Friday, November 19, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for November 19, 2021

Ministry Site Profile Update

The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) for Grace has been submitted. This generated an email to the church office to remind us and give direction to have an email sent to Pastor Matt Wheeler, who has agreed to provide a written recommendation. Once Pastor Matt's recommendation arrives, it will go the Bishop Daniel. Once he approves it, it will be posted on the "Openings" page of of the ELCA website. I have copied and pasted the MSP Status info from Grace's MSP account on the ELCA website:

MSP form: Arrived (most recent)
Ministry Site Profile: 11/11/2021 6:38:03 PM
Reference's Confidential Recommendation: (Not yet arrived)
MSP Reviewed and Approved: No

Stewardship Campaign Report

Our Stewardship Campaign, Live Generously, asked that Grace members return their "Intent cards" to worship last weekend, which were received in a special offering at the beginning of each of the three weekend services. Some members brought or mailed their cards to the church office, and some used the online form to submit their cards. The campaign results so far are summarized by the table below, which was generated by Linda, who tabulated and totaled the cards:

Method Number
Cards returned: IN PERSON / MAIL 72
Cards returned: ONLINE 11
Total Pledged: $185,062

These numbers will be reported during announcements at the Saturday and Sunday services, and members will be reminded and encouraged to complete and submit their cards if they haven't done so already, by placing them in the offering plate during future worship services, or mailing them to the church office. The online option will also remain available. If you haven't returned your intent card, I encourage you to do so. The online option can be accessed HERE.

Staff Notes

We've had lots to talk about and coordinate at recent Tuesday morning staff meetings. As we approach and plan for Advent, Christmas, and end of year office closures, it is imperative that everyone observe several deadlines. Some dates to put on your calendar:

  • Wednesday, December 8 - January newsletter deadline
  • Friday, December 17 - Reports for the Annual Report booklet are due
  • Friday, December 24 - Office Closed
  • Saturday, December 25 - No Saturday Service
  • Monday, December 27 - Office closed
  • Friday, December 31 - Office closed
  • Saturday, January 1 - No Saturday service

Transitional Leaders Zoom

Synod Transition Leaders (interim pastors and other leaders serving congregations that are in transition to new pastors or other forms of pastoral ministy) met via Zoom on Thursday afternoon. We spent most most our time together reporting on the many ministry sites and congregations that are currently in the call process or undergoing some kind of transition. Some of those congregations cannot afford full-time pastors, so leaders from within the congregations are being lifted up and trained for Synodically Authorized Ministry. Others are enrolled in seminary through the Distributed Learning rogram from Luther Seminary, which leads to an Master of Divinity degree. Still others are enrolled in what's called TEEM, or Theological Education for Emerging Ministries. The bottom line is there are lots of congregations in our synod currently in transition, and there are not a lot of candidates that are being interviewed right now. Bishop Daniel and Synod staff are doing some creative work in making sure that ministry needs throughout are synod are being met in a variety of ways.

A Strong Start for Grace's new Pastor

Our synod staff, primarily under the leadership of Deacon Sherry Krieger, Director of Leadership Development for Congregational Care, is in the process of developing and implementing a program called "Starting Strong," a 24-month process that "commences at the time of an official call to invite a leader to service. The Starting Strong Team is in place immediately to build a community around the new leader and parish leaders, and for 24 months supports the growth of ministry in that place." Deacon Sherry describes this new program in greater detail in a blog entry posted in the Luther Seminary's Faith+Lead, a continuing education ministry of the seminary. You can read Deacon Sherry's post about Starting Strong HERE.

LIFT Notes

Becca Myers is a LIFT staff person who served as an intern with LIFT in the summer of 2016. She began contracted work with LIFT in March of 2020. Her responsibilities include maintaining all electronic media for LIFT and preparing worship materials for Trinity & St. Mark services. One of her communication pieces for LIFT is called LIFT Notes, which is a weekly newsletter of what's happening with LIFT. You can read the current issue HERE.

Home Visit with Jan H.

On Thursday, Jan picked me up at the church and we went to visit LaMar C. We had a good visit, an concluded with Holy Communion. We're hoping the LaMar can make it to worship on December 12 for the baptism of his great-grandson. On the way home, we stopped at the Sandusky County Food Pantry, where Jan is on the board. I was impressed with the size of the pantry and seems to be organized very efficiently. It's good to see how a community cares for those for whom food security can be even a daily struggle. Also good to know that there are also places in Fremont like Grace where a hot prepared meal is available and can be enjoyed in the company of others.

ELCA Worship News

You can read the November issue HERE.

Latest Osterholm Podcast

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on November 18 and entitled "Breakthroughs and Boosters," Dr. Osterholm explains what the rise in number of breakthrough infections really means, the importance of booster doses, and how to feel empowered to make a safe Thanksgiving decision based on personal and community risk. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

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