Friday, November 10, 2023

November 10, 2023

Farewell Reception for Tom

Following worship on Sunday we will have a farewell reception in the chapal area. There will be cake, coffee and water. We will miss Tom's excellent musicianship on the organ and piano, and leadership in all things music at Grace, including Chancel Choir, Kids Choir, Bells, scheduling special music during the summer, the new program this summer that was his brainchild - Arts and Music Academy for kids doing choir, recorders, drumming and crafts. I have appreciated having Tom's leadership with congregation hymns - I must say that I have learned some new hymns since coming to Grace, and I have almost always found myself humming the tunes to myself during the week.

Search for Interim and Permanent Musicians for Worship Underway

After receiving some suggestions from several sources, I have made some phone calls for transitionals organist/pianist for weekend worship. One of my contacts indicated an interest in the Saturday service come January. Another contact is a possibility for Saturdays between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm guessing a big challenge will be for Christmas Eve. It will be helpful once we decide at Executive compensation levels that can be shared with supply musicians, and eventually a full-time hire.

Stewardship Intents will be presented this Weekend

Again, thank you to members of Stewardship and Council who cumulatively have pledged $115 increase in giving for 2024, which represents 15% of our goal! These amounts were included in the appeal mailing that was assembled by the church office and the Stewardship Team, and was mailed out on Monday. We will receive the Intents in the Baptismal Font (we did this last year) when worshipers come up for communion, with the symbolism being our financial commitments are an act of worship in living out our baptism.

Thank You's for Stewardship Intents Will Begin Monday

I'm hoping to get started right away with Thank You's for those who present their intents this weekend. My goal is to have a personalized thank you letter ready for some hand signatures of Thanks. Last year the Stewardship Team did this, but I'm wondering if Council might be willing to write a few at the end of Monday's Council meeting. It might take 10-15 minutes of your time. The Thank element is the final of the four stage Stewardship Appeal Process of Inform, Inspire, Ask and Thank.

Worship Committee Met Tuesday

Worship met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday. Pr. Paul joined us to talk about Advent and Christmas and Epiphany worship. We decided the Advent worship at Grace would proceed as it has in the past with Spirit supper from 5:00 to 6:30 pm, and then worship would commence at 6:30. The only difference will be that this will be a LIFT Advent Service. Pastor Paul, I, and possibly Pastor Matt would each do the message for one of the three services. Here's the info that Pr. Paul put together and published in LIFT Notes:

Come together on Wednesday evenings in Advent: December 6, 13, 20. Worship will be at 6:30 in the sanctuary of Grace Lutheran Church (705 W. State). Using Holden Evening Prayer, the theme will be “The Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed,” using a resource from ELCA World Hunger. Each week, we will construct a family-friendly congregational liturgical art project. Dinner will be from 5:00-6:30. Pray and Play, our faith opportunity for toddlers, will continue from 5:45-6:30.

Scouting Executive Meets with Grace Staff

On Thursday, James Clark, District Executive, Eagle Bay District for Boy Scouts of American Erie Shores Council, met with me and Heather to discuss how the Scout program (Pack 302) is progressing. The answer is very well, thanks to the leadership of Cubmaster Danielle Wagner, and a cadre of other adult Den leaders. Pack 302 is currently the largest pack in the District, so that is good news! Heather and I are the liaison between the Pack and Grace as the chartering organization.

Hopewood Outdoors Fireside News

You can read the latest news from Hopewood Outdoors HERE.

Ecumenical and Inter-religious News

One thing that even I don't think a whole lot about is ecumenical and inter-religious activities and news. But this is a very important part of our ministry as the ELCA on all levels, community, state, national, and world, fulfilling Jesus' high priestly prayer that all to be one. You can read the latest news HERE


Do you know any young adults who might be interested in serving as a short term ministry somewhere else in the world? You can learn more about YAGM (Young Adults in Global Mission) HERE.

Exit Interview for Pr. Kathy Schuck

On Thursday evening I attended an Exit Interview for Pr. Kathy Schuck, who is moving from her call to First in Upper Sandusky to retirement. In addition to congregation leaders and Pr. Schuck, also present were Pr. Adam Sornchai (SE Conference Dean), Paul (lastname?) Call Process Facilitator (now Grace's facilitator, along with Pr. Christian Dittmar), and I, who represented the Synod Congregational Resource Team. My job was to review the interim process of Transition Team, Ministry Site Profile, and Call Committee Appointment. They already have and interim ready to start soon, Pr. Mark Rich, who recently returned from his Global Missions assignment in Tanzania. He and his wife live in Columbus, and she is also a pastor who is serving a Presbyterian church in Columbus.

Synod Transitional Leaders Zoom

On Thursday afternoon I joined the synod Transitional Leaders Zoom. About 15 were on this meeting, where we discuss all things transitional and interim ministry.

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