurricane Ian, Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is partnering with the Florida-Bahamas, Southeastern, North Carolina and South Carolina synods, as well as Lutheran Services Carolinas, to provide both immediate and long-term support.
Please pray for the communities impacted by Hurricane Ian. May God's healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need. Pray that God will deliver comfort to those who mourn and strength to those working diligently to rescue survivors.
You can read more about how we as Lutherans are responding through LDR. Give directly, or through the Grace offering plate, marking your gift "Hurricane Relief." You can learn more HERE.
Blessing of the Animals and LifT Notes
Sunday is LifT's 2nd annual Blessing of the Animals, as we commemorate the life and ministry of St. Francis of Assissi beginning at 1:00 pm at St. Mark. More info and other LifT news can be found in the current issue of LifT Notes.
Osterholm Update
Dr. Michael Osterholm continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his bi-weekly podcasts. In the episode entitled "Three Act Play," posted on September 29, Dr. Osterholm and host Chris Dall discuss the trajectory of the pandemic in the U.S. and around the world, President Biden's recent comments on the state of the pandemic, and the potential threat posed by many of the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. Dr. Osterholm also shares the latest information on the global monkeypox outbreak, polio transmission in the U.S., and Ebola in Uganda. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.