Friday, December 9, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for December 9, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for December 9, 2022

Toledo Symphony Concert -- Total Inspiration and Awe

What a joy it was to be able to be at Grace last Friday night for the Toledo Symphony concert. It was fun and a taste of heaven all in one. Thanks to all who contributed, worked hard to get it all ready, and to take it all down again.

Third and Final Advent Service on Wednesday

We come together one more time for our Advent series, "Arise and Shine." This week's theme is "Healing Light," with Pastor Paul bringing the message. Service at 6:30 pm, and join us for supper at 5:30 pm.

LIFT Epiphany Service Planned

LIFT Leaders met on Tuesday morning to plan a LIFT Sponsored Epiphany service on Friday, January 6, the day of Epiphany of Our Lord. The service will be at 6:00 pm at Grace, and will be a service of readings, carols/hymns and prayers. You may remember that last year's Epiphany service was a parking lot service at St. John's.

Breakfast in Bethlehem Ready to Go

Heather and Grace and Sue at St. John's, along with many others, have been working hard to create a memorable experience for our kids in the program called "Breakfast in Bethlehem." Kids will play games as they learn about what happened on that first Christmas Eve. You can view photos which will preview this event HERE.

ELCA Hunger News

ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response have always been intricately connected, but in recent months global events have reminded us again just how vital the work of God through these shared ministries is for communities around the world.

You can read more HERE about how we, as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, are doing God's work using our hands.

Picture Directory Update

I hope that most if not all of you who sat for photography with Dave have received an email from Heather with your images attached. Keep in mind that you will need to email Heather and let her know which image you want to use for the photo directory. For those who don't have email, Heather will continue to meet with those members, this Sunday after both services, (I'll be covering post early service) or with Heather at the church office by appointment. Heather (or I) will display the images for those members, and order any prints that they may want to purchase. Members will pay for their prints when they pick them up. Also, a reminder that will work at creating the directory after the first of the year.

Stewardship Program Update

The Stewardship Team met on Wednesday to plan follow-up on our campaign, which primarily will focus on sending thank you letters to those who returned cards. To date, the church office received a total of 79 Intent Cards, totaling $235,466 of planned giving for 2023. An intent to increase in giving over the previous year was indicated on many of the cards, and the total amount of planned giving increased by $12,628 over last year, even though ten few families returned their cards. We will be sending thank you letters to all who returned their cards, which will go out the first off the week. Thank YOU for YOUR participation and YOUR generosity!

The December issue of ELCA Global Links, the newsletter that brings stories about our Lutheran ministry partners around the globe, brings a story about ways that our Tanzanian neighbors celebrate Advent. You can read the December issue and browse the included links HERE.

Lanny's Sister in Ukraine

Over the past months of the war in Ukraine, I have shared information and Facebook posts from Diane Baima, the sister of Lanny Westphal, who is an interim ministry colleague. Diane has lived in Ukraine since 2014, and married Uri, a Ukrainian farmer, and they live some miles outside of Kiev. The latest report from Diane is that with the power grid beign targeted by Russia, Diane and Uri have lost power periodically at their farm, and at Diane's school. You can read the latest Facebook post by Lanny HERE.

ELCA Advocacy Alert

You can read the lates ELCA Advocacy Alert HERE.

LIFT Notes

You can read this week's edition of LIFT Notes HERE.

Just Three Things

In case you missed it, you can read this weekend's edition of Just Three Things HERE.

Staff Christmas Party

Grace staff gathered on late Thursday afternoon at The Garrison in historic downtown Fremont for a holiday time of food and fellowship that was enjoyed by all.

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