Friday, August 26, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for August 26, 2022

Funeral on Thursday

On Thursday I conducted the funeral for James Gruver at Herman Funeral Home. Grace staff and volunteers served a luncheon following the service in the church dining room. Although James was not baptized at Grace, at an early age his family became Grace members, and he was confirmed at Grace in 1951, and married Nancy Hasselbach in 1965. Nancy grew up at Trinity Kingsway, and this is where were the burial and committal took place. After the committal, one of those present came up to me to say that he listens to the radio broadcast of the Grace service, and that he was happy to put my voice and face together. It's always good to hear that people are tuning in to our outreach mediums of radio and Facebook. You can read the full obituary for Jim HERE.

New Congregation Photo Directory

The last congregation photo directory at Grace was completed in 2014. If my math is correct, that was eight years ago, and over those years, much has changed. As outdated at it is, it has still been a helpful resource for me in putting names and faces together. How much better and more useful would a new picture directory be your new pastor? A lot, I'd venture to say. And equally useful for congregation members to get to know each other.

With these thoughts in mind, we are engaging a local photographer (we haven't finalized anything yet) to photograph members (individuals and families) for a new directory. This will not be a traditional directory done by one of those commercial church directory companies, that promise free directories, and then charge high prices for their portraits. Our photographer will provide digital files of portraits taken for one low price of $10, with a copyright release for making prints and enlargements by the printing service of your own choice.

Details have not yet been confirmed, but our initial plan is to have our photographer to do at least two weekends in early to mid-October, and perhaps one or more weekday evenings. All photography will be at the church - exact location TBD, although I understand the Loungs has been used in the past. Stay tuned for the details, and practice smiling for the camera!

Lift Confirmation Update

One of the ministries that Lift has facilitated since its inception has been a program of confirmation instruction. We will be continuing this ministry again this year, but with some significant changes. In the past, youth from Grace, St. John's and St. Mark have met together for confirmation learning sessions, most recently beginning at 11:45 am on Sunday. The problem with this format has been scheduling a meeting time that works for families, youth and leaders.

For the coming program year beginning in September, we will be offering confirmation lessons at two different times at two locations, Grace and St. John's. St. Mark will not have congregation youth participating this year, or for the forseeable future. Sessions at Grace will be held every first and third Sundays during the Sunday School hour at 9:00 am. Sessions at St. John's will be held on the second and fourth Sundays at 12:00 noon. The lesson presented at Grace on the first and third Sundays will be the same as that presented at St. John's on the second and fourth Sundays. Because of other Sunday responsibilities, pastor leaders will be available for only about 30 minutes of a 45 minutes session time. Other activities by other Lift leaders will fill the time with other activities. In addition, at Grace, Heather will be planning activities for confirmation youth on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, encouraging every week attendance and participation.

Lift Confirmation has been on a two-year rotation of lesson material - One year is devoted to learning the Catechism, and the second year is devoted to learning the Biblical message. Last year we taught the Catechism, so this is the year our focus will the Biblical message. Our curriculum will be based on a resource called Manna and Mercy.

Lift Notes

You can read all the latest from Lift HERE.

Message from Bishop Daniel

Here's Bishop Daniel's most recent email message.

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long” (Psalm 25:4-5)

Our neighbor was out early this morning, standing with his two young children as they waited for the school bus to arrive. He is a faithful father, and he does this every morning. It is a tender moment that I get to witness as I pull out of the driveway. After both children are safely on the bus, and in their seats, my neighbor shares a last wave, and then he gets into his truck and heads off to work. He is a faithful father, and he stands with his children every morning before school because he loves them. His daily presence is a gift to his children, a gift of love and a gift of safety.

These two children will remember this simple gift for many years to come. I am grateful that their father is my neighbor. My prayer as we begin this new school year is that all of our children might experience this same level of love.

Love is the way of Jesus. I wonder how you might live the “Jesus way” this day? I wonder how you might live the love of Jesus?

Friday, August 19, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for August 19, 2022

Pastor Paul Preaching This Weekend

Pastor Paul is the preacher at our weekend services on Saturday and Sunday. Maureen to covering for Pr. Paul at St. Mark on Sunday.

An Excellent Afternoon of Kayaking

Last Sunday a group of 16 youth and adults gathered at the Fremont Reservoir for an afternoon session of kayaking. Led and equipped by the local company Ghoulrunnings, participants were fitted with life jackets, a paddle and a kayak and helped by staff to get launched and paddling. Many thanks to Heather who put it all together. We hope to do it again some day! You can view several pics of the event HERE.

ELCA Churchwide Assembly Summary

Now that the ELCA Churchwide Assembly is history, we are learning of the decisions and actions taken by the voting members, including Graces' own Heather Hawn. Perhaps the most significant action was a vote which directed the ELCA Church Council to "establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church to reconsider the statements of purpose for each expression of this church, the principles of organizational structure and our shared commitment to dismantle racism, with findings to be reported to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a possible reconstituting convention."

What this means is that after almost 35 years of our ELCA's existence, it's time to retool and rethink many things. You can read a more detailed summary of the Assembly HERE.

Deacon Sherry Krieger Notice of Sabbatical

Received from the Synod office. I don't see this as upsetting the call process at Grace in any significant way.:

From August 1 through October 31 of this year, Deacon Sherry Krieger will be on sabbatical for a time of rest, renewal, and learning. She will be focusing her time on Lutheran missiology and how our synod may develop a meaningful missional practice.

During this time, we have arranged for additional temporary staff to provide vital support for congregations and leaders in the Call Process and in Transition of Leadership.

Mary Satterfield, who has served our synod as the Chair of the Call Facilitators since 2015, will serve as the Call Process Coordinator, overseeing the call process and coordinating the work of our Call Facilitators as they interview potential Rostered Ministers and work with Call Committees throughout our synod. We encourage congregations and leaders in the call process to continue to be in contact with their Call Facilitator with any concerns or questions.

Pastor Doris Mars, who serves as pastor of St John’s in Findlay, will serve as the Transition Facilitation Team Leader, working with ministers and leaders of congregations in transition and supporting these congregations with leadership and resources.

For additional questions related to the Call Process / Transitions please contact Jennifer Prueter, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Bishop at 419-423-3664.

Any questions or concerns about congregational conflict or ministerial misconduct should be referred to Jacob Henry, Synod Administrator at, or 419-340-2820, or 419-423-3664.

ELCA Worship Notes

You can read the August issue of ELCA Worship Notes HERE.

Lift Notes

This week's issue of Lift Notes, which you can read HERE, includes

  • A message from Pastor Paul
  • Sweet Treat Day
  • Confirmation
  • Blessing of the Animals
  • Backpack Buddies Update
  • Bridge of Hope Update
  • Great Hymns of Faith update

Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, has said numerous times in his podcasts that people are done with Covid-19, but Covid-19 is not done with us. Attendees of the ELCA Churchwide Assembly were required to take a Covid test before coming, and masks in the general areas of the assembly were required. Still, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton tested positive for Covid-19 during the assembly, and had to join the final day of the assembly remotely.

Dr. Osterholm continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his bi-weekly podcasts. In the episode entitled "A High Plain Plateau, posted on August 18, Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the trajectory of the BA.5 wave in the US and around the world, the updated CDC COVID guidelines, and the latest data on long COVID. Dr. Osterholm also provides an update on the monkeypox outbreak and answers a query about polio. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for August 12, 2022

Kristen Provides Update from Call Committee

You may have already read this is as it one of the things in today's Just Three things, but I'm reproducing it here:

This past weekend, the second reading during worship resonated with me concerning the search for our next senior pastor, especially the first verse: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). It is so very difficult to wait and wonder and worry... and wait some more... and worry some more... and seemingly wait even longer. But we must remain confident in the Holy Spirit. We must keep the faith. Even though we do not know who this individual is, or when they will arrive, or exactly how their faith journey will overlap with ours, God knows.

Rest assured that your Call Committee is meeting regularly, communicating frequently, and working tirelessly on your behalf. We follow the same protocol with each candidate. Following a review of a candidate's Rostered Minister Profile (RMP), we meet to decide whether or not the candidate's gifts match our church family's needs. We begin with a virtual interview and a list of 10 questions. If the committee discerns (after discussion and prayer) that the candidate has potential to fulfill our call, we move on to hosting an in-person interview. To date, we have thoroughly and prayerfully reviewed each of the RMPs that Mary Satterfield (Synod Call Facilitator) has shared with us. And we will continue to pursue all potential avenues until the Holy Spirit matches us with the next successful senior pastor for Grace.

Contact any one of us with your questions. As a refresher, your Call Committee members are Nelda Bauer, Kathy Burmeister, Levi Cooper, Ike Durell, Kaitlyn Fisher, Roger Haynes, Greg Jess, AJ Mehlow, Ed Muffler and myself. Also, as you may recall, we must ensure candidate confidentiality. But we can always share generally about the process and our progress. And we still need your prayers. Pray for discernment for all pastoral candidates, for all churches actively calling a pastor, and for the dedicated committee members all working toward a positive outcome. Pray for unity, spiritual strength, wisdom, and endurance as we continue on this faith journey together.

Confident in Christ,
Kristen Lindsay, Call Committee Chair

LIFT Notes

This week's LIFT Notes has information regarding the following topics:

  • Prayers for a New School Year - this Sunday, August 14
  • Backpack Buddies - our new weekend food ministry to at risk families of school kids
  • Great Hymns of Faith -- scheduled for Sunday, November 13, 4:00 pm at Grace, with rehearsal on Saturday
  • For more info on these programs, you can go to the current issue of LIFT Notes HERE.

Wedding and Funeral

The pastors at Grace are conducting one funeral and one wedding this weekend. On Friday, August 12, Maureen presided at the funeral for Evelyn "Evie" White at 11:00 am. You can read the obituary HERE. On Saturday, Pastor Mark officates at the wedding of Anthony Russell and Krystina Rutter. The ceremony begins at 2:00 pm.

ELCA Churchwide Assembly

The ELCA Churchwide Assembly, now a triennial happening, was held this week from Monday evening through Friday at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Heather Hawn was elected by our synod to attend as a lay voting member from the Eastern Conference. You can read more about the Assembly HERE.

Going Kayaking

Heather is taking youth kayaking at the Fremont Reservoir on Sunday at 12:30. I'll be bringing a change of clothes and accompanying the group on this adventure.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for August 5, 2022

Vacation Week

I had a good week of vacation. Went kayaking on Tuesday morning at Old Woman Creek, which is protected as a State Nature Preserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) because it is one of Ohio's best remaining examples of a natural estuary. Feel privileged to live so close to such a unique and beautiful kayak venue, and also to our Lake Erie and its islands. On Thursday we went on a morning trip to Middle Bass Island. The restored Lonz Winery is very scenic and interesting, with its giant wine barrels on display. One of Marcy's teaching colleagues is a part owner in the coffee shop behind the winery building, so we enjoyed a cup of joe with our packed lunch before getting on the 12:15 pm ferry back to Catawba.

Funerals This Week

Today I conducted the funeral for Donald E. Butscher. His family were members of Emmanuel, which is where he and his twin brother were baptized on Palm Sunday, April 10, 1949. Then, I understand, the family moved to Fremont and became members of Grace, which is where he, his twin brother, and Jim, his surviving younger brother were confirmed. For whatever reason, he had not been active at Grace in recent memory. You can read the obituary HERE. Brother Jim was very appreciative.

On Saturday Maureen will conduct the funeral for Gary Jackson at Grace. Visitation will begin at 9:30 a.m. until the time of the service at 11:00 a.m.

Sympathy to Family of Evelyn White

We extend our sympathy to the family of Evelyn White, who died yesterday (Thursday). We received word from Evelyn's daughter that she was not doing well and had been assigned hospice care at Valley View where Evelyn has been residing. I visited on Wednesday afternoon, and "Evie" was awake enough to receive words of scripture and prayer. The funeral for Evie has been scheduled for next Friday, August 12, 11:00 am at the church. Visitation will also be at the church, beginning at 9:30 am, and continuing until the time of service.

Email from Pastor Mary Carmen

We have received the following email from Pastor Mary Camenet regarding the new Bridge of Hope Coordinator, along with a request for donated items:

Hello everyone,

As you may know, we do have a new coordinator at the Bridge of Hope food pantry. Her name is Anne Garcia. During the migrant season (May to November) she is visiting the camps with welcoming baskets. For that purpose and in order to have enough to serve the community, Anne needs some items to be donated.

In the attached Excel document, you will find a list of the required items. Each church and pastor is requested, a list of 15 items, 10 are the same for all, as these are required more and 5 different for each one. As you will see, there is a label with the name of the church. Would you please print it, and include it in your sunday’s bulletin. If pick up is needed for donated items, you may contact Anne Garcia, 419-371-0463, her email address is:

Thank you in advance, may God continue to bless you all.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Mary Carmen Padilla
Bridge of Hope supervisor and Camino de Vida’s Church Planter Pastor

List from attached Excel file:

  1. small bag of grain rice
  2. canned meat (spam, tuna, chicken, etc.)
  3. green beans
  4. canned soups (chicken noodles, vegetables)
  5. tomato sauce
  6. paper towels
  7. shampoo
  8. conditioner
  9. laundry detergent
  10. toilet paper
  11. deodorant
  12. bath soap
  13. dish soap
  14. tooth paste
  15. adult diapers

LIFT Student/School Personnel Blessing Next Weekend

Pastor Paul has provided LIFT congregations with an order and prayers for blessing our school kids, teachers and all school personnel on Sunday, August 14. You can find a flyer with more info HERE.

Stewardship Begins Fall Campaign Planning

Stewardship met at 11 am on Wednesday. We welcomed a new addition to our team -- Bill Auxter, recently elected to a three-year term on Council. He has graciously accepted an invitation to join the Stewardship Team. Our main order of business is to begin planning for the fall stewardship campaign. We will be using the theme "Live Simply," a bit of a follow up from our last year's theme "Live Generously." As part of our campaign, we will be looking for Grace members to write persons who could write a brief paragraph or two which would be a response to one or more of these prompts:

  • What was the most generous thing you ever witnessed?
  • Who taught you generosity?
  • Describe generosity as a component in your faith journey.

Our campaign will be very similar to last year: a combination of direct mail letters which will include brief outcome stories, inspirational pieces, and an Intent Card (Plan for Giving). The campaign will be carried out over six Sundays from October 16 through November 20. One of the possibilities we are considering is a single service in November to receive intent cards, followed by a simple lunch of "Stewardship Stew."

Worship Committee

Worship met at 1 pm on Wednesday. One of our main items of discussion was our holiday schedule. Christmas and New Year's both fall on Sunday this year, with Christmas Eve on Saturday. Our plan will be to offer one service at 9:00 am on both Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Worship on New Year's Eve will be at the regular Saturday time of 4:00 pm.

Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the episode intitled "A COVID Marathon," uploaded on Thursday, August 4, Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss Paxlovid rebound cases, vaccines for children under 5, and the impact of the BA.5 variant in the U.S. and around the world. Dr. Osterholm also provides an update on the monkeypox outbreak and shares a Celebration of Life from one of our listeners. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.