Friday, November 26, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for November 26, 2021

Midweek Advent Worship begins Wednesday

Our program of MIdweek Advent Worship will begin this Wednesday, December 1, with worship beginning at 5:15 pm in the Dining Room. Supper will be served beginning at 5:00 pm, with services also on December 8 and December 15. Our Advent worship theme will focus on World Hunger. A special offering will be received, with proceeds given to the ELCA World Hunger program.

Email from Mary Satterfield

I received the following message from Mary Satterfield, our Call Process Facilitator:

MSP looks very good. Very well done! Let me know when Call Committee is approved and we will set up the orientation.

The Profile is still awaiting our Confidential Reference Recommendation (Pr. Matt). Pr. Matt has been very busy recently with four funerals, but he assured me last Sunday at the LIFT Board Meeting that he would be completing this soon.

Update on Stewardship Campaign

In last week's post I reported on the initial results of our Live Generously stewardship campaign. I reported a total of 83 cards returned, with a total pledged amount of $185,062. The 83 number included cards which were returned, but did not provide specific amounts -- with messages such as "I'll do the best I can." Over the past week, Linda has received more cards, which came through the offering plate, mail, drop-off to office, and online, and the new card count includes only those on which specific amounts were pledged. So the total nubmer of cards returned with specific amounts is 84, but the total amount pledged has increased to $208,358. Of the 84 cards returned, 29 indicated an increase over their 2020 giving level.

Many thanks to Linda who has spent much time recording, analyizing, and reporting the data.

On Tuesday of this week, the Stewardship Team met with Jennie, our GSB Fundraising consultant, for the sixth and final Zoom meeting of the program "Building a Culture of Generosity." The main topics for this meeting were reporting results, follow up, and thank you's. The Stewardship Team is planning to send form thank you letters with a personal hand-written word of thanks from one of the Stewardship Team to the 85 giving units who returned their cards with their intents for 2022. We are meeting next Tuesday, November 28 at 11:00 am to complete this task.

At the end of our Zoom meeting, Jennie brought up the possibility of participating in GSB's program Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS). This program helps congregations keep working on stewardship throughout the year with special tracks and a fall stewardship campaign that is geared to each participating congregation. Special tracks, which are addressed from January through May include:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Planned/Estate Giving
  • Council Leadership
  • Storytelling & Communication
  • Recruiting & Inspiring Volunteers
  • Special Appeals

Jennie says that many first year SAS congregations opt for the Storytelling track to equip volunteers and lay leaders to better share the outcome stories of church ministry. Our synod has entered into a relationship with GSB and has agreed to pay one-half the cost of two years or participation in SAS. I have presented information to Council at the November meeting, and will have additional information to share, so Council members, stay tuned. The details of SAS, including the "covenant" with NWOS, can be examined in greater detail HERE.

Funeral set for Kathleen Burmeister

We commend to God's everlasting care our sister in Christ, Kathleen 'Kathi' Burmeister, who passed away Tuesday, November 23, 2021. Kathi is survived by husband, Larry, and children, Mark Burmeister and Kay (Brent) Saionz. We pray for God's peace and comfort for her family. Visitation will be held Saturday, December 4, 2021 at the church from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. with Memorial Services beginning at 11 a.m. You can read the obituary HERE.

Genacross Selling Toledo Campus

For 160 years, Lutherans in Northwest Ohio have been on the forefront of caring for "the least of these," young or old through several social service agencies. In recent years, programs providing care and rehabilitation to troubled youth have combined with other programs that serve the needs of elderly, primarily affordable housing and assisted living in an organization known as Genacross. Recently I received a letter from Rev. Dr. James Dumke, Vice President for Mission Integration for Genacross Lutheran Services. The purpose of the letter was to inform congregations that Genacross has decided to sell the Toledo Campus, which includes the historic Toledo Old Folks Home, which opened its doors in 1906. The reasons for the sale is that Genacross has been unable to raise the capital needed to make needed renovations.

The buyer has been identified as Majestic Care based in Westfield Indiana, that manages facilities in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio. Services include short-term rehab, physical therapy, memory care, long-term care, and hospice care. Pastor Dumke closed his letter with words of gratefulness for many years of support from congregations in Northwest Ohio and Souteast Michigan.

Latest Osterholm Podcast

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on Wednesday, November 24, and entitled "Thanksgiving Mini-Episode," Dr. Osterholm compares the dynamics of the pandemic this Thanksgiving to last year, and what factors to consider when making Thanksgiving plans. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for November 19, 2021

Ministry Site Profile Update

The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) for Grace has been submitted. This generated an email to the church office to remind us and give direction to have an email sent to Pastor Matt Wheeler, who has agreed to provide a written recommendation. Once Pastor Matt's recommendation arrives, it will go the Bishop Daniel. Once he approves it, it will be posted on the "Openings" page of of the ELCA website. I have copied and pasted the MSP Status info from Grace's MSP account on the ELCA website:

MSP form: Arrived (most recent)
Ministry Site Profile: 11/11/2021 6:38:03 PM
Reference's Confidential Recommendation: (Not yet arrived)
MSP Reviewed and Approved: No

Stewardship Campaign Report

Our Stewardship Campaign, Live Generously, asked that Grace members return their "Intent cards" to worship last weekend, which were received in a special offering at the beginning of each of the three weekend services. Some members brought or mailed their cards to the church office, and some used the online form to submit their cards. The campaign results so far are summarized by the table below, which was generated by Linda, who tabulated and totaled the cards:

Method Number
Cards returned: IN PERSON / MAIL 72
Cards returned: ONLINE 11
Total Pledged: $185,062

These numbers will be reported during announcements at the Saturday and Sunday services, and members will be reminded and encouraged to complete and submit their cards if they haven't done so already, by placing them in the offering plate during future worship services, or mailing them to the church office. The online option will also remain available. If you haven't returned your intent card, I encourage you to do so. The online option can be accessed HERE.

Staff Notes

We've had lots to talk about and coordinate at recent Tuesday morning staff meetings. As we approach and plan for Advent, Christmas, and end of year office closures, it is imperative that everyone observe several deadlines. Some dates to put on your calendar:

  • Wednesday, December 8 - January newsletter deadline
  • Friday, December 17 - Reports for the Annual Report booklet are due
  • Friday, December 24 - Office Closed
  • Saturday, December 25 - No Saturday Service
  • Monday, December 27 - Office closed
  • Friday, December 31 - Office closed
  • Saturday, January 1 - No Saturday service

Transitional Leaders Zoom

Synod Transition Leaders (interim pastors and other leaders serving congregations that are in transition to new pastors or other forms of pastoral ministy) met via Zoom on Thursday afternoon. We spent most most our time together reporting on the many ministry sites and congregations that are currently in the call process or undergoing some kind of transition. Some of those congregations cannot afford full-time pastors, so leaders from within the congregations are being lifted up and trained for Synodically Authorized Ministry. Others are enrolled in seminary through the Distributed Learning rogram from Luther Seminary, which leads to an Master of Divinity degree. Still others are enrolled in what's called TEEM, or Theological Education for Emerging Ministries. The bottom line is there are lots of congregations in our synod currently in transition, and there are not a lot of candidates that are being interviewed right now. Bishop Daniel and Synod staff are doing some creative work in making sure that ministry needs throughout are synod are being met in a variety of ways.

A Strong Start for Grace's new Pastor

Our synod staff, primarily under the leadership of Deacon Sherry Krieger, Director of Leadership Development for Congregational Care, is in the process of developing and implementing a program called "Starting Strong," a 24-month process that "commences at the time of an official call to invite a leader to service. The Starting Strong Team is in place immediately to build a community around the new leader and parish leaders, and for 24 months supports the growth of ministry in that place." Deacon Sherry describes this new program in greater detail in a blog entry posted in the Luther Seminary's Faith+Lead, a continuing education ministry of the seminary. You can read Deacon Sherry's post about Starting Strong HERE.

LIFT Notes

Becca Myers is a LIFT staff person who served as an intern with LIFT in the summer of 2016. She began contracted work with LIFT in March of 2020. Her responsibilities include maintaining all electronic media for LIFT and preparing worship materials for Trinity & St. Mark services. One of her communication pieces for LIFT is called LIFT Notes, which is a weekly newsletter of what's happening with LIFT. You can read the current issue HERE.

Home Visit with Jan H.

On Thursday, Jan picked me up at the church and we went to visit LaMar C. We had a good visit, an concluded with Holy Communion. We're hoping the LaMar can make it to worship on December 12 for the baptism of his great-grandson. On the way home, we stopped at the Sandusky County Food Pantry, where Jan is on the board. I was impressed with the size of the pantry and seems to be organized very efficiently. It's good to see how a community cares for those for whom food security can be even a daily struggle. Also good to know that there are also places in Fremont like Grace where a hot prepared meal is available and can be enjoyed in the company of others.

ELCA Worship News

You can read the November issue HERE.

Latest Osterholm Podcast

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on November 18 and entitled "Breakthroughs and Boosters," Dr. Osterholm explains what the rise in number of breakthrough infections really means, the importance of booster doses, and how to feel empowered to make a safe Thanksgiving decision based on personal and community risk. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for November 12, 2021

Have You Completed Your Intent Card?

Our LIve Generously Stewardship Campaign comes to it apex this weekend as we will be receiving Statement of Intent cards for giving for the coming year. Have you completed yours yet? If not, plan to do it soon, and be ready for worship this weekend. We will be receiving the Intent Cards in a special offering at the beginning of the service during announcements, as we do with the Noisy Offering. Remember that there's also the online option, which will submit your Intent Card directly to the church office. You can find that link HERE. If you submit on line, and want to participate in the Ingathering of the Cards, just grab a card from the table, and write "Submitted online." That way you won't feel left out!

The Stewardship Team met on Tuesday for the 5th of six Zoom meetings with our GSB Fundraising associate Jennie Wolf Smith. We talked about the follow up we need to do after the first weekend of receiving Intent cards, including reporting results the following weekends, sending thank you letters to responders, and reminder notes to those who may need it. This is usually the toughest part of a campaign, one that is easy to go easy on. But still very important. I'm hoping for 100% participation from Grace leaders.

Ministry Site Profile Submitted!

The Ministrly Site Profile for Grace Lutheran Church has been completed and submitted electronically. Many thanks to Beth Muffler for her hard work (with lots of help from Ed and the rest of the Transition Team!)

The first person to view/review the profile will be Mary Satterfield, Grace's Call Process Facilitator (CPF). She may ask the Transition Team to edit or clarify elements of the profile. Once the MSP is cleared by the CFP, it goes to Bishop Beaudoin for his approval. When a required written reference is received (Pr. Matt at St. John’s will be doing this for Grace), the profile then goes “Live” on the ELCA website. It is important to note that only a 75-100 word description of the Ministry Site is viewable by those browsing the Openings.

An ELCA pastor looking for a new call can go to the Current Openings page on the ELCA website, which can be found HERE and enter search criteria. In the section “Geographical Preference,” selecting 6D Northwestern Ohio Synod and then clicking the "Search" button will reveal 11 congregations in our synod whose profiles are listed. Once Grace’s profile is added there will be 12. There are an additional 13 congregations in our synod that are in the Transition phase as Grace has been until now, and will also be seeking to call a pastor.

Last Weekend for Call Committee Nominations

We have been receiving nominations for the Call Commmittee for the past two weekends, and will keep that open for this coming weekend, asking that any nomination forms be returned by Monday, November 15. I had published a link for an online nomination form, and realized that a setting I forgot to change resulted in a "Permission Needed" to continue message. I have fixed that setting, and you should now be able to make your nominations online HERE if you haven't already. So far, about 35 persons have been suggested/nominated. The Call Committee will be appointed by Council at their December 13 meeting, choosing from the many excellent suggestions that have been received. Please continue to surround the Call Process with your prayers.

LIFT 2022 Budget

On Tuesday evening I attended a Zoom meeting at which the 2022 LIFT Budget was presented by board chair Steve Hottinger. There are two major divisions in the budget, one for Bridge of Hope, for which $12,370 has been budgeted, and LIFT, for which $128,179 has been budgeted, for a total of $140,549. The Board is expecting/hoping that all 2021 income streams will continue for 2022 to meet this budget. Grace's pledge for 2021 has been $38,000, the largest single income stream for LIFT. Other significant income streams for LIFT include St. Marks at $28,500, St. John's at $28,000, and Trinity at $21,000.

Worship Committee

Worship Committee met on Tuesday afternoon. Topics of discussion/decision included:

  • Advent Worship will be in the Dining Room as a part of our Dinner Church program. A resource from ELCA World Hunger will provide the focus for those three services on December 1, 8 and 15
  • Reaffirmed Christmas Eve worship services at 6:00 and 9:00pm
  • There will be no Saturday service on Christmas Day and New Years Day.
  • Families/Individuals will be recruited to help with the lighting of the Advent Candles
  • Beginning with the First Sunday of Advent, we will use the Marty Haugen liturgy "Now the Feast and Celebration" for the Hymn of Praise and Alleluia verse befor the Gospel. Also, will switch from "Make Me an Offering" to "Let the Vineyards" as the offering response
  • Hymns and Carols will be used as the service for the First Sunday of Christmas on December 26.
  • Preschool will sing at the 10:00 service on December 12
  • Heather is planning the Children's Christmas Program. Currently this will be pre-recorded and go LIVE on Facebook Dec. 19th. We are considering the possibility of showing this during worship on December 19.
  • We reviewed prompts in the bulletin for standing and sitting at various times during the service
  • We will return to First Tuesday at 11:00 am for our meetings beginning December 7

Offering Counters Wait for Final Hymn?

This also came up at worship committtee. I am wondering if the Council Offering Counters could wait until the Closing Hymn to walk forward take the offering to the office for counting. Maureen pointed out that previous pastors have also asked this question.

Why They're Not Coming Back to Church

(And What To Do With Who's Left) Carey Nieuwhof is a well-known internet based resource person and writer on ministry and church life. He tries to answer the question posed above in an article that you can read HERE. Worth reading.

Latest Osterholm Podcast

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on November 11 and entitled "A Booster Dose of Humility," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the surge of cases in Europe and what it could mean for the rest of the world, the importance of vaccinations and booster doses, COVID-19 cases in deer, and making Thanksgiving plans while remaining COVID-conscious. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for November 4, 2021

Spring Forward, Fall Back

Just a reminder that we all gain the hour of sleep back that we lost last March when Daylight Savings Time went into effect. Set your clock BACK one hour before bedtime Saturday night.

MSP Still Under Construction

Work on the Ministry Site Profile continues -- it is mostly completed and we are now reviewing all of the elements to be sure they are as clear, compelling, and as accurate a description of Grace as possible. Once submitted, it will be reviewed and approved by Bishop Daniel, and then when the written recommendation from Pastor Matt arrives, the 75-word Site Summary will go live on the ELCA website, making known to all who are searching for a new ministry site, that Grace is looking for a new senior pastor.

LIFT Leaders meeting

I reported in last week's post about the meeting of LIFT leaders with Bishop Daniel and Staff. Sue Peck from St. Mark's took detailed notes about our conversation and shared them with us. You can read them HERE.

Stewardship Letter With Intent Card Sent

The Stewardship Team met on Monday to process the second mailing in our 2021 Stewardship Campaign, Live Generously. This mailing included a letter (which you can view HERE), an Intent Card, and a return envelope pre-addressed to Grace Lutheran Church. Announcements this weekend will include encouragement to complete the intent card and bring it to worship next weekend (November 13-14) at which time it will be received. The Stewardship Team is still planning the details of the logistics of this, although we are considering having members pass them to the center aisle, and have some congregation children collect them and bring them forward.

Our Zoom meetings with Jennie from GSB Fundraising have stressed the importance of making this a festive event, so that those who encouraging others to join in following the example of others. Speaking of example, I'm asking those who are reading this to be among the first to complete your intent cards. Of course you will not bring them to worship until next weekend, but I'm asking you to complete them, and then, if you would, send me an email at or a text at 419-239-8444 to say "Yes, I've completed my Intent Card." No amounts, just that you've completed the Card. My plan would then be to announce at this weekend's services that x number of Intent Cards have been completed by Grace's leadership as an inspiration for others to do the same.

Keep in mind that you can also complete your Intent Card online in a Google Form that, when submitted, will go directly to the church office where the information will be received. You can find, complete and submit that form HERE, and if you do, you might also want to bring your card with you next weekend, and just write on it "Intent submitted online."

LInda placed the following announcement in the Just Three Things email which you should have received this morning:

Your generosity has enabled so much ministry to happen that touches and brings hope to so many lives! All of this ministry that happens in and through Grace is made possible because you have chosen to LIVE GENEROUSLY. We encourage you to continue to grow in your financial generosity in 2022. Statement of Intent cards mailed earlier this week will be received in worship the weekend of November 13-14. For your convenience, you may also use this link to complete and submit directly to the church office your intent for the coming year.

Thank you for all you do to bless this congregation! Thank you for considering how you can grow in generosity in the coming year!

Nominations For Call Committee

A form for nominations for Call Committee from the congregation will be included as an insert in the bulletin this weekend and next, with a stated deadline of November 15. Several were submitted last weekend, and hopefully we'll get some more. My suggestion is that Council should decide the size and makeup of the committe at the November meeting on Monday, and then use the December meeting to vote on appointing the Commmittee members. If you still plan on nominating someone for Call Committee, be sure to do so, either using the paper form bulletin insert, or the online form HERE.

Not a Decline, a Pruning

In 1997, Dr. Mert and Irene Strommen founded The Youth & Family Institute in memory of their son David, a young seminarian and youth worker who was killed by lightening while leading a youth trip in the Colorado mountains. The organization was renamed Vibrant Faith Ministries in 2010. The Strommens’ vision was to take the best research and academic insight, ground and deepen it with Christian theology, and instill an evangelical spirit of ministry to help congregations strengthen families to nurture faith. The call across the Christian church to claim the role of the family in the formation of faith actually began from this small organization.

Over the years I have used some of the resources of this organization and attended some of their workshops and trainings which focus on the family to help strengthen faith. I know that this is part of what we are trying to accomplish with our intergenerational Sunday School.

Vibrant Faith's new Executive Director, Rick Lawrence, writes a weekly blog post, and this week he speaks about the decline that so many congregations have been experienced in terms of pruning, a practice which helps growing things become stronger. You can read Rick's post HERE.

Latest Osterholm Podcast

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on November 4 and entitled "Vaccines in the World of Delta," Dr. Osterholm and host Chris Dall discuss the international state of the pandemic, the unpredictability of events to come in the US, recent vaccine data, a COVID query on "mix and match" booster doses, and the approval of the Pfizer vaccine in 5- to 11-year-olds. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.