Friday, August 12, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for August 12, 2022

Kristen Provides Update from Call Committee

You may have already read this is as it one of the things in today's Just Three things, but I'm reproducing it here:

This past weekend, the second reading during worship resonated with me concerning the search for our next senior pastor, especially the first verse: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). It is so very difficult to wait and wonder and worry... and wait some more... and worry some more... and seemingly wait even longer. But we must remain confident in the Holy Spirit. We must keep the faith. Even though we do not know who this individual is, or when they will arrive, or exactly how their faith journey will overlap with ours, God knows.

Rest assured that your Call Committee is meeting regularly, communicating frequently, and working tirelessly on your behalf. We follow the same protocol with each candidate. Following a review of a candidate's Rostered Minister Profile (RMP), we meet to decide whether or not the candidate's gifts match our church family's needs. We begin with a virtual interview and a list of 10 questions. If the committee discerns (after discussion and prayer) that the candidate has potential to fulfill our call, we move on to hosting an in-person interview. To date, we have thoroughly and prayerfully reviewed each of the RMPs that Mary Satterfield (Synod Call Facilitator) has shared with us. And we will continue to pursue all potential avenues until the Holy Spirit matches us with the next successful senior pastor for Grace.

Contact any one of us with your questions. As a refresher, your Call Committee members are Nelda Bauer, Kathy Burmeister, Levi Cooper, Ike Durell, Kaitlyn Fisher, Roger Haynes, Greg Jess, AJ Mehlow, Ed Muffler and myself. Also, as you may recall, we must ensure candidate confidentiality. But we can always share generally about the process and our progress. And we still need your prayers. Pray for discernment for all pastoral candidates, for all churches actively calling a pastor, and for the dedicated committee members all working toward a positive outcome. Pray for unity, spiritual strength, wisdom, and endurance as we continue on this faith journey together.

Confident in Christ,
Kristen Lindsay, Call Committee Chair

LIFT Notes

This week's LIFT Notes has information regarding the following topics:

  • Prayers for a New School Year - this Sunday, August 14
  • Backpack Buddies - our new weekend food ministry to at risk families of school kids
  • Great Hymns of Faith -- scheduled for Sunday, November 13, 4:00 pm at Grace, with rehearsal on Saturday
  • For more info on these programs, you can go to the current issue of LIFT Notes HERE.

Wedding and Funeral

The pastors at Grace are conducting one funeral and one wedding this weekend. On Friday, August 12, Maureen presided at the funeral for Evelyn "Evie" White at 11:00 am. You can read the obituary HERE. On Saturday, Pastor Mark officates at the wedding of Anthony Russell and Krystina Rutter. The ceremony begins at 2:00 pm.

ELCA Churchwide Assembly

The ELCA Churchwide Assembly, now a triennial happening, was held this week from Monday evening through Friday at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Heather Hawn was elected by our synod to attend as a lay voting member from the Eastern Conference. You can read more about the Assembly HERE.

Going Kayaking

Heather is taking youth kayaking at the Fremont Reservoir on Sunday at 12:30. I'll be bringing a change of clothes and accompanying the group on this adventure.

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