Friday, June 2, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for June 2, 2023

Don't Forget -- One Service at 9:00 am!

Our new Sunday worship schedule begins this Sunday, June 4, with one service at 9:00 am. The day is special with many of our children and youth participating in various worship tasks such as greeter, ushers, acolyte, lector, and communion assistants. We will also do recognition for our graduates, both high school and college. Here's a list of our grads, also published in June G&T:

    • Harley Seem - attending Youngstown State University - Mechanical Engineering
    • Lainie Tullis
    • Will Stotz
    • Gabrielle Wiersma - Vanguard Tech Center, Certified Medical Assistant - attending Kent State - Nursing
    • Elijah Mendez - Terra State Community College - System Networking Support & Computer Information Systems
    • Rilee Overmyer - University of Cincinnati, she has accepted a position with the Hershey Company
    • Cornelia Star - Bowling Green State University, Bachelor’s of Science in Technology Quality Systems
    • Karina Seem - Youngstown State University - Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing -she has accepted a position at AkronChildren’s Hospital

New Liturgy Setting and Favorite Hymns

Beginning Sunday, we will be using With One Voice hymnal setting 4 for the liturgical elements of worship this summer. We have been practicing the setting pieces during the prelude for the past three weeks, so hopefully we'll hit the ground running, ah, I mean -- singing! Another way that we'll be doing more singing these summer weeks is that we will sing a couple of verses of your favorite hymns, and we will do this as the prelude beginning at 8:50 beginning on June 10-11. We started taking congregation favorites by having worshipers write down their favorites on the back of the Welcome Cards and dropping in the offering plate.

Work on Constitution Continues

Our work on revising and updating the Constitution continues, with our next meeting scheduled for June 21 at 1:00 pm. Linda, John Avers and I have been working on this, and the progress is slow because the details are many. We are also reviewing suggestions from Scott Farrell who is offering his constitutional expertise as a member of a hospital accreditation team. Some of the issues we will be addressing:'

  • Moving Treasurer from elected to appointed position
  • The role of a SAM in the absence of a called pastor
  • Remote meetings with voting via Zoom
  • election of congregation officers
  • changing from one annual meeting to two - budget meeting in the fall
  • many other changes and updates too numerous to mentin

Directory Final Draft Submitted

This week we received a sample printed directory. We made a few changes and got in a couple last minute new families and photos, and have sent the revised pdf to the printer for final production.

Noah's Ark Graduation

I attended the graduation ceremony Wednesday evening for Noah's Ark preschool. All 16 children in the program were present, and most will be going on to kindergarten in the fall. The children sang a number of songs led and accompanied by Tom, and I was impressed at how well the kids sang. Heard lots of positive comments about the school at the reception afterward in the Dining Room. Thanks and kudos to our Director and Teacher, Andrea and Susan. You can view a photo from the ceremony HERE.

Tom at Summer Music Conference Next Week

Tom will be attending the Indiana University Bloomington Jacobs School of Music Sacred Music Intensive next week, from Monday, June 5 through Friday, June 9. Here's a description of the week from the course director:

This special summer course, now in its tenth year, supplies continuing education enrichment to church musicians, ages 18-years and older, who seek a supportive and stimulating environment in which to sharpen skills and engage new concepts and repertoire. Attendees have the option of tailoring their week’s course of study from a variety of offerings of interest to organists and choral conductors, working with faculty whose sole interest is to help you leave energized by new skills, knowledge, and insights.

Safe travels, Tom, and have an inspiring week!

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