Friday, August 25, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for August 25, 2023

New LED Church Sign Operational!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the new LED parking lot church sign. It looks great! Messages that appear on the sign are created in the church office. We're starting with the worship schedule, time and temperature. I took a pic during the construction -- the old sign has been removed and the new LED panel is in the process of being installed -- you can view the photo HERE.

Restroom Renovation Progress

Progress is happening -- new plumbing and sewer lines are getting installed in the downstairs units, and we expect the work on the upstairs sanctuary units to begin soon. The goal is to be done by Thanksgiving, so it will be ready to "go" for Toledo Symphony in December.

God's Work Our Hands Day of Service

Pastor Paul has put together some service projects for LIFT Congregation members on Sunday, September 10, beginning with lunch at St. Mark at 11:30 am. This is in observance of our ELCA's God's Work Our Hands Sunday. To learn more about the opportunities for service (some outside, some inside), and for an online signup sheet, go HERE.

Farewell, Pastor Dennis!

For twenty-five years, Pastor Dennis Wansitler has served Emmanuel Lutheran Church. His final worship service before retirement is August 27. Notes of appreciation can be sent to: Pastor Dennis Wansitler c/o Emmanuel Lutheran Church 3557 W. SR 20 Lindsey, OH 43442.

Pastor Paul at Camino de Vida

Pastor Paul has been filling in for Pastor Mary Carmen while she is in Mexico visiting family and getting a visa renewed. Although you can't hear him, you can see him preaching in Spanish HERE. Camino de Vida is adjusting their schedule so Pr. Paul can do that service when he's done at St. Mark.

Stewardship Team Continues Plans for Fall Appeal

The Stewardship Team joined two Zoom meetings this week hosted by GSB Fundraising, the firm that Grace has contracted with to provide direction for our participation in the GSB program Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS). On Monday our Zoom meeting involved all the congregations enrolled in SAS, and delved into the specifics of how the SAS program works, including details we need to know to create brochures, bulletin inserts, and letters to engage the congregation in participating in the appeal. Our Thursday Zoom was only for members of our 6-congregation cohort and was a chance for us to report on our summer homework and the schedule for our appeal.

I just want to be clear that the stewardship appeal will be quite different than it was in 2021 and 2022. SAS has some very specific ways of doing things that have proven to get results. A few paragraphs from our SAS Handbook help to explain:

A successful annual appeal helps create a culture of accomplishment and generosity. People will sense that theirs is a congregation that gets things done. Leaders will gain experience and learn skills that will serve them and the church well in future endeavors.

Funds will be raised to make ministry happen. People will learn the joy of giving and the joy of asking for gifts. By projecting and documenting exciting ministry plans for the coming year, people will have a picture of where their church is going and will be encouraged to increase their giving. As progress in carrying out the ministry plan is communicated, people will gain confidence knowing that together they are carrying out the mission of their church.

This is how SAS defines an Appeal:

An appeal is an intentional, organized and scheduled effort

  • to Inform people of the ministry plans for the coming year and the need for increased giving to fund those plans;
  • to Motivate people to gratefully respond to God's grace by sharing and investing in ministry;
  • to Ask people -- in a compelling, specific and gracious fashion - to consider increasing their giving toward a specific goal that will fund ministry initiatives.
  • to Thank people for their faithfulness and generosity to God's Kingdom through this congregation.

An Appeal provides the opportunity and the means by which people can respond to the invitation to participate more fully in supporting the work of the congregation. It is an educational process that conveys information persuasively and thoroughly.

In my August 4 post, I included the planned schedule for our Appeal at Grace. We will kick it off on October 15, and Appeal Sunday (the day we receive Statements of Intent) will be November 12. I encourage you to review that post, which you can view HERE. You can read an inspiring success story of a congregation that enrolled in SAS HERE.

Rev. Jennifer Hermann Installation

Rev. Jennifer Hermann will be installed as the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Sandusky (sometimes referred to as Trinity Venice) on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. This is good news! Trinity has been in the call process for 3.5 years! You can find mor information about this event HERE.

Politics is a Way of Helping People

That's the title of a book I referenced in my September Grace and Truth pastor message. A politician who believed, lived and practiced that was Albert Quie, who usually was referred to by his nickname "Al." Quie served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1958 to 1979 from Minnesota, and as Governor of Minnesota from 1979 to 1983. Regarded as a moderate Republican, Quie was considered by Ronald Reagan for his choice of a running mate for the office of Vice President of the United States during the 1980 presidential election. He was also on Gerald Ford's list for possible vice presidents following the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974. Quie identified one of his most important votes in congress as his "yes" vote for the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Al Quied died on August 18, a month shy of his 100th birthday. You can view a local news report on the life and death of Quie HERE.

I had a personal connection to Al Quie through his son Joel. He and I attended Luther Seminary at the same time, and I got to know him better during my second call, his first, when we served in the same neighborhood in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. His church was three miles from mine, and we'd meet weekly to study the text for the coming Sunday's preaching. But that was only for about a year, as he departed for graduate study at Notre Dame. In 1996 he took the call to Prairie Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and retired in 2021 after 25 years of service. It reminded me of Grace's long pastorates and the many accomplishments of the congregation under those pastors. You can read more about Pastor Joel's accomplishments at Prairie Lutheran HERE.

Links for You

Jennifer Herrmann Installation


Installation Announcement

Rev. Jennifer Herrmann

Trinity Lutheran, Sandusky

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ:

We are pleased to announce that on Tuesday,

September 12, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

Rev. Jennifer Herrmann will be installed

as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran, Sandusky.

The Service will be held at:

Trinity Lutheran Church

502 Bardshar Rd.

Sandusky, OH 44870

We invite you to be present for this special service. Rostered Ministers and Synod Authorized Ministers are invited to vest. The color of the day is Green.   

(Click here to meet Pr. Jennifer)

Please keep this ministry in your prayers. A letter 

or email may be sent to Pr. Jennifer at: 


Trinity Lutheran Church

502 Bardshar Rd.

Sandusky, OH 44870

I give thanks to God for our continuing partnership in the Gospel.


Your brother in Christ,

Bishop Daniel G. Beaudoin

Friday, August 11, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for August 11, 2023

ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting Sunday

Heather will be leading a meeting this Sunday at St. John's beginning at noon for LIFT youth who are interested in attending the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering which is scheduled for July 16 - 20 in New Orleans. The Youth Gathering is open for those in 8th - 12th grades. The Young Adult Gathering, to be held at the same time, is open to 18 to 35 year olds, and partially geared toward those who did not have an opportunity to attend the 2021 Gathering because it was canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Registration for the Gathering begins next month.

Construction Dust Necessitates Organ Service Call

The first stage of our restroom project, destruction of the existing facilities on the ground floor, created more than expected destruction dust. It was necessary to jackhammer a thick concrete wall in the women's room to facilitate the new plan. Although the contractor did everything they could to seal off the area and minimize the dust, the dust found a way to escape, and created quite a cloud in the choir/organ part of the sanctuary. Too much dust can wreak havoc with an organ, so Glenn Tallar, our organ maintenance specialist was called to check it out. I just so happened that he was in the neighborhood servicing the organ at Zion Sandusky, and so was able to check out the Grace instrument. Thankfully, the dust levels did not indicate a thorough cleaning. But Glenn noted that two of the air boxes that are integral to the organ's operation are in need of repair. This box has a leather bellows that allows for expansion and contration to provide a steady supply of air for the pipes. According to a sharpie note on the box, this leather was replaced in 1974. It has reached the end of its useful life. We will be waiting to hear from Glenn what the repair cost will be.

Preview of New Grace Story

The next Grace Story will feature John Avers, and will go out via Mailchimp next Tuesday, and will appear in the September issue of Grace and Truth. You can read the final draft of the story HERE. When I interviewed John at his house last Sunday, I forgot to take a photo. So I will need to do that Sunday. John, help me remember!

LIFT Leaders Meet

LIFT Leaders met on Wednesday, and there were three main topics of discussion:

  • Confirmation for 2023-2024 Program Year - We are struggling with a schedule that will work for everyone. If Grace stays with the 9:00 am service time, there would be a 3 hour gap between the end of worship and the beginning of Confirmation at noon, a schedule that we used in 2021-22. Leaders will meet again after the Youth Gathering meeting on Sunday to work out a plan.
  • God's Work Our Hands - For the past ten years, the ELCA has promoted the Sunday after Labor Day as "God's Work Our Hands" Sunday, a day that congregations plan and execute a service project in the community. A tentative plan will be to serve a lunch, and then have several options for a several hour service, some out in the community, and some that can be done at the church. We are hoping to have more specific details ready by the September Grace and Truth deadline.
  • LIFT Worship on the Sunday after Christmas - The Sunday after Christmas will be New Year's Eve, so we are planning a LIFT service for that day with two services -- one at Grace on Saturday at 4pm, and another, probably at Emmanuel. One option for that service would be Lessons and Carols, and other options are being considered.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymnal Campaign Update

Linda reports that to date the church office has received funding and pledges for 193 hymnals, towards our goal of 275. If you haven't pledged your support yet, won't you help us reach our goal? Sponsorship forms can be found on the tables at both entrances, or online HERE.

Links for You

Friday, August 4, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for August 4, 2023

Worship In the Park Went Well

Our LIFT Christmas in July service at Birchard Park went well, with over 100 persons from St. John's, Grace, St. Mark, Emanuel, Trinity, Hayes UMC, and Camino da Vida in attendance. Pr. Paul did a phoenominal job of putting it all together and preaching the sermon in both English and Spanish. The pastries were tasty and the coffee was hot. Could be a regular thing on the last Sunday of July.

Fall Planning

Staff met for an extended session to discuss the plans for our fall Schedule. Many things will remain the same - Spirit will resume on Wednesday, September 13 with supper beginning at 5pm. Maureen and I will lead small group studies beginning at 6:00 pm. Full details will appear in the September Grace and Truth.

One thing that will change is Confirmation, which will return to a noon til 1:15 pm on Sunday schedule. The split schedule we used last year, teaching the same lesson twice, once at St. John's and once at Grace really didn't work out well.

God's Work Our Hands Planning Underway

For the past ten years, the first Sunday after Labor Day weekend has been designated as “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday. This year that date is Sunday, September 10, 2023. This from the ELCA God's Work Our Hands web page:

This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

We have begun to discuss ways that we can observe this day as a LIFT activity, and join thousands of other ELCA congregations in serving our neighbor on this day. Some ideas have included trimming an overgrown trail at Blue Heron Reserve. We discussed other activities that could take place at the church for those who need a project that is not overly physical. You can view and download a God's Work Our Hands Toolkit which has lots of ideas. We are open to more ideas. LIFT Leaders are meeting this Wednesday at noon to finalize some plans

Sympathy to Family of Pastor Mary Carmen

This week this message to the LIFT Board was received from Pr. Paul:

Dear LIFT Board,

Pastor Mary Carmen asked me to pass on a prayer request as she and Leo grieve the death of their brother-in-law, Ernesto De León. They are in Monterrey with family at this time. May God’s peace comfort them in the midst of mourning.

Ernesto was 61 years old at the time of his death.

Stewardship Team Meets with Jennie Wolf Smith

The Stewardship Team met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, and most of our meeting was dedicated to a Zoom with Jennie Wolf Smith, who is the consultant from GSB Fundraising for our participation in the program Stewardship for All Seasons. Jennie reminded us of some of the process things that we should be doing, including telling as many stories as possible of the ministry that's happening at grace, and begin to plan for some new ministry and any additional funds that may be needed for ministry in 2024. Major elements of our program are outlined in this schedule:

  • Saturday, September 23, 2023 Drafts of all written materials completed
  • Saturday, September 30, 2023 Gift Tables Complete, Text and Graphics sent to Graphic Designer
  • Saturday, October 7, 2023 graphic design complete and to printer
  • Sunday, October 15, 2023 Announcement Sunday
  • Monday, October 16, 2023 Letter #1 Mailed
  • Sunday, October 22, 2023 Temple Talk #1, Bulletin insert #1
  • Sunday, October 29, 2023 Temple Talk #2, bulletin insert #2
  • Sunday, November 5, 2023 Temple Talk #3, bulletin insert #3
  • Monday, November 6, 2023 Mail letter #2 with brochure and statement of intent
  • Sunday, November 12, 2023 Appeal Sunday
  • Monday, November 13, 2023 Begin tallying responses and preparing thank you notes

We have lots of work to do to create our written materials and graphics, but fortunately we will have lots of help from the Stewardship for All Seasons handbook, and excellent coaching from Jennie. We will also be sharing all of our ideas with our five other cohort congregations in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana and Iowa through a collaboration website called Basecamp. We have two more Zoom meetings this month - one with our cohort led by Jennie, and another with all the congregations in several cohorts across the US.

Our goals include promoting the concepts of abundance and generosity.

Worship Committee Meets

Worship Committee met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday. We reviewed the Worship Planners for August and September. We decided to keep using ELW Setting 10 through Labor Day weekend, and then move to ELW Setting 3 for the fall until Advent.

We had quite a bit of discussion regarding the holiday schedule around Christmas and New Year's. We settled on doing a regular Saturday/Sunday schedule on December 23/24 for Fourth Sunday of Advent, and then hold Christmas Eve service in the afternoon/evening with services at 5:00 and 9:00. Then the following New Year's Eve weekend we'll plan on a LIFT series of services using Lessons and Carols, details TBD.

We agreed that we would recommend to council that we continue the Sunday service schedule of one service at 9:00 am.

LIFT Shows Up for Fremont Community Cookout

On Tuesday, the City of Fremont sponsored the second of two community cookouts focused on park cleanup and community awareness. Several groups set up information tables at the cookout, including LIFT and Noah's Ark Preschool. You can read more about the event HERE. Pastor Paul posted a photo of the LIFT Grace group that was present, which you can view HERE.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymnal Campaign Update

Linda reports that to date the church office has received funding and pledges for 165 hymnals, towards our goal of 300. If you haven't pledged your support yet, won't you help us reach our goal? Sponsorship forms can be found on the tables at both entrances, or online HERE.

Links for You