New Hymnals Have Arrived!
The new Evangelical Lutheran Worship books that were ordered from Augsburg Fortress arrived earlier this week. The approximately 250 books were unloaded via a forklift from the truck, and set down in the counting room where they will need to be unpacked (four to a box - that's lots of cardboard) and the bookplates with names of donors and those who are being memorialized or honored attached on the inside front cover. The office will need some volunteers to complete this task, so stay tuned for an announcement soliciting your help.
We are also awaiting the arrival of a shipment of 40 hymnals from the Arkansas-Oklahoma synod that were brought to their synod office after the closure of several synod congregations. We are taking them off their hands, all we have to do is reimburse them for the shipping costs.
Stewardship Printing Items Have Arrived!
The shippers have been working overtime to deliver all this good stuff to Grace. There are two publicity elements of our Stewardship Appeal that we had professionally printed -- an 8-page brochure, and the detachable intent card which includes "Weekly Giving" and "How to Calculate Your Gift" charts.
These two printed items will be included with the second letter which will be mailed on Monday, November 6. Members will be asked to review all the printed materials, and complete the Intent Card and bring to worship the following weekend, November 11-12.
In our appeal this year we are seeking an increase of $40,000 in giving to fund three ministry initiatives, which I describe in my November Grace & Truth Pastor message, which you can also read HERE. These three ministry initiatives have and will be highlighted in bulletin inserts on October 22, 29 and November 5, as well as in the appeal brochure.
Members of Council and the Stewardship Team were mailed their appeal letter today, and I have asked them to report via email their plans for increasing their giving to the church office by next Friday. Their combined offering increases, along with my pledged increase of 20% will be reported in the 2nd appeal letter referenced above. We hope that these intents of increased giving will inspire other congregation members in reaching our goal. Thank you everyone for your generous support of ministry through Grace!
Great Hymns Of Faith Rehearsals and Concert Scheduled
LIFT’s Great Hymns of Faith Choral Festival will be November 5 at 4 PM at Grace. The theme is “With Gratitude and Remembrance.” Rehearsals are November 4 from 10 AM to 12 PM & 1:30 to 3:30 PM and November 5 from 2 to 3:30 PM. Firelands Symphony Choir directdor Michael Shirtz will again be the director for this excellent musical event.
Fireside News
Hopewood Outdoors (formerly LOMO) publishes a weekly email with highlights of past and future events at our camps, Hopewood Pines (formerly Lutheran Memorial Camp, or LMC) and Hopewood Shores (formerly Camp Luther). You can read the latest issue HERE.
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