Friday, May 27, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for May 27, 2022

Continuing Education Day

On Monday I attended a Zoom Conference from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm sponsored by Healthy Congregations. Here's a description of the organization from their website:

Healthy Congregations is an ecumenical and interfaith organization that takes seriously the times that we live in and the challenges of thinking more clearly about families, congregations, and leadership. Healthy Congregations, Inc. offers resources and training that are based on a view of life that looks at communities as living systems that incorporate thinking, feeling, responsibility, and purpose.

Their premier program is called Leadership Series, which meets a full day once a month from September through May minus December. The Series teaches participants Bowen Family Systems Theory and how to apply it to one's own life and the life of the organizations of which they are a part, which in most cases is a Christian congregation. I have attended two full seasons of the Leadership Series, and have found it inspiring and informative.

As an option to enrolling in the full season of Leadership Series (cost $1,200), I attend the May event, a one-day event at a more reasonable cost ($75 - for Healthy Congregations members, of which I am one)

The theme of this year's May event was "Stepping Back: Engaging New Horizons." Our keynote presenter spoke of how societies and organizations adapt as emotional systems to threats, challenges and stresses, and how leaders can manage with vision the disruptions that result in individuals, families, organizations and society.

Note to Call Committee: A possible candidate interview question:

What kind of continuing education experiences do you participate in, and which do you find the most helpful?

Note to Council: Here is what the NWOS 2022 Compensation Guidelines say about Continuing Education:

It is the expectation of the ELCA and the Northwestern Ohio Synod that every rostered minister (ordained pastor or deacon) will engage in at least 50 hours of continuing education per year. This continuing education is intended to benefit both the rostered minister and the congregation through ongoing development of biblical/theological understanding and ministry skills. Continuing education time is not to be regarded as vacation, nor should it be used by the rostered minister for vacation.

To assist the rostered minister in meeting this expectation, it is suggested that congregations provide a continuing education reimbursement of at least $1,200 (with expenditures verified by receipts), and at least two weeks (a total of 14 days including two Sundays) accruable for up to three years.

Rite of Confirmation Next Sunday

Next Sunday, June 5, Madi, Brandon, Jaidyn, and Kayleen will affirm their baptismal faith in the Rite of Confirmation at the 10:00 service. Keep them in your prayers. I have enjoyed working with these young people and those from St. Mark and St. John's.

Final Session in "Communications and Storytelling: Track

From January through May, the Stewardship Team has been joining monthly Zoom meetings sponsored by GSB Fundraising to learn more about how to do congregation communications more effectively, and how to interview and write "impact stories," stories by congregation members which describe how the congregation has impacted their lives. We published the first of our stories, which we are calling "Grace Stories," last week, featuring Beth Muller. One of the aspects of congregational communication is distinguishing internal communications from external. Internal communications includ bulletin, newsletter, and Just Three things weekly emails. External communications are more likely to be viewed by seekers, those looking for a faith community to identify with. This includes our website and Facebook page. We have decided to place our Grace Stories in both our internal and external communications. You can view the Facebook post of Beth's story HERE. If you're a part of the world of Facebook, Like and Share!

LIFT Notes

You can read the latest issue of LIFT Notes HERE. In this post, Pastor Paul has has shared prayer petitions lamenting gun violence from the new Lutheran hymnal resource, All Creation Sings.

Our National Nightmare Continues

Grief and outrage. When will it end? Lots being written and posted -- here are a few pieces that resonated with me:

  • Our ELCA provided a response on the ELCA website, which you can read HERE.
  • Michael Gerson, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, wrote THIS.
  • Have seen the Relevant website at times, but didn't try to find out more until now. It's a website for 20 and 30 something Christians who want to live "outwardly." One of their writers contributed an essay on the Uvalde tragedy in terms of "destroying our idols," a reflection on The Golden Calf story in Exodus. You can read the essay HERE.

Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, May 26, and entitled "COVID-19, Monkeypox, and Pediatric Hepatitis," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the relatively lower rates of severe COVID illness and death in the US and many other parts of the world, the global monkeypox outbreak, and the latest on the rise in unexplained pediatric hepatitis. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for May 20, 2022

Lots Happening This Weekend

We have lots happening this weekend, especially if you are attending 10:00 worship. At this service, our graduating seniors will be recognized and honored, and members of the Grace Confirmation Class of 1962 will be present to observe the 60th anniversary of their confirmation. The Affirmation of Baptism service will be a part of the worship as members of the '62 Class, our graduates, and all of us will have an opportunity to renew the promises we made when we affirmed our faith in the Rite of Confirmation. Speaking of Confirmation, the final session of our Confirmation program will be held Sunday after church, and our four 8th graders continue the journey to the public affirmation of their faith in the Rite of Confirmation on June 5 at the 10:00 am service.

First "Grace Stories" Email Sent

Welcome to "Grace Stories", where each month, a Grace member will share their inspirational story with you! These will be published on the third Tuesday each month. We hope you will enjoy getting to know your fellow Grace members!

This paragraph in a Grace email that was sent this week welcomed us to a new monthly email feature, "Grace Stories." The impetus for this new feature came from the Grace Stewardship Team's participation in a series of five monthly Zoom meetings offered through GSB Fundraising which focus on congregational communications and storytelling. Our leader, Mitzi, who has had considerable experience in advising nonprofits and congregations in issues related to fund raising and stewardship, has been sharing her expertise with us, which has included guidance in how to write stories about congregation members, with best practices to make those stories memorable and effective in engaging and inspiring congregation members. Agreeing to be the first to tell her story was Beth Muffler, which was shared in Tuesday's email. ICYMI, you can read it HERE. This story will also be featured in each new issue of Grace and Truth. We hope that you will look forward to, open, and read these stories as they are published.

Organ Gets Tuned

Next time you're up in the choir area of the chancel, look up and notice the very small trap door in the ceiling under the pipe chamber. Through this hole our organ tuning technicians go access the organ pipes, and make any tuning adjustments that are warranted. Grace has contracted with a new firm to do our organ tuning, GT Organ Associates, for $700 per tuning, twice a year. GT associates Justin and Jonathan, from Illinois and Indiana, respectively, were present on Thursday and completed the first tuning under our new contract. Firm owner, Glenn Tallar, landed his dream job last fall at Organ Stop Pizza in Mesa, AZ, as one of the organists at the destination restaurant Organ Stop Pizza in Mesa, Arizona. You can read more about Glenn HERE.

Courtyard Fence Ordered

Hardware that will create a fence at the front of the Grace courtyard has been ordered, and will be installed before the start of the fall session of Noah's Ark Preschool. The cost for the fence is being covered with preschool funds, and will create a secure area for Noah's Ark kids to play outside. Another improvement in the courtyard has been the planing of new grass, where the previous overgrown pine tree used to stand. These improvements will make the courtyard more desirable and usable for other congregation activities.

ELCA Statement on the Buffalo Mass Murders

The racially motivated shootings at a Tops grocery story in Buffalo hopefully increases our resolve to condemn the sin of racism that motivates and leads people to carry out these horrific crimes. I encourage you to read the statement published by our ELCA, including the linked document "Condemnation of White Supremacy and Racist Rhetoric." You can read the statement HERE.

More Links for You

Dr. Jacqueline Bussie to speak at Lakeside Chautauqua

Every year for the past 100 years, Lutherans have gathered for a week of worship, learning, fellowship and recreation at Lakesidein an event called Lutheran Lakeside Chautauqua. During my years at St. Peter, Norwalk, I accompanied my high school youth every summer as we stayed for the week in one of the rental unit houses, and participated in Lakeside Activities during this week designed especially for Lutherans.

Every morning from Monday through Friday, we'd attend "Chaplain's Hour" at Hoover Auditorium with a prominent Lutheran leader or teacher as the "Chaplain for the Week." One year the chaplain was anem I'm sure some of you will recognize, Dr. Fred Meuser, who was president at Trinity Seminary for many years. This year, the presenter is Dr. Jacquelie Bussie. These paragraphs will tell you more about Dr. Bussi:

Dr. Jacqueline Bussie is an award-winning author, professor, theologian and student of life in all its messy beauty, as well as a much sought after speaker and workshop facilitator. Her first book, “The Laughter of the Oppressed,” won the national Trinity Prize. Her 2nd book, “Outlaw Christian: Finding Authentic Faith by Breaking the Rules,” won the 2017 Gold Medal Illumination Award for Christian Living. Her third and latest book, “Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for a Love with No Exceptions,” won the Reader’s Favorite Bronze Medal International Book Award for Christian Living, the 2020 IAN Outstanding Religion Book of the Year Award and third Place IAN Non-Fiction Book of the Year Award. Also, Publisher’s Weekly named “Love Without Limits” “a must-read for all Christians interested in inclusivity for their communities.

An active servant-leader in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Dr. Bussie spent the last 20 years teaching religion to undergraduates at ELCA colleges and serving as the director of the Forum on Faith and Life at Concordia College. Today Dr. Bussie is the executive director of the Collegeville Institute in Collegeville, Minnesota. Every day she is amazed and grateful that she gets to: 1) write and tell her story; 2) empower other people to write and tell theirs; and 3) accompany marvelous people like you on your journey of faith, hope and healing.

Lutheran Lakeside Chautauqua is scheduled for June 20-24, and Dr. Bussie will speak at the Chaplain's Hour which begins at 9:00 each at Hoover Auditorium. Fresh donuts are served on Monday and Friday. Admittance to Lakeside and parking are free for attendance at this event.

Osterholm Update

With the Covid-19 pandemic now passing the grim milestone of 1,000,000 deaths, Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, May 19, and entitled "Tougher Than Rocket Science," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the state of the pandemic in the U.S. and around the world, the approval of booster doses for 5-11 year olds in the U.S., and the duration of infectiousness from SARS-CoV-2. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for May 13, 2022

Youth Shine in Leading Worship

Last weekend Grace youth led the key parts of the worship service as assisting minister, readers, ushers, and the message. Thanks to Heather for the hard work in getting it all together, and to the youth for the excellent job they did!

New Monthly Email feature to begin Tuesday

Over the past several months I have reported on the Stewardship Team's participation in a Communications and Storytelling Track sponsored by GSB Fundraising. We have been attending monthly Zoom meetings in which our leader, Mitzi, has provided teaching and guidance on how we can improve our congregation communications to be more inspiring and inviting. One of the ways to do this is to tell stories of how the congregation has changed people's lives. So that's one of the things we are going to start to do. Once a month, on the second Tuesday, we will email a story about one of our members, and also publish it in the next month's Grace and Truth. The first story will feature Beth Muffler with the title "New Marriage, New Church." We are sure this story will inspire, and we hope that you will look forward to the arrival of these stories in your email inbox every month.

Election Results

The annual election for Congregation Council openings was held this past weekend, and we are happy to report there were no hanging chads. Only a very close election for those who agreed to have their names placed on the ballot. Elected to a three-year term and beginning their service on June 1 are

  • John Burmeister
  • Bill Auxter
  • Nelda Bauer
  • David Cooper

We give thanks to council members who are completing their terms of service for their hard work and faithfulness:

  • Connie Amor
  • Bill Hollister
  • Kristen Smith
  • Natalie Wilfong

Lots Happening on Sunday, May 22

Sunday, May 22, will be a busy day at Grace. This is the day we will recognize and honor our high school and college graduates. We will also recognize and honor members of the 1962 Grace Confirmation Class, who are observing their 60th Anniversary. During the service, the congregation will join our graduates and the '62 Confirmation Class in the Affirmation of Baptism service.

LIFT Leaders Meet

LIFT leaders met on Wednesday for their monthly meeting. The main purpose of this meeting is for us to check in with each other, report on what's happening in our individual congregations, and to make any decisions and plans for the work and ministry we do together. Mary Carmen was present for this meeting, and told of the very difficult process that she, Leo, and so many others must go through in not being US Citizens. They are hoping to get back to Mexico, primary to spend time with their families, especially elderly parents. The way Mary Carmen explains it, once they apply for a Green Card, they cannot return to Mexico until they receive it. For some, this takes years, and fears are that they will not be able to return for important family events, such as the funerals. The LIFT Board meets Sunday at St. John's for its bi-monthly Board meets Sunday

Mary Satterfield Visits Grace on Wednesday

Mary Satterfield, the Call Process Facilitator that has been assigned to Grace, paid us a visit Wednesday evening. She joined us for supper at Spirit, and then joined my Bible Study group at 6:00, before joining the Call Committee for their meeting at 7:00. At the meeting, Mary provided more information and counsel regarding the call process as it moves into the review of candidate profile and candidate interview process. Thanks, Mary, for volunteering your time to serve Grace and other congregations in this way!

Spirit Season Ends on the 18th

The last session of the 2021-2022 Spirit Season will be this Wednesday. Thanks for all who have participated and helped to lead, both staff and volunteers. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Bishop Daniel's May 10 Email

Leading up the the Synod Assembly on June 3-4, Bishop Daniel will be telling stories from around our synod in his weekly email that highlight our mission, which includes the call to Make Disciples. This week's story is about Jacinda Jones, a member of Trinity Arcadia, and how she created an outreach for children at the campground her family stays at on summer weekends. Your read Bishop Daniel's email HERE.

Osterholm Update

With the Covid-19 pandemic now passing the grim milestone of 1,000,000 deaths, Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, May 12, and entitled "Words Matter," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the trajectory of the pandemic in the U.S. and around the world, COVID "relapses" in patients taking Paxlovid, the significance of recent comments made by government officials regarding the current state of the pandemic, and shares a beautiful place from one of our listeners. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for May 6, 2022

Confirmation Session on Sunday

Confirmation youth and leaders met at St. Mark on Sunday for our penultimate class session. We will have one more session which will be on Sunday, May 22, following worship. The main focus for our session was getting "Ready to Affirm." Such is the title of a 4-session course from an AugsburgFortress confirmation curriculum which covers the following topics:

  1. What does it mean to affirm my faith?
  2. What does it mean to grow in grace?
  3. How do I tell my faith story?
  4. How can I serve God in my life?

We spent most of our session on topics 1 and 3. Topic 1 was a review of the five promises that are made in the Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) service that we examined in depth during our Lenten series. Topic 3 focused on how youth can tell their faith story using concepts they have learned in the confirmation sessions about their baptismal faith. I have assigned the four 8th graders who will be affirming their faith on June 5 in the Rite of Confirmation to write a 1-2 page essay on what their faith means to them, providing them with several thought starting themes and topics. This is something I have done with my confirmation youth over the years, and incorporated some of their thoughts (though not identifying them personally) in the confirmation day sermon.

Pastors Retreat at Seiberts

I spent most of the day Monday at Henry and Becky Seibert's farm, enjoying the hospitality and good food, a fellowship that one always experiences in that setting. For the past twenty or so years, a group of pastors from our Northwestern Ohio Synod have met twice a year for one or two day retreats for conversation, mutual support, learning, prayer, worship and solitude. The setting for these retreats has usually been The Pines Retreat Center in Fremont, but on several occasions we have met at Henry and Becky's house. Initially there were four smaller groups, from which one larger group was formed. There were ten of us present

Endowment Meeting on Monday

On Monday afternoon I joined the Endowment Committee for their quarterly meeting. The financial report for the first quarter of 2022 (January - March) revealed a beginning balance of $1,375,801.43, and and ending balance of $1,290,128.93. The largest share of the decrease came from a decline in value of $65,679.30, although that decline was partially offset by dividends of $4,393.83. The second largest item contributing to the decrease was the funding of the first half ($22,025) of the Endowment commitment to the congregation (total of $44,050) in support of LIFT. The total planned distributions are well below the 4% spending limit for the fund.

Communion Sending Will Be First Sunday

Last weekend we began the practice of having home communion kits on the altar, and before the final blessing, calling forward our home communion ministers to receive the elements that they will bring to their assigned Grace members who are homebound. A prayer of blessing is prayed for both the homebound and the ministers. Thanks to Pastor Henry for orienting and training our ministers, and to Becky and other altar guild members who prepare the kits. I like this practice, and it reminds us that our homebound members are still vital members of our worshiping community, and are a part of the distribution of Holy Communion for that day.

VBS Meeting Tuesday

On Tuesday I joined Heather and Sue Lawrence at St. John's to continue the process of planning for Vacation Bible School, scheduled for July 11-14 (Monday through Thursday) at St. John's beginning at 6:00 pm. Our four "Compassion" based themes will be:

  • For Myself
  • To the Neighbor
  • With the World
  • Along the Way

Bridge of Hope Position Posted

Pastor Paul has posted a revised job announcement and position description for the coordinator of the Bridge of Hope food pantry. which you can read, download and share HERE with anyone who may have an interest in applying for this position.

Synod Imagining Renewal Microgrants

Our Northwestern Ohio Synod is again offering Imagining Renewal Microgrants. These grants are intended to offer support and resources to individuals, congregations, and organizations with the desire to engage in an original community-based project that uniquely meets a need of the community, encourages social engagement, and furthers the Gospel. These grants are designed to encourage new and needed engagement with our communities. Funding may be used to innovate or “renew” a current operating program. Funding may also be used to meet an identified need in a new and creative way that grows relationships with neighbors and encourages a life of active faith beyond the walls of church buildings. You can read more about this grant program HERE.

Rev. Beth Westphal leaving Marblehead parish

This week I learned that Pastor Beth Westphal, called by St. Paul's Danbury and St. John's Marblehead in 2019, has resigned her call. Her last Sunday will be May 22. Prayers for this parish as they will enter the call process. This is the parish that Pastor Chris Young served for a number of years before her retirement.

Music Ministry Recognition Day on June 12

Tom is planning a Music Ministry Recognition Day for the weekend of June 12. The purpose is to recognize and celebrate the many members and several groups that comprise music ministry at Grace. The day will include several extra special music numbers from choirs, and a temple talk by Tom. More info will be in the May Grace and Truth, and will be an item of discussion at Worship Committee meeting on Tuesday.

Sympathy to family of Amy Lamson

We received word this morning that Amy Lamson died at home, surrounded by her family, following an extended illness. We extend our sympathy to Gus and her family and loved ones. Here are the service and visitation details:

  • Funeral at Grace Friday, May 13, 11:00 am
  • Visitation at Hermans Thursday 3-7pm and 10am Friday until time of service

Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. The latest episode, posted on Thursday, May 5, is entitled "Chose Your Own Path." In this episode, Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the state of the pandemic in the US and around the world, address recent comments about future COVID surges in the US, and answer a non-COVID query about pediatric hepatitis cases. Dr. Osterholm also provides some insight into how he has been handling the transition into a new normal and shares a beautiful place from one of the podcast listeners. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.