Update on Picture Directory
Work on the Picture Directory continues. Heather has done lots of work in identifying the best poses of the several choices available for each of the sittings. Our next task will be to crop the chosen photos and get them all in one place for uploading to the new directory. We expect to resume work on the directory in January. Members who are submitting photos have been asked to email them to Linda by January 6.
Bishop Daniel's December 12 Email Message
You can read Bishop Daniel's latest email message HERE.
Confirmation Retreat
At Council Monday night, Heather requested and received approval for spending from backpage Youth Account to send yout and accompanying adults to a Confirmation Retreat at Hopewood Pines Camp, former Lutheran Memorial Camp, Friday evening through Sunday morning, January 13-15. Here is a description of the event from a recent email:
This retreat is a perfect chance for you and your youth to get to know each other better without having to worry about food, planning, games and entertainment. This retreat will reinforce what the kids are already learning in confirmation class.
"It gave me a chance to get to know my Catechism youth better. It also gave our youth an opportunity to see how Christ is a part of our daily lives and not just during certain days/hours of the week." A 2021 Retreat Participant
There will be four youth from Grace attending, and possibly one from St. John's. Heather, I, and one other adult will be attending from Grace, and possibly one adult from St. John's.
Budget Hearing
A hearing on the 2023 budget was held Monday night at 6:00 pm via Zoom. Ruthann presented, and pointed out salient elements. Good questions were raised and addressed. Copies of the budget are available on the Baker and State Street narthex tables.
ELCA Advocacy Connections for November December
From the ELCA Advocacy web page:
As members of the ELCA, we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. God uses our hands, through our direct service work and our voices, through our advocacy efforts, to restore and reconcile our world. Through faithful advocacy, the ELCA lives out our Lutheran belief that governments can help advance the common good.
ELCA advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs and projects around the world and in communities across the United States. We work through political channels on behalf of the following biblical values: peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease.
The Advocacy Office publishes a periodic "Connections" newsletter that highlights public policy notes, suggestions for action from citizens, and featured resources. You can read the November/December issue of Connections HERE.
LIFT Leaders Meet
Lift Leaders met Wednesday for their monthly meeting at Grace. This is a time to check in with each other and report on what's happening in our individual ministry contexts. Here are a few details that were shared:
- Pastor Tim: Faith hosted a Christmas themed concert by Terra Choral Society on December 13.
- Pastor Mary Carmen reported on the growth that is happening in the Camino De Vida community, including increased numbers in worship and groups, and graduating ten participants from a basic discipleship class. You can view photos of the graduation event HERE.
LIFT Notes
You can read the latest issue of LIFT Notes HERE.
December Seeds Monthly
Seeds Monthly is an ELCA publication that provides congregation and synod leaders with resources to enhance our ministries. You can read the December issue HERE.
Death of Michelle Clark
Rev. Matthew Zuehlke, pastor at Zion Gibsonburg, reported on the death of his school-age children's mother, Michelle Clark, with this message on Facebook:
It is with great sadness that I share the news that Michelle Clark passed away during the night. After almost a year of battling brain cancer, now she can finally rest. Today we trust in the loving care of our God to shelter her.
She was a remarkable woman with a great mind. She loved her family and sought to help bring health & healing to the world as a chaplain, nurse, and professor. While our lives diverged, for many years she was my best friend and partner in life.
We do not have details as to plans at this point but hope to in the days to come. I know many of you have been holding the children in prayer through these last few days, and that has been appreciated. If you have time, I would certainly appreciate prayers still for the children. I will share an update when I have more information.
May God be with you all.
And also with you, Pr. Matt, and with your children who are grieving the loss of their mom. Rest eternal grant her, O Lord.
The Osterholm Update - Covid-19
Episode 120 - Entering Phase 5 December 15, 2022 In this episode, Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss China's new COVID mitigation strategy, a COVID query about KN95s, and the fifth phase of the pandemic that we have recently entered. You can stream or download the episode HERE.
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