Funeral on Thursday
On Thursday I conducted the funeral for James Gruver at Herman Funeral Home. Grace staff and volunteers served a luncheon following the service in the church dining room. Although James was not baptized at Grace, at an early age his family became Grace members, and he was confirmed at Grace in 1951, and married Nancy Hasselbach in 1965. Nancy grew up at Trinity Kingsway, and this is where were the burial and committal took place. After the committal, one of those present came up to me to say that he listens to the radio broadcast of the Grace service, and that he was happy to put my voice and face together. It's always good to hear that people are tuning in to our outreach mediums of radio and Facebook. You can read the full obituary for Jim HERE.
New Congregation Photo Directory
The last congregation photo directory at Grace was completed in 2014. If my math is correct, that was eight years ago, and over those years, much has changed. As outdated at it is, it has still been a helpful resource for me in putting names and faces together. How much better and more useful would a new picture directory be your new pastor? A lot, I'd venture to say. And equally useful for congregation members to get to know each other.
With these thoughts in mind, we are engaging a local photographer (we haven't finalized anything yet) to photograph members (individuals and families) for a new directory. This will not be a traditional directory done by one of those commercial church directory companies, that promise free directories, and then charge high prices for their portraits. Our photographer will provide digital files of portraits taken for one low price of $10, with a copyright release for making prints and enlargements by the printing service of your own choice.
Details have not yet been confirmed, but our initial plan is to have our photographer to do at least two weekends in early to mid-October, and perhaps one or more weekday evenings. All photography will be at the church - exact location TBD, although I understand the Loungs has been used in the past. Stay tuned for the details, and practice smiling for the camera!
Lift Confirmation Update
One of the ministries that Lift has facilitated since its inception has been a program of confirmation instruction. We will be continuing this ministry again this year, but with some significant changes. In the past, youth from Grace, St. John's and St. Mark have met together for confirmation learning sessions, most recently beginning at 11:45 am on Sunday. The problem with this format has been scheduling a meeting time that works for families, youth and leaders.
For the coming program year beginning in September, we will be offering confirmation lessons at two different times at two locations, Grace and St. John's. St. Mark will not have congregation youth participating this year, or for the forseeable future. Sessions at Grace will be held every first and third Sundays during the Sunday School hour at 9:00 am. Sessions at St. John's will be held on the second and fourth Sundays at 12:00 noon. The lesson presented at Grace on the first and third Sundays will be the same as that presented at St. John's on the second and fourth Sundays. Because of other Sunday responsibilities, pastor leaders will be available for only about 30 minutes of a 45 minutes session time. Other activities by other Lift leaders will fill the time with other activities. In addition, at Grace, Heather will be planning activities for confirmation youth on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, encouraging every week attendance and participation.
Lift Confirmation has been on a two-year rotation of lesson material - One year is devoted to learning the Catechism, and the second year is devoted to learning the Biblical message. Last year we taught the Catechism, so this is the year our focus will the Biblical message. Our curriculum will be based on a resource called Manna and Mercy.
Lift Notes
You can read all the latest from Lift HERE.
Message from Bishop Daniel
Here's Bishop Daniel's most recent email message.
Dear Friends in Christ,
“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long” (Psalm 25:4-5)
Our neighbor was out early this morning, standing with his two young children as they waited for the school bus to arrive. He is a faithful father, and he does this every morning. It is a tender moment that I get to witness as I pull out of the driveway. After both children are safely on the bus, and in their seats, my neighbor shares a last wave, and then he gets into his truck and heads off to work. He is a faithful father, and he stands with his children every morning before school because he loves them. His daily presence is a gift to his children, a gift of love and a gift of safety.
These two children will remember this simple gift for many years to come. I am grateful that their father is my neighbor. My prayer as we begin this new school year is that all of our children might experience this same level of love.
Love is the way of Jesus. I wonder how you might live the “Jesus way” this day? I wonder how you might live the love of Jesus?