Friday, July 21, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for July 21, 2023

Sympathy to Family of Linda Merrill

We extend our sympathy to the family of Linda Merrill, who died on July 13. Visitation is tonight (Friday, July 21, from 4-8 pm, and I will officiate the service on Saturday, July 22, 6 pm, all and Wonderly Horvath. You can view and read the obituary for Linda HERE.

Bathroom Renovation Project Moving Forward

On Wednesday, Grace President Jerry Moses met with representatives from construction and electrical contractors who will be doing the renovations on bathrooms for the Dining Room and Preschool on the lower level, and the addition of a men's and women's room across from the handicap accessible restroom in the back corner of the church nave. Jerry will provide an update on this project prior to worship this weekend.

LIFT Worship at Birchard Park Ready to Go

The Fifth Sunday All-LIFT Service is ready to go, with Grace, St. John's, St. Mark, Hayes Memorial and Camino De Vida participating. Grace will still hold Saturday worship at 4 and Sunday worship at 9, which will be an abbreviated service. Don't forget to bring your lawn chair. Fellowship at 10, worship at 10:30, and a small project of park trash pickup at 11:30. Also, a non-perishable or hygiene item for Bridge of Hope food pantry. Volunteers are needed -- Pr. Paul has prepared a Signup Genius page for us for this event, which you can view and volunteer at HERE. You can also help to get the word out by sharing the Facebook flyer for this event with your FB friends, which you can find and share HERE.

LIFT Planning Fall Activities

The LIFT Board met last Sunday for our regular bi-monthly meeting. In addition to updates regarding recent summer activities, the Board and Pr. Paul is turning attention to fall activities. Some activities that are being planned include:

  • God’s Work Our Hands Sunday service project on September 10
  • Blessing of Animals
  • Great Hymns of Faith
  • Leaf raking
  • Reformation Service (5th Sunday
  • New Year's Eve (Sunday morning)

Fresh Expressions 101 Coming to Zion Sandusky

Fresh Expressions is an international, cross-denominational, creative movement of Christians working alongside existing congregations to cultivate new forms of church for those who have never been involved in church or who have left the church. The purpose of Fresh Expressions isn't to get people to attend a traditional or typical form of church on Sunday mornings. The purpose of Fresh Expressions is to connect with people, especially those who would never enter a church building, to form new faith communities in places where people are already gathering in contemporary culture. "Fresh Expressions are places where the people of God communicate the love of God in new and compelling ways.

Heather and Pr. Paul have attended Fresh Expressions training here in our synod, and now there is another opportunity to explore this new way of doing ministry. Pr. Phil Gardner, one of our retired Eastern Conference Pastors, recently sent this email to Conference leaders:

Greetings, Eastern Conference folk!

Zion, Sandusky, will welcome Fresh Expressions trainer the Rev. Dr. Matthew Lake on Saturday, September 23, to offer us a first blush at what I’d call the opposite of “megachurch” as a strategy to bring Christ Jesus to people who don’t and likely won’t do traditional church. A continental breakfast will be available at 8:30, and Matt will offer a presentation from 9:00 to noon. We hope you and your people will want to attend. More information will be forthcoming, but please accept this as a teaser to help get the event on your calendar.

Zion is hosting, and funding is being provided by the Legacy Fund of St. Paul, Sandusky, and the Zion Foundation. So, it’s FREE!!!

Reply with any questions you may have. Thanks.

You can view a flyer of this event HERE.

Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church Holds First Meeting

The ELCA Churchwide Assembly voted to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church, the first meeting of which was held recently. To learn more about this commission, its members, and its first meeting, you can go HERE.

Constitution Revision Committee Works on Chapter 11

The Constitution Revision Committee (Linda, John Avers, and I) met on Wednesday to continue our work of getting our Constitution up to date. For this meeting, we addressed Chaptere 11, which deals with Officers, and includes the edit that was proposed for voting at the last annual meeting. This action was tabled until a more complete process on updating the constitution could be completed, which is what we are working on. This issue inA this chapter is to identify president, vice-president and secretary as officers elected from the membership of Council, and for the treasurer to be appointed by council, which will ensure that someone with the skills needed for this office can serve in this capacity. Next month we will move on to Chapter 12, Congregation Council

Links for You

Friday, July 14, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for July 14, 2023

Successful Week of VBS

VBS 2023 went very well - we had about 40 K-6 children, and a strong contingent of youth and adult leaders and helpers. Held at St. Mark from Monday through Thursday, 6:00 0- 7:30 pm, we had plenty of open space for outdoor activities, which included welcoming and petting animals - a goat on Monday, chicks and chickens on Tuesday, and a goat, a pig and the chicks and chickens did an encore performance on Thursday. Our theme was God's Good Creation and was made available for no cost from the ELCA World Hunger Program. Our lessons centered around animals that can be raised and sold for food and income in our neighbor countries around the world. Our VBS offering will purchase one or more animals through the ELCA Good Gifts program. Pastor Paul put together a very nice video with highlights from our four day adventure. You can view the video HERE.

Pick Up Your Picture Directory After Worship

Beginning this weekend, we will make them available for pickup after worship on Saturday and Sunday. We had extra copies printed, while supplies last, you can purchase a copy. We are asking for a donation of $10 per directory which will cover the cost of producing the directory . Remember that there are two ways of viewing the directory online:

Remember that the PDF is password protected. If you need help remembering the password, you can email Pr. Mark at

New Preschool Storage Shed Assembled

Noah's Ark Preschool has purchased and assembled a plastic storage shed, which will be placed in the northeast corner of the courtyard. The shed will store play activity equipment for the outdoor play session for the preschool kids.

Christmas in July Outdoor Worship Plans Continue

The planning committee for our LIFT worship service at Birchard Park on Sunday, July 30 met Wednesday to complete the many details for this service. There will be fellowship time at 10:00, the service is at 10:30, and a brief service project of park cleanup at 11:30. Be sure to bring a lawn chair and a non-perishable or hygiene item for Bridge of Hope food pantry At Grace we will still hold our 9:00 service, but we strongly encourage many to attend the joint LIFT service. You can view a shareable Facebook flyer of the event HERE.

LIFT Board Meets Sunday

The LIFT Board meets Sunday at 12:30 at St. John's for our regular bi-monthly meeting. You can view the August LIFT Newsletter HERE.

Ice Cream Social at St. Mark July 25

St. Mark Lutheran Church will hold its annual Ice Cream Social Tuesday, July 25, 2023. The Social will be held at the church, 902 East State Street, Fremont, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. The Social will be held on the church lawn, weather permitting. In case of inclement weather, the Social will be held inside the church. An elevator is available for the handicapped. The menu includes sandwiches – hot dogs, brats, shredded chicken, and sloppy joes; baked beans; homemade salads; homemade desserts; and Toft’s ice cream. A donation of non-perishable food will pay for ice cream. Half of the Social’s proceeds and all non-perishable food donations will go to the Sandusky County Food Pantry.

Bell Dedication on Sunday

The memorial service for Nancy Roddy will be Saturday, July 15, at 11:00 at Grace, with visitation beginning at 9:300. Maureen will preside at the service. On Sunday during worship, we will dedicate a "Silent Hand Bell" in memory of Nancy. Here is the prayer that we will use:

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the universe. You have enriched our lives with every good and perfect gift; you have commanded us to show your splendor to our children and to praise you with lives of love, justice, and joy. Accept this Silent Bell, which we offer in thanksgiving for the gifts that Nancy Roddy brought to Grace as a founding and faithful member of the Bell Choir for 46 years, supporting our calling to worship you in spirit and truth. Bring us all at length to your perfect kingdom, where you live and reign with the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for July 7, 2023

VBS Ready to Go!

Our VBS this summer will again be a LIFT event, this coming week, July 10-13 from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm. VBS this year hosted by St. Mark This is a good place because of the large yard for outdoor activities. Our theme is God's Good Creation, and you view a Facebook information page with a link to registration HERE.

Directories Have Been Delivered!

Hard copies of Grace's new picture church directory have been delivered to the church office. If you ordered one or more copies, you are welcome to stop at the church office and pick yours up. Beginning next weekend, we will make them available for pickup after worship. We had extra copies printed, while supplies last, you can purchase a copy. We are asking for a donation of $10 per directory which will cover the cost of production. Remember that there are two ways of viewing the directory online:

Remember that the PDF is password protected. If you need help remembering the password, you can email Pr. Mark at

Grace Kids at Camp This Summer

I had planned to post this in June when it happened, so am posting it now. Grace sent four campers to Hopewood Pines (formerly Lutheran Memorial Camp) near Fulton, OH last month. All four campers were from the same family, and were able to attend because Grace has the funds to subsidize the greater part of the $450 cost per camper per week. Here are some public pics from the Camp website of the campers who attended that week HERE, HERE, and HERE.

ELCA Seeds Monthly

Seeds Monthly is an ELCA publication for synod and congregation leaders. You can read the June issue HERE.

St. Paul Sandusky Plans Closure

St. Paul Sandusky, one of our Eastern Conference congregations, is planning to dissolve. They sold their building and property on West Perkins Ave., and have been meeting in various places. The Sandusky Register recently did a story on the congregation and their plans to share the proceeds of the congregation's closure. You can read the story HERE.

LIFT Notes

You can read the latest issue of LIFT Notes HERE

Recent and upcoming Funerals

We extend our sympathy to the families of the following persons who have recently joined The Church Triumphant:

I will be officiating the services for Carole and EllaMarie. Maureen officiated the service for Paula, and will also conduct the funeral for Nancy Roddy next Saturday, July 15. There are no services planned for Steve, just a visitation time at the funeral home.