Exit Interview Confirmed for May 6
I have received word that the exit interview I mentioned in last week's post has been confirmed for Monday, May 6, 6:30 pm. Assuming we'll be meeting in the Lounge. In attendance will be Call Process Facilitators Pr. Henry Seibert and Hannah Mapus, Deacon Sherry Krieger from Synod office, Pr. Matt Wheeler (Eastern Conference Vice-Dean). Also invited are members of Grace Congregation Council. I'll be sending a notice of and invitation to this meeting in a separate email.
Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Zoom Sessions Conclude
On Thursday joined the fourth and final Zoom meeting on Volunteer Recruitment and Retention, a learning track for our participation in the GSB Fundraising program Stewardship for All Seasons that we participated in. This series of workshops was very helpful in providing direction on how to build a solid program of recruitment and retention. Key things learned include writing job descriptions, staying in touch with volunteers to learn of problems, thanking and recognizing volunteers. I know that Heather and Maureen, and perhaps others have attended or viewed the recordings of these sessions.
Each of the sessions was recorded, and the topic and link to the recording of the session are provided.
- January 25
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Overview--how do we recruit volunteers? We will consider the process of determining our volunteer needs, preparing recruitment materials, identifying prospective volunteers and how ministry team leaders go about inviting their service. - February 22
Passcode: BHW4@V%*
Writing job or service descriptions. You will bring a list of volunteer opportunities at your ministry to this meeting and we will walk through how we write a job or service description together. - April 4
Passcode: W8hGi?&5
How to retain volunteers. In this meeting we will talk about how to make your volunteers’ experiences worthwhile and fulfilling. We will review check ins, conflict resolution, continuing education and gratitude gatherings. - April 25
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How to grow volunteer leadership in your congregation. One of our goals in refining our volunteer program is to raise up new leaders and maintain a leadership pipeline. We will discuss how to identify potential leaders, give them varied experiences throughout your ministry, and invite them into leadership roles.
Let's Build Beds Date Confirmed
Since the Stewardship campaign last fall, you have heard about a plan to join a local non-profit in a project to build beds for children in families with that particular need - a comfortable bed and bedding to consistently get a good night's sleep. We were originally hoping to do this project in the fall of this year, but the local non-profit, Let's Build Beds(LBB), was already booked for the dates we wanted. We are now on their schedule for a build on Saturday, September 13, 2025. Grace will be partnering not only with LBB, but with our fellow LIFT congregations. Put this date on your calendar. Our goal will be to build 50 beds, and distribute them to local children and families that have the need. The cost will be $200-250 per bed, and includes the lumber to build the beds, a mattress and bedding, for a total project cost of $10,000 - $12,500.