Friday, September 23, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for September 23, 2022

Signed Up to Smile for the Camera Yet?

We're going into the second weekend of our signups for our new congregation picture directory. Members are signing up via the SignUpGenius website, and on paper on the sign-up sheets on the table in the chapel area of the sanctuary. Have you signed up yet? So far, 28 persons or families have claimed one of the appointment times. Our photographer is Grace member Dave Casperson, who is donating his professional photography skills for this project. All who sit for a portrait will receive digital images of their portraits along with a copyright release to print your portraits using your favorite photo print provider. If you haven't signed up yet, why not do it now by clicking or tapping HERE!!

Courtyard Fencing for Preschool

Using prechool funds, Noah's Ark has ordered decorative fence to secure the courtyard as a play area for preschool children. The fencing has arrived, and is as awaiting installation.

Stewardship Program Update

Stewardship Team met Wednesday as we continue plans for our fall campaign with the theme "Live Simply." I provided an overview of our Stewardship program in a previous post, which you can view HERE. One change that we have decided on is to begin a week later - October 20 instead of October 13 - this is to avoid having our Commitment Sunday (the day on which we distribute our stewardship packets with intent cards) on All Saints Sunday which is November 6. Stewardship packets will be distributed at a congregation event in the Dining Room between services. The event will feature a simple continental style breakfast, a brief program and distribution of our Stewardship packets.

A reminder that we will be looking for Generosity Stories (a story that describes how you have experienced generosity in your life), and for brief "Why I give" stories, one or two sentences that answer that question, responses that we will include in our mailings and other publicity to the congregation during the campaign.

ELCA Worship Notes

You can read the September issue of ELCA Worship Notes HERE.

Attendance last Weekend (September 17-18)

Saturday, 4:00 pm 29
Sunday, 7:45 am 34
Sunday, 10:00 am 86
Total Attendance 149

Music Returns to Grace

Two musical events that Grace has hosted in the past but have been on hiatus during the pandemic are back. Great Hymns of Faith will be held on Sunday, November 13, beginning at 4:00 pm. Rehearsals are on Saturday the 13th. For more schedule information, see LIFT Notes, linked below.

The Toledo Symphony Orchestra Community Christmas Concert returns on a different day this year -- Friday, December 2, 2022, at 7:30 pm. The planning committee is again offering sponsor categories, as follows:

Platinum Angel $2,000 or more 30 free tickets
Gold Angel $1,000 20 free tickets
Silver Angel $500 10 free tickets
Bronze Angel $300 8 free tickets
Pewter Angel $200 6 free tickets
Patron I $100 4 free tickets
Patron II $50 2 tickets

Checks should be made payable to Grace Lutheran Church, earmarked for the Toledo Symphony.

ELCA Seeds Monthly

ELCA Seeds Monthy is a resource for congregations. You can read the September issue HERE.

LIFT Notes

You can read the Week of September 22 issue HERE.

A "Prayground" for Grace?

Families with young children who come to Grace and wish to utilize the nursery must travel to a far corner of the building to drop off and pick up kids. Some congregations have done a "paradigm shift" with regard to providing children with a play area during worship, and included that space in the worship area. Some have called it a "Prayground." That way, parents and kids don't need to be separated, and all can more easily participate in worship. You can read a couple of articles I found on the web in regard to this HERE and HERE. Seems to me the chapel "seating" area under the Reformation window would be a possibility for doing something like this at Grace. It would certainly send a message that we want and welcome young families with children to participate and join us at Grace.

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