Friday, May 13, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for May 13, 2022

Youth Shine in Leading Worship

Last weekend Grace youth led the key parts of the worship service as assisting minister, readers, ushers, and the message. Thanks to Heather for the hard work in getting it all together, and to the youth for the excellent job they did!

New Monthly Email feature to begin Tuesday

Over the past several months I have reported on the Stewardship Team's participation in a Communications and Storytelling Track sponsored by GSB Fundraising. We have been attending monthly Zoom meetings in which our leader, Mitzi, has provided teaching and guidance on how we can improve our congregation communications to be more inspiring and inviting. One of the ways to do this is to tell stories of how the congregation has changed people's lives. So that's one of the things we are going to start to do. Once a month, on the second Tuesday, we will email a story about one of our members, and also publish it in the next month's Grace and Truth. The first story will feature Beth Muffler with the title "New Marriage, New Church." We are sure this story will inspire, and we hope that you will look forward to the arrival of these stories in your email inbox every month.

Election Results

The annual election for Congregation Council openings was held this past weekend, and we are happy to report there were no hanging chads. Only a very close election for those who agreed to have their names placed on the ballot. Elected to a three-year term and beginning their service on June 1 are

  • John Burmeister
  • Bill Auxter
  • Nelda Bauer
  • David Cooper

We give thanks to council members who are completing their terms of service for their hard work and faithfulness:

  • Connie Amor
  • Bill Hollister
  • Kristen Smith
  • Natalie Wilfong

Lots Happening on Sunday, May 22

Sunday, May 22, will be a busy day at Grace. This is the day we will recognize and honor our high school and college graduates. We will also recognize and honor members of the 1962 Grace Confirmation Class, who are observing their 60th Anniversary. During the service, the congregation will join our graduates and the '62 Confirmation Class in the Affirmation of Baptism service.

LIFT Leaders Meet

LIFT leaders met on Wednesday for their monthly meeting. The main purpose of this meeting is for us to check in with each other, report on what's happening in our individual congregations, and to make any decisions and plans for the work and ministry we do together. Mary Carmen was present for this meeting, and told of the very difficult process that she, Leo, and so many others must go through in not being US Citizens. They are hoping to get back to Mexico, primary to spend time with their families, especially elderly parents. The way Mary Carmen explains it, once they apply for a Green Card, they cannot return to Mexico until they receive it. For some, this takes years, and fears are that they will not be able to return for important family events, such as the funerals. The LIFT Board meets Sunday at St. John's for its bi-monthly Board meets Sunday

Mary Satterfield Visits Grace on Wednesday

Mary Satterfield, the Call Process Facilitator that has been assigned to Grace, paid us a visit Wednesday evening. She joined us for supper at Spirit, and then joined my Bible Study group at 6:00, before joining the Call Committee for their meeting at 7:00. At the meeting, Mary provided more information and counsel regarding the call process as it moves into the review of candidate profile and candidate interview process. Thanks, Mary, for volunteering your time to serve Grace and other congregations in this way!

Spirit Season Ends on the 18th

The last session of the 2021-2022 Spirit Season will be this Wednesday. Thanks for all who have participated and helped to lead, both staff and volunteers. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Bishop Daniel's May 10 Email

Leading up the the Synod Assembly on June 3-4, Bishop Daniel will be telling stories from around our synod in his weekly email that highlight our mission, which includes the call to Make Disciples. This week's story is about Jacinda Jones, a member of Trinity Arcadia, and how she created an outreach for children at the campground her family stays at on summer weekends. Your read Bishop Daniel's email HERE.

Osterholm Update

With the Covid-19 pandemic now passing the grim milestone of 1,000,000 deaths, Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, May 12, and entitled "Words Matter," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the trajectory of the pandemic in the U.S. and around the world, COVID "relapses" in patients taking Paxlovid, the significance of recent comments made by government officials regarding the current state of the pandemic, and shares a beautiful place from one of our listeners. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

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