Friday, April 12, 2024

On the Way Synod E-News April 10, 2024


On The Way...

E-News - April 10, 2024

News from across Northwestern Ohio to keep you connected.

  • Imagining Renewal Microgrants
  • Northwestern Ohio Synod Assembly
  • Summer Youth Retreat
  • Growing in Faith: Diakonia
  • Rogation Farm Blessing & Worship Service
  • LSS Stock the Shelves
  • How Things Work at the State House
  • Multifaith Earth Day Celebration
  • National Faith + Climate Forum
  • Multifaith Council Annual Banquet
  • Year of Rest Resources

Imagining Renewal Microgrants 2024

We are currently accepting applications for Imagining Renewal Microgrants. Individuals, congregations, and community organizations are encouraged to develop a proposal to engage in a community-based project that meets the needs of their contexts in one of the following areas:

  • Community Sabbath
  • Ministry Transformed
  • Creative Collaboration

Recipients can receive up to $1,500. To learn more, click below.

Applications close April 29th.

Visit our Website
Download Informational Packet

2024 Northwestern Ohio

Synod Assembly

Join us June 1st from 9:00-6:00pm at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Bowling Green for Synod Assembly. The cost is $100 per person (with lunch and snack included) when you register before May 1st. After that date the cost increases to $200 per person. Childcare is available. To learn more about the 2024 Synod Assembly click below.

Register by May 1st.

Visit our Website
Register Now

Summer Youth Retreat

Youth from across NWOS will be gathering at HopeWood Pines from Sunday, June 30th - Wednesday, July 3rd to learn about active rest through play, spiritual practices, fellowship, worship, and a whole lot more. This program is designed for youth who are entering 6th grade through 8th grade in the fall of 2024. We are offering this experience for the low cost of $100 per person to provide an opportunity for youth unable to attend The Gathering. Bishop Daniel and other Synod Staff will be on-site throughout the week. To learn more, click below.

Registration closes May 1st.

Visit our Website
Download Information Packet

Growing In Faith: Diakonia

Enroll now for the final course of the Spring 2024 program, "Lutheran Creeds & Confessions". Join Pastor Adam Sornchai and learners from across Northwestern & Northeastern Ohio Synod to explore the historical and theological content of the Book of Concord with an eye to establishing the importance of its witness for Christian mission and ministry. Each 5-session course is $65. Class runs Thursdays from 6:30-9:00pm on Zoom from May 9th to June 6th. To learn more email or click below.

Class begins May 9th.

Visit our Website

Rogation Farm Blessings

& Worship Service

Our friends in Northcentral Conference are hosting a celebration of agriculture during this planting season. On May 6-8th pastors will be available to bless local fields, livestock, and equipment. To have your farm included contact Pastor Bob Noble at Please include your name, phone number, and preferred date and time of blessing.

On May 9th at 6:00pm you are invited to gather for a Worship Service & Dinner at Solomon Lutheran Church.

Solomon Lutheran Church is located at:

305 W Main St.

Woodville, OH

A free farm-style meal will follow prepared by Ole' Zimms Wagon Shed. Click below to learn more.

Informational Letter

Lutheran Social Services

Northwestern Ohio

Stock The Shelves

The third annual Stock the Shelves drive-thru donation event will be held on Friday, May 17th from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the LSS site in Toledo located at 2149 Collingwood Blvd in the Old West End.

This year LSS is inviting friends and community members to support the more than 900 individuals who rely on their pantry each month by serving as sponsors. To learn more, click below or contact Jeremy Schneider, the Mission Advancement Coordinator at (419)243-9178.

Facebook Event Page
Sponsorship Information

How Things Work at the Ohio Statehouse

The Multifaith Coalition to Reduce Gun Violence invites you to Olivet Lutheran Church on Sunday, April 14 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm to gather with other concerned people of faith to explore how to reduce gun violence. State Representative Michele Grim (District 43) will kick off the event by providing an overview of gun legislation that is currently in process at the Ohio Statehouse.

Olivet Lutheran Church is located at:

5840 Monroe St.

Sylvania Ohio

Christian Life Center (rear parking lot)

Event Flyer

Multifaith Earth Day Celebration

On April 21st, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Toledo will host the first Multifaith Council Earth Day Event, bringing together local environmental organizations and the South Toledo Lutheran Parish. In the morning, Deacon Nick Bates of the Ohio Hunger Network will preach and present at a lunch & learn. From 4:00-6:00 PM festivities include a speaker from Sacred Grounds and Care for Creation, a brief prayer service, kids activities, and a service project to prepare new gardens and welcome baby chicks! All are invited!

Event Flyer
Visit our Website

National Faith + Climate Forum

On Tuesday, April 16th join local leaders at Faith Lutheran Church for an in-person watch party to learn from national faith leaders about the moral responsibility to care for creation for the sake of our faith, our congregations, our families, communities, and future generations. Deepen your understanding on how to engage your congregation in creation care, work toward just and equitable solutions, and connect with other faith leaders locally and nationally. For more information contact Pastor Dalton Rosa-Ruggieri at:

Faith Lutheran is located at: 620 Dodge St., Swanton 

Register & Learn More

"Nonviolence in Action"

The Multifaith Council Annual Banquet

The MultiFaith Council of Northwest Ohio is pleased to invite you to the annual banquet at the Islamic Society of NW OH in Holland, Ohio on Sunday, April 14th at 5:00pm. In addition to enjoying a delicious dinner, two speakers will address our theme of "Nonviolence in Action:" Teny Gross, Director of the Institute for Nonviolence in Chicago, and Aviance Hill, local vilomah and activist. 

Event Flyer
Purchase Tickets

Year of Rest Resources

Bible Study
April Rest Calendar

Sent by the crucified and Risen Jesus together we:

Make Disciples

Equip Leaders

Strengthen Parishes

Nurture New Communities

for the Renewal of Northwestern Ohio and the World

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