Friday, January 28, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for January 28, 2022

Stewardship Team Gets to Work

On Monday, the Stewardship Team attended the first of five Zoom meetings (monthly from January through May) in the learning track "Storytelling & Communications." This is part of Grace's participation in the program "Stewardship for All Seasons" offered by GSB Fundraising, and in partnership (cost sharing) with our Northwestern Ohio Synod.

One of the objectives of this learning track is to help us understand the difference between "deposits" and "withdrawals." I'll quote from our presenter, Mitzie Schafer:

Let’s start by defining a Deposit and a Withdrawal. As a nonprofit leader with the joy of raising money for an organization, I found that our results improved when we started making more relationship deposits into the lives of our donors. When I say, “improved,” I mean increases in year over year giving of 65% to 85%. I refer to this as being “donor first.” Being donor first, means treating people like people. It means seeing them as partners, not ATMs with no fees.

A relationship deposit looks like listening to them, inspiring them, helping them see how their generosity changes lives, and showing gratitude. It means creating a “join me” culture so partnership is formed and cultivated.

In the reverse, a relationship withdrawal sounds like we need, we don’t have enough of, if more people would, show up for this “whatever.” It looks like a basic form thank you letter and no personal touch. It is a withdrawal to ask, but it is a bigger withdrawal if every time they hear from you, it is an ask. Withdrawals include a breach of trust, or not being transparent. The greatest withdrawal though is never helping a donor connect their generosity to the lives it changes.

The withdrawal list is longer, because well, it has been our go-to wiring from years of bad practice as a society. But if we equate it to money, we should treat people like debit cards, not credit cards. We should be making deposits before we make a withdrawal.

Mitzie says the ideal balance between deposits and withdrawals is 80-20 -- 80% deposits and 20% withdrawals. Most organizations have this reversed -- 20% deposits and 80% withdrawals. To help us move toward this ideal, Mitzie is leading us to evaluate our communications (newsletters, emails, letters), and to form a team that will interview Grace members to learn from them what Grace has meant to them and how it has changed or benefited their lives. Publishing these stories will add to Grace's "deposit account."

Would you be interested in becoming an interviewer? Our next Zoom on February 28 will teach us the best way to do this. Or perhaps you have a story to tell. We'd love to hear it!

Rostered Leaders Gathering

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Maureen, I, and other LIFT leaders attended the Ohio ELCA Rostered Leaders Gathering, which was offered via Zoom from 9am - noon. The theme for this year's gathering was "Ministry in a House Divided," and addressed the strong polarizations that exist not only in our nation as a whole, but which also filters down in and through our congregations, often causing division and conflict.

Our main presenter was Dr. Leah Schade, an ELCA pastor who is on the faculty of Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. Her presentations helped us explore how pastors and congregations can address controversial issues of public concern using nonpartisan, biblically centered approaches and deliberative dialogue.

Another presenter for the gathering was representatives of the organization "Braver Angels." This organization's mission is to bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic. They do so by observing what they call the Braver Angels Way:

  • We state ours views freely and fully, without fear.
  • We welcome opportunities to engage with those with whom we disagree.
  • We treat people who disagree with us with honesty and respect.
  • We seek to disagree accurately, avoiding exaggeration and stereotypes.
  • We look for common ground where it exists, and if possible, find way to work together.
  • We believe that all of us have blind spots and none of us are not worth talking to.
  • We believe that, in disagreements, both sides share and learn. In Braver Angels, neither side is teaching the other or giving feedback on how to think or say things differently.

Learn more about Braver Angels (you can even join the organization for $1/month) HERE.


LIFT leaders met via Zoom on Thursday afternoon to coordinate a tentative date for VBS this summer, and to decide on a theme. We agreed on a four day camp from Monday, July 11 through Thursday, July 14. The theme will be Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Lovingkindness.

LIFT Notes

You can read the latest issue HERE.

Call Committee Orientation

The Call Committee met with Call Process Facilitator Mary Satterfield on Wednesday evening, during which the Committee received orientation to the Call Process, including information on how the call process works in our synod, and various protocols to follow. The next meeting of the committee will be February

Annual Meeting Set to Go

The Grace Annual Meeting is all ready to go, including a Zoom option (link available in Just Three Things, linked below). The meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 am in the sanctuary, and conclude by 9:45.

Call Committee Installation

The Call Committee will be installed at all three services this weekend -- we are asking Call Committee members to be present for at least one of the services. The choir will sing at all three services in recognition of this significant occasion in the life of the congregation.

Mission and Vision Planning 101

Last week I included info about a workshop for jump-starting a mission and vision process in our congregation offered via Zoom on March 3, 7:00 pm. I still think this could be a helpful resource and provide your new pastor with a clearer direction for his or her ministry at Grace. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll get us signed up. No cost. You can read the full description of this event in last week's Grace Notes HERE.

Latest Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. The latest episode, posted on Thursday, January 27, is entitled "Vaccines, Variants, and Long COVID." In this episode, Dr. Osterholm and host Chris Dall discuss the trajectory of Omicron in the US and abroad, China's zero-COVID policy, how the Biden Administration has responded to the US surge in cases, and a review of what we know about long COVID at this point. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for January 21, 2022

Pastor Paul is the Preacher

Pastor Paul is the preacher this weekend at Grace. Which means that it's my turn to cover St. Mark. So you likely won't see me on Sunday morning, however I will preside at the Saturday service.

Synod Transitional Leaders Zoom

Synod transitional leaders (interims, etc) meet once a month via Zoom, and Thursday was our January meeting. There are usually 12-16 leaders that attend this meeting, including Call Process Facilitators. Deacon Sherry Krieger (synod staff) reported that with many pastor retirements coming in the next few years (mine will be one of them), many more congregations will find alternatives to the traditional seminary trained pastor. The TEEM program at Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque is one example. You can learn more about Teem HERE. Our synod's Diakonia program was mentioned as another way that our synod can raise up and train leaders for ministry.

"Continuing in the Covenant of Baptism" will be Lenten Midweek Theme

Following Ash Wednesday on March 2, we will meet at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary for midweek worship using Holden Evening Prayer on March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6. The focus for each week is a portion of the baptismal covenant from the order for Affirmation of Baptism, which is not only used in the Rite of Confirmation, but can also be used on special days in the church year and life of the congregation. Those promises will provide the themes for our five services:

  • March 9 - To live among God's faithful people
  • March 16 - To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper
  • March 23 - To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed
  • March 30 - To serve all people, following the example of Jesus
  • April 6 - To strive for justice and peace in all the earth

Details Finalized for Call Committee Orientation

The Call Committee is looking forward to an orientation session on Thursday, January 27 at 6:30 pm led by Mary Satterfield, our Call Process Facilitator (CPF). Since Pastor Henry is the CPF for our Eastern Conference, he has recused himself and Mary, the CPF for the North Central Conference, is stepping up and in to facilitate the Call Process for Grace. There's lots to learn regarding procedures and protocols, and we're thankful to both our Call Committee and Mary for the roles they will play in the call process.

Preparations Made for Hybrid Annual Meeting

Grace's Annual Meeting is scheduled for next Sunday, January 30, beginning at 9:00 am in the sanctuary. The agenda includes ministry and financial reports, adoption of the 2022 operating budget, and election of Endowment Board members. Members can attend and vote in person or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 861 0263 7131, Passcode: 146139). Heather, Linda and I tested the Zoom connection in the sanctuary this week using the sound system and the large screen presentation TV, and we're hopeful that this will enable members choosing to attend remotely to participate in a meaningful way.

Wednesday Spirit Programming Pause Will Continue

Due to the ongoing rise in COVID numbers and our continued efforts to keep everyone safe, we will keep our Wednesday night Spirit programming on PAUSE for the month of FEBRUARY. Wednesday night programming will then begin MARCH 2 on ASH WEDNESDAY. Throughout Lent, dinner will be served beginning at 5:30pm and Lenten worship will be held in the SANCTUARY at 6:30pm. PLEASE NOTE: Lenten worship at 6:30pm will take the place of Dinner Church. There will also be no small groups for youth or adults.

ELCA Worship News

Your can read the lates issue of this monthly publication HERE.

Seeds Monthly

Seeds Monthly is a resource published by the ELCA office offering ministry and program ideas. You can read the latest issue HERE.

LIFT Notes

You can read the latest news from LIFT HERE.

Free Covid-19 Tests

I'm sure you've heard about the four free Covid-19 tests that are being sent at no charge to every US household. The place to go is HERE. Just click on the blue button, and it will take you to a USPS web page. Fill in your info. Cost of $0. Click order. Sit back and wait 7-12 days for delivery.

Latest Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. The latest episode, posted on Thursday, January 20, is entitled "Hope is Not a Strategy." This episode covers the future of the Omicron wave in the US and across the world, the potential need for a fourth dose of vaccine, and the reality of school closures during the current surge in cases.You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Mission and Vision Planning 101 for Church Councils and Pastors in NWOS

From the latest issue of NWOS News:

Times have changed. What worked before doesn’t necessarily work now or may not work in the future. It’s time to get a plan. Pastors and Church Councils of the Northwestern Ohio Synod, if you’re seeking to develop a mission and vision that is:

  • current,
  • relevant for future ministry in an evolving culture, and
  • in partnership with God’s work in the world,

Join us to jumpstart a Mission and Vision process for your congregation. On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 7 PM via Zoom, Jennie Wolf Smith, CFRE of GSB Fundraising will coach us through:

  • why congregations need a Mission and Vision plan,
  • how to develop a Mission and Vision that represents your congregation, and
  • how to integrate that Mission and Vision into every aspect of ministry.

There is no cost to attend. Registration is Open! Space is limited. If you'd like to participate in this workshop, let your pastor know and he/she will get you registered.

This looks like a good workshop. Jennie Smith was our consultant for our Stewardship Campaign last fall, and she is an effective teacher and leader. Let me know if you're interested in joining this Zoom workshop on Thursday, March 3, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.


You can read more news from NWOS HERE.

We Extend Our Sympathy and prayers to...

  • Tim Rutherford on the death of Tim's mother Jeanne (Jill)
  • Becky Seibert on the death of her sister

Friday, January 14, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for January 14, 2022

Call Committee Updates

The Call Committee met this past Sunday at 9:15 with all members in attendance. The first order of business was to elect a chair. Kristen Lindsay was nominated and said yes. Thank you Kristen, we know you'll do a great job for Grace! Next order of business was to find a date that works for all for an orientation session with Mary Satterfield, our Call Process Facilitator. The date and time is Thursday, January 27, at 6:30 pm. Mary and Kristen connected on Wednesday morning as a prelude to the meeting on the 27th.

Time in the ER and Occupational Health

Yesterday morning, (Thursday) Marcy arrived at Main Street School in Norwalk and with her arms full of teacher paraphernalia, began to make her way to the school door. But before she got there, she slipped and fell on a patch of black ice. She was able to get herself back up upright and into the school and then made it through the school day.

But by the time she got home late afternoon she was in a great deal of pain that focused on her right knee. Before she went to bed last night, she called in sick for Friday, and dictated to me a lesson plan for her sub. A couple of ibuprofens helped her sleep well enough, and by morning she could at least hobble enough to get around the house. A call to Fisher Titus Occupational Health resulted in a referral to the Fisher Titus ER.

The wait time there wasn't bad - the longest part was for the radiologist to read the x-ray, which said nothing broken. Diagnosis: sprain. They wrapped her knee up good with an ACE bandage, and provided crutches, with instructions to stop at Occupational Health on the way home (they check for drugs and alcohol). Also a follow up visit - January 26 was the earliest appoinment.

Marcy is the leader of her school's robotics team, and there's a meet tomorrow in Norwalk that she's planning on attending. I'll go with her early to help her load the robotics equipment from her school and unload at the Middle School where the meet will be held.

Such are the hazards of parking lots in winter.

Annual Report and Meeting

The Grace Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 30, at 9:00 am in the sanctuary. You can pick up a copy of the Annual Report in the narthex beginning Sunday, or you can download it HERE. Kudos to Linda and Tricia who compiled and published this 49 page document. The part of the annual report that takes the most time is the parochial report. As one who has done this myself many times, I know what it takes to review and summarize all the pastoral acts, membership changes, attendance, offerings, and many other information items that reflect ministry at Grace. Special thanks to Linda who has spent many hours on this task. Well done and greatly appreciated!

Creating an Oasis of Hope

Vibrant Faith is a para-church organization that formerly went by the name Lutheran Youth and Family Institute. The current Executive Director is Rick Lawrence who writes a weekly email with words of encouragement and inspiration. In this week's email Rick talks about how we, both individually and corporately can work to create an Oasis of Hope. You can read Rick's email HERE.

LIFT Notes

  • LIFT Board meets this Sunday, January 16, 12:30 pm at St. John's with Zoom option available
  • You can read minutes from the November board meeting HERE.
  • You can read Pastor Paul's 2021 annual report HERE.
  • Read the latest issue of LIFT Notes HERE. This report can also be found in the 2021 Grace Annual Report.
  • LIFT Leaders met on Wednesday for their monthly meeting. We decided to offer Ash Wednesday driv-thru ashes at Hayes Memorial UMC from noon to 5:00 pm, with LIFT leaders each taking an hour.

ELCA Youth Gathering Registration Paused

Registration fo the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering, scheduled for July 24-28 in Minneapolis, and postponed from 2021 because of Covid-19, is again being paused. The Gathering office released the following announcement several days ago:

Due to the latest COVID-19 surge and recent changes in Gathering leadership, we are pausing registration so our team can evaluate and discern the most faithful next steps for the 2022 Gathering, MYLE and the tAble. Registration rates and other key dates will be adjusted accordingly. Stay tuned to our social media, website and gNews for updates in the coming weeks.

If the Gathering is canceled, we are looking at that week for LIFT to offer VBS.

Worship Committee

Worship Committee met on Tuesday for their regular monthly meeting. One of the main topics of discussion was mid-week Lenten worship. We decided that we would adjust the Spirit schedule a bit, starting supper at 5:30 instead of 5:00. Then we would do Lenten worship in the sanctuary for Ash Wednesday and the next five Wednesdays in Lent at 6:30. The plan would be use Holden Evening Prayer (Grace has done this in previous years, but not real recently) as the order of service. I will work with Maureen to decide on a theme for the messages for these services, and we would share preaching, and invite others to participate as well.

Latest Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, January 13, and entitled "The Omicron Crisis," Dr. Osterholm and host Chris Dall discuss Omicron's impact in the United States and elsewhere, and what our “new normal” of life with COVID should be. They also talk about how the Omicron variant is affecting kids, make sense of what the current hospitalization numbers really mean, and answer two COVID queries on testing. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Drone Photos of Grace Windows Posted

Several weeks ago I posted that Steve Polter had, at Heather's request, had come to Grace to use his real estate photographing drone to take quality photos of the Grace stained glass windows. Polter Real Estate has now posted the photos on their Facebook page, which you can view HERE. These are very nice high quality photos without the "perspective" of photos taken from floor level. I will be using these this Sunday in presenting the James and Bartholomew windows in Generations of Grace, our intergenerational Sunday School beginning at 9:15 in the Auditorium.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Interim Grace Notes for January 7, 2022

Omicron Testing

The recent surge in Covid-19 cases is primarily due to the omicron variant, which is many times more transmissive than delta and other previous variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. With so many more people getting exposed and infected, Covid-19 tests are hard to come by and even harder yet to understand what to do in light of a positive test. I read two informative articles recently that help to shed some light on the issue:

  • How Omicron Affects Testing for the Coronavirus - you can read this article in the Washington Post HERE.
  • Understanding the Different Types of COVID-19 Tests: Do you know the difference between a molecular test and antigen test for COVID-19? -- An article from the Cleveland Clinic website which you can read HERE.
  • Osterholm Update: COVID-19 -- Episode 85: Smart Testing in the Omicron Surge -- In this January 6 episode of this podcast, Dr. Osterholm analyzes the data on the severity of the Omicron variant, the rise in hospitalizations, the effectiveness of rapid antigen tests, and the new testing strategies being implemented across the US. Dr. Olsterholm always provides not only the latest information on the pandemic, but is also a source of inspiration and hope. You can listen this this episide HERE.

Call Committee Organizational Meeting Scheduled

Call Committee members will meet this Sunday morning at 9:15 am in the Lounge. There will be a short meeting comprised of two agenda items: choose a chairperson for the committee, and coordinate calendars for the next meeting, which will be an orientation meeting with Call Process Facilitator (CPF) Mary Satterfield. A CPF is appointed by synod office for each of the six conferences. These persons meeet regularly, (mostly weekly) to interview (mostly by Zoom) candidates who are seeking a new call, whether from within the synod or from another synod. Using both the Ministry Site Profiles and the annnnnd Rostered Leader Profiles, the CPF's decide which candidates provide the best fit for congregations in the call process. Call Committees then receive candidate profiles, and decide whether or not to interview. The remaining steps include:

  • Recommendation to the Congregational Council
  • Compensation Package Negotiation
  • A Meet and Greet with the Parish
  • Special Congregational Meeting vote
  • Farewell to Interim/Transitional Pastor(s)


  • A Festival of Epiphany Parking Lot Service was held on Thursday, January 6 at St. John's. The low-power FM transmitter was used to broadcast the service to those gathered in the Clover Street parking lot. Pastor Matt presided, Pastor Paul was the pracher, and I was the lector, and led the Creed, prayers and peace (flashing lights and honking horns!) There were about persons present for this service.
  • Executive Meeting Sunday - The Executive Committee meets at 12:30 at St. John's. You can read minutes of the November Board meeting HERE.
  • Final Trinity Service -- January 12 will be the final worship service of Trinity Lutheran Congregation, which last year made the decision to dissolve. A special service of closing will be held on June 26.
  • LIFT Notes -- you can read the latest issue of LIFT Notes HERE.

Just Three Things ICYMI

You can read the Friday, January 7 edition of Just Three Things HERE.