Friday, June 3, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for June 3, 2022

LIFT Prayer Service

Last week Pastor Paul organized and publicized a prayer service to lament the tragic mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. One of Pr. Paul's previous calls was to a community in Texas not far from Uvalde, so this tragedy was in a place familiar to him. The service was held on Tuesday evening at St. Mark, on the one week anniversary of the shootings that killed 19 school children and two teachers. Service elements including scripture readings prayers, hymns, and prayer stations that including lighting a candle, writing post card to a US Congressman, posting prayers on on easel, and doing a piece of artwork. There were about 40 people in attendance. Pastor Paul posted a picture on the LIFT Facebook page which you can view HERE.

Stewardship Storytelling Team Meets

The Stewardship Storytelling Team met Tuesday to review the content of the final Zoom meeting led by Mitzi from GSB Fundraising. This session dealt most with scheduling - we now have scheduled impact stories to be published monthly through the month of September. Do you have a story to tell of how God has changed your life? We'd love to have you tell your story so that we can share it with the congregation!

One Year Anniversary!

Wednesday, June 1 marked the one year of my first day at Grace as you interim pastor. The church office put together a little celebration with fresh donuts. Yum! Thanks, staff! The year went quickly and well! I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve at Grace!

Interim Pastors Zoom Meeting

On Thursday I joined a monthly Zoom meeting led by an interim ministry colleague in Minnesota, and publicized through a closed Facebook Group called Lutheran Interim Pastors (ELCA). This has been a helpful forum to ask questions and get and provide answers to those engaged in interim ministry.

Synod Assembly Day 1

The Northwestern Ohio Synod Assembly met for day 1 of the 2-day event today at BGSU. There were a total of about 300 persons in attendance. Grace was represented by Ed Muffler, Richard and Nelda Bauer, and yours truly. The main business of the day was the bishop election. Bishop Daniel Beaudoin easily won re-election to a second six-year term as bishop on the first ballot, which required a 75% margin for election, 216 of 260 legal votes, for an 83% margin. Other business included several memorials, resolutions, constitutional amendments, and some amendments to the 2023 Compensation Guidelines. Pastor Paul took photos at the assembly and posted them on the LIFT Website, which you can view HERE. The Assembly concludes Saturday with remaining business, more sessions of "Story Walk," a series stories today by synod members of how they have walked with Jesus. You can read more about our Story Walk sessions HERE.

All's Ready for Confirmation

The Rite of Confirmation will be a part of 10:00 Sunday worship this weekend. Four of our 8th graders, Jaidyn, Madison, Brandon, and Kayleen, will affirm their baptismal faith. Father in heaven, for Jesus sake, stir up in these young persons the gift of your Holy Spirit; confirm their faith, guide their lives, empower them in their serving, give them patience in suffering, and bring them to everlasting life. Confirmands and parents will be welcomed in the Dining Room for breakfast at 9:00 am.

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