Friday, January 21, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for January 21, 2022

Pastor Paul is the Preacher

Pastor Paul is the preacher this weekend at Grace. Which means that it's my turn to cover St. Mark. So you likely won't see me on Sunday morning, however I will preside at the Saturday service.

Synod Transitional Leaders Zoom

Synod transitional leaders (interims, etc) meet once a month via Zoom, and Thursday was our January meeting. There are usually 12-16 leaders that attend this meeting, including Call Process Facilitators. Deacon Sherry Krieger (synod staff) reported that with many pastor retirements coming in the next few years (mine will be one of them), many more congregations will find alternatives to the traditional seminary trained pastor. The TEEM program at Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque is one example. You can learn more about Teem HERE. Our synod's Diakonia program was mentioned as another way that our synod can raise up and train leaders for ministry.

"Continuing in the Covenant of Baptism" will be Lenten Midweek Theme

Following Ash Wednesday on March 2, we will meet at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary for midweek worship using Holden Evening Prayer on March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6. The focus for each week is a portion of the baptismal covenant from the order for Affirmation of Baptism, which is not only used in the Rite of Confirmation, but can also be used on special days in the church year and life of the congregation. Those promises will provide the themes for our five services:

  • March 9 - To live among God's faithful people
  • March 16 - To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper
  • March 23 - To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed
  • March 30 - To serve all people, following the example of Jesus
  • April 6 - To strive for justice and peace in all the earth

Details Finalized for Call Committee Orientation

The Call Committee is looking forward to an orientation session on Thursday, January 27 at 6:30 pm led by Mary Satterfield, our Call Process Facilitator (CPF). Since Pastor Henry is the CPF for our Eastern Conference, he has recused himself and Mary, the CPF for the North Central Conference, is stepping up and in to facilitate the Call Process for Grace. There's lots to learn regarding procedures and protocols, and we're thankful to both our Call Committee and Mary for the roles they will play in the call process.

Preparations Made for Hybrid Annual Meeting

Grace's Annual Meeting is scheduled for next Sunday, January 30, beginning at 9:00 am in the sanctuary. The agenda includes ministry and financial reports, adoption of the 2022 operating budget, and election of Endowment Board members. Members can attend and vote in person or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 861 0263 7131, Passcode: 146139). Heather, Linda and I tested the Zoom connection in the sanctuary this week using the sound system and the large screen presentation TV, and we're hopeful that this will enable members choosing to attend remotely to participate in a meaningful way.

Wednesday Spirit Programming Pause Will Continue

Due to the ongoing rise in COVID numbers and our continued efforts to keep everyone safe, we will keep our Wednesday night Spirit programming on PAUSE for the month of FEBRUARY. Wednesday night programming will then begin MARCH 2 on ASH WEDNESDAY. Throughout Lent, dinner will be served beginning at 5:30pm and Lenten worship will be held in the SANCTUARY at 6:30pm. PLEASE NOTE: Lenten worship at 6:30pm will take the place of Dinner Church. There will also be no small groups for youth or adults.

ELCA Worship News

Your can read the lates issue of this monthly publication HERE.

Seeds Monthly

Seeds Monthly is a resource published by the ELCA office offering ministry and program ideas. You can read the latest issue HERE.

LIFT Notes

You can read the latest news from LIFT HERE.

Free Covid-19 Tests

I'm sure you've heard about the four free Covid-19 tests that are being sent at no charge to every US household. The place to go is HERE. Just click on the blue button, and it will take you to a USPS web page. Fill in your info. Cost of $0. Click order. Sit back and wait 7-12 days for delivery.

Latest Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. The latest episode, posted on Thursday, January 20, is entitled "Hope is Not a Strategy." This episode covers the future of the Omicron wave in the US and across the world, the potential need for a fourth dose of vaccine, and the reality of school closures during the current surge in cases.You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Mission and Vision Planning 101 for Church Councils and Pastors in NWOS

From the latest issue of NWOS News:

Times have changed. What worked before doesn’t necessarily work now or may not work in the future. It’s time to get a plan. Pastors and Church Councils of the Northwestern Ohio Synod, if you’re seeking to develop a mission and vision that is:

  • current,
  • relevant for future ministry in an evolving culture, and
  • in partnership with God’s work in the world,

Join us to jumpstart a Mission and Vision process for your congregation. On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 7 PM via Zoom, Jennie Wolf Smith, CFRE of GSB Fundraising will coach us through:

  • why congregations need a Mission and Vision plan,
  • how to develop a Mission and Vision that represents your congregation, and
  • how to integrate that Mission and Vision into every aspect of ministry.

There is no cost to attend. Registration is Open! Space is limited. If you'd like to participate in this workshop, let your pastor know and he/she will get you registered.

This looks like a good workshop. Jennie Smith was our consultant for our Stewardship Campaign last fall, and she is an effective teacher and leader. Let me know if you're interested in joining this Zoom workshop on Thursday, March 3, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.


You can read more news from NWOS HERE.

We Extend Our Sympathy and prayers to...

  • Tim Rutherford on the death of Tim's mother Jeanne (Jill)
  • Becky Seibert on the death of her sister

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