Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Bishop Daniel September 13, 2022 email

Dear Friends in Christ,

“For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate” (Luke 15:24).

Prodigal Son Parable painting by Bertram Poole

I love reading the Gospel of Luke chapter 15, which includes the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4-7); the Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10); and the Parable of the Lost Son (15:11-32). In each parable the lost is found, which is always a cause for great celebration. The shepherd finds the lost sheep and exclaims, “Rejoice with me!” A woman finds the lost coin and shouts, “Rejoice with me!” A father regains a lost son, draws him close and cries, “Let us feast and celebrate!”

During these last few months our Northwestern Ohio Synod has had much to celebrate. In June a delegation from the Global Mission Board was able to travel to Serbia and spend time with our global companions from the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia, a member of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). This was the Global Mission Board’s first international trip since 2019.

In August and September, we celebrated three joy filled Ordinations and Installations, with three more right around the corner. Our most recent Ordination and Installation was Pastor Robin Small at St. Mark’s, Bowling Green, on September 10 (see picture below).

Last Sunday morning, we started a fire, when the people of God at Lutheran Church of the Master in Perrysburg gathered in the parking lot after worship to burn a mortgage (see picture below). There was a delicious meal accompanied by great stories and peals of laughter. Good food, great stories, and lots of laughter. It is so good to celebrate all that God does for us and through us.

So, what are you celebrating these days? Drop me a line. I’d love to hear about some of your celebrations.

A Few Comings and Goings

On Saturday, September 10, I was blessed to gather with many dear colleagues at St. Mark’s, Bowling Green, to celebrate the Ordination and Installation of Robin Small. Pastor Robin has been called to serve St. Mark’s, Bowling Green. Pastor Robin received her theological training through the TEEM Program (Theological Education for Emerging Ministries) through Pacific Lutheran Theological SeminaryTo learn more about TEEM please click here: 

On Sunday, September 11, I was blessed to worship with Pastor Mark Wentz and the people of God at Lutheran Church of the Master, Perrysburg. We celebrated the “Burning of the Mortgage”. The mortgage was secured in 1999 to construct the Family Life Center.

On Tuesday, September 13, I will be participating in the Four Lutheran Agencies meeting at Filling Home of Mercy in Napoleon. The Four Lutheran Agencies include:

           Genacross Lutheran Services

           Filling Memorial Home

           Luther Home of Mercy

           Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio


On Tuesday evening, September 13, I will be participating in a virtual Global Mission Board meeting.


On Wednesday afternoon, September 14, I will be gathering virtually with the Region 6 Bishops.


On Wednesday, September 14 at 7:00 p.m., I will be gathering with some of you for the Installation of Pastor Dan Bredberg at New Creation, Ottawa. New Creation is located at 8127 E. Main Street in Ottawa, Ohio 45875. Rostered Ministers are invited to attend. The mission of New Creation is, “Welcoming all to become a "new creation" in Christ through sharing, living, and growing in God's love”.


On Saturday morning, September 17, the Northwestern Ohio Synod Council will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall of St. John, Findlay.

2022: The Year of Vision Memory Verse

Revelation 21:5a “And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.”

2022 Bible Study: All Things New

Student Guide
Leader Guide
Bible Study Resources
NWOS Highlights
Grace Between the Lines

My Current Learning

Book: The Other Trail of Tears: The Removal of the Ohio Indians. By Mary Stockwell

Audio Book: Cuba: An American History by Ada Ferrer. Winner of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for History 


  • Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin
  • Bible Project


  • Pray as You Go
  • Centering Prayer

Bless you,

Bishop Daniel G. Beaudoin

Fourteenth Sunday of Pentecost

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