Friday, May 26, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for May 26, 2023

Last Sunday for 7:45 and 10:00 Worship

A reminder that this Sunday will be the last chance to worship at 7:45 and 10:00, at least until September. Our summer schedule will go into effect next Sunday, June 4, with one service at 9:00 am. Saturday's schedule stays the same with worship at 4:00 pm. Haven't determined if or at what time Lounge Sunday School Class would meet with the new Sunday Schedule.

St. Mark and Emmanuel Planning Joint Congregation Meeting

Members of St. Mark and Emmanuel are planning to meet on Sunday, June 4, 11:15 at Emmanuel. With Pastor Dennis Wansitler planning retirement at the end of August, These two LIFT congregations are meeting to discuss future arrangements of shared pastoral leadership as LIFT congregations. You can view the LIFT Facebook page announcing this meeting HERE. Keep these congregations in your prayers, as the results of this meeting will have a significant impact on the ministry of LIFT going forward.

Hearts, Hands and Voices Event Taking Shape

LIFT Congregations are sponsoring an "Arts Academy'' under the theme "Hearts, Hands and Voices." The event will be at Grace from Monday through Thursday, June 26-29, from 9:00 am until 12:15 pm. The main audience is children and youth beginning with those will be in Kindergarten in the fall, and includes musical activities including choir, bells, chimes, recorders and drumming. There will also be opening songs with a Bible lesson, and a break for snacks. Participants will be divided into two groups, younger and older, and with the exact age breakdown TBD based on those planning to attend. So far, leaders for the various groups will be from Grace and St. John's. You can find an event flyer HERE, a program schedule HERE, and an online registration form HERE.

Correction on New Hymnals

In my pastor message for the June issue of Grace and Truth, I reported on the history of hymnals in our Lutheran denominations, both past and present, and noted that our current "green hymnals," Lutheran Book of Worship, were published in 1978, and are looking very tired. I also reported that Worship Committee recommended to council to begin planning to purchase new Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnals, published in 2006, and now used by most congregations in our synod and across the ELCA. However I misstated the number of hymnals needed, mentioning 300. We will actually need closer to 400 hymnals to fill the pews at Grace. Again, the cost per book is $24.50. The church office has already received a call from the spouse of a Grace member who has died, pledging to purchase 20 hymnals in memory of his wife. We are hoping that such memorial gifts will go a long way in raising the needed for this project.

Zoom Update on Camino da Vida and Bridge of Hope

On Wednesday, Pastor Paul hosted a Zoom update on two LIFT ministries - Camino da Vida and Bridge of Hope food pantry, with ministry leaders Pastor Mary Carmen and Anne Garcia reporting for us. Pastor Mary Carmen has a current attendance at Camino de Vida of about 12 people in person and 13 online. They also recently observed the one year anniversary of in-person worship in their dedicated space at Hayes Memorial UMC. Director Anne Garcia reported that Bridge of Hope has started delivering welcoming baskets to migrants, and that plans are in the works for a LIFT service project providing a meal at migrant camps. Also present on the Zoom was Pastor Sarah Schaaf, Northwestern Ohio Synod Director for Community Engagement. Living only about fifteen minutes from several of the migrant camps, Sarah has offered to assist with the meal delivery program

Stewardship for All Seasons Update

This week I received the official registration form for our participation in Stewardship for All seasons (SAS). I have completed it and returned it to our GSB Fundraising assiciate, Jennie Wolf Smith. Our SAS orientation Zoom meeting for members of the Stewardship Team is scheduled for Monday, June 5, at 7:00 pm. This meeting will give us clear direction on what we need to do to carry out a successful stewardship campaign in 2023. I may have shared this list before, but it's always good to be reminded of the benefits of Stewardship for All Season, and what we hope to accomplish by participating in this progream:

  • Prepare your congregation’s story
  • Educate people to tell that story
  • Focus attention on your congregation’s mission
  • Inspire people to give generously
  • Learn tools and methods that really work
  • Build a team that enjoys leading stewardship efforts
  • Become confident and skilled in stewardship development
  • Apply biblical principles to gain more resources for mission
  • Experience the joy of asking and giving
  • Avoid searching for the latest hot stewardship program
  • Increase annual giving by 10 – 15% or more each year

Links for You

Prayers from St. Paul Jenera

Earlier this month Grace received a letter from Deb Noll, the SAM serving as pastor at St. Paul Jenera. Deb says this the letter:

Greetings in the Name of the Holy Trinity,

Every Sunday our congregation lifts up in prayer a congregation of the Northwestern Ohio Synod of the ELCA and its pastor. It is our hope that God will bles the congregation in a special way -- a way in which it has been praying for help or guidance.

On this Sunday, we prayed for you and God's people at Grace Lutheran. May God hear our prayer.

In Christ's Love,
Deb Noll (signature)
Synod Authorized Minister
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Jenera Ohio 45841

Enclosed with the letter was a "Thinking of You" Card signed by 57 members of the congregation. It's nice to know that we are in the prayers of others in our synod. The word synod, BTW, means "walking together."

Friday, May 19, 2023

Interim Grace Notes

LIFT Ascension Service

We had a fairly good turnout for the LIFT Ascension service. Pr. Paul did an excellent sermon, and we did did prayer and laying on hands for healing, and Holy Communion. Heather led some activities at the back table for children who were present, and there was lots of PIE in the fellowship room after the service.

Picture Directory Off to Printer

Our picture directory has ben sent to the printer, and we should have them delivered by mid-June. There's still time to reserve your copy, which you can do by calling the church office, or completing the online form HERE.

Migrant Baskets

You may remember that LIFT congregations were requesting donations for welcome baskets for arriving migrant workers, with Pastor Mary Carmen taking the lead. Pastor Paul took lots of good pics from the distribution at the migrant camp earlier this month. You can see them HERE. Thanks to all who donated and made this outreach ministry possible.

LIFT Notes

You read the most recent issue of LIFT Notes HERTE. Take special note of the following LIFT sponsored and supported activities:

  • Outdoor Worship at Trinity site on Trinity Sunday, June 4. Time is 10:30, and light lunch to follow.
  • Summer Park Tour. Heather will again be one of the key leaders for this muiti-date, multi-location activity.
  • Hearts, Hands and Voices Acadamy. Sounds like a fun time for kids, youth and adults June 26-29 from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. Tom Curry is the man both behind and in front of the curtain.

LIFT Board Meets Sunday

The LIFT Board is scheduled for their bi-monthly meeting this Sunday at 12:30 pm. We have received word that Pastor Dennis Wansitler, for many years the pastor at Emanuel, has announced his retirement at the end of August. The congregation is considering several options: Closing, less than every week worship with supply pastors, or an increased partnership with LIFT, meaning Pr. Paul would make Emanuel a preaching point. This would possibly mean that one or both Emanuel and St. Mark would need to change their worship time.

Synod Transitional Leaders Met

Synod Transitional Leaders met Thursday for our usually monthly Zoom meeting. A bakers dozen were present for this meeting - it's always good to touch base with other leaders and congregations that are in transition.

Seeds Monthly

You can read the latest issue of Seeds Monthly (resources for congregation leaders) HERE.

ELCA Worship

You can read the latest issue of ELCA Worship HERE.

Just Three Things

In case you missed it, you can read this week's Just Three Things HERE.

Constitution Revision Update

The Constitution Revision Task Force, comprised of John Avers, Linda, and me, met again on Wednesday. We are making slow progress, but the key word is progress. Our working documents are the ELCA Model Constitution for Congregations, and the most recent update of the Grace constitution which was done in 2017 and approved in 2018. There are two main parts of the constition - the chapters (1-9 to be precise) which are required to conform to the model, and chapter 10-19 which are not required to conform, and reflect local practice and preferences. You can see the Model Constitution HERE and the Grace Constitution HERE.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for May 12, 2023

Plaque for Pastor Jody Dedicated

A brass plaque commemorating and honoring the service of Rev. Jody Rice was dedicated at last Sunday's service after the receiving of the offering and before the celebration of Holy Communion. Serendipitiously, Pastor Jody was present for a visit unrelated to the recent installation of the plaque. Many Grace members enjoyed seeing and visiting with Pr. Jody and Jeff, if but for a short time. Jody and Jeff issued an open invitation for Grace members to visit some more at The Depot later in the afternoon. In case you missed it, you can view the video of the dedication HERE, and you can view a photo of the plaque HERE.

Picture Directory Goes to Print Soon

Our plan is to send the picture directory to the printer early next week. So far we have about 120 directories ordered, but we will likely order more than that so that everyone who wants a printed version can get one. You may have seen Linda's blast entitled "Last Call." If not, you can view it HERE.

Lift Notes

Be sure to check out the latest issue of LIFT Notes where you will find information about:

  • Hot Dog Fundraiser for Liberty Center of Sandusky County on May 19
  • Ascension Day Worship on Thursday, May 18 with pie fellowship following
  • Trinity Sunday Worship at Trinity Lutheran site, June 4 at 10:30 am
  • Summer Park Tour (third year!)
  • Hearts, Hands and Voices, an arts and music academy for kids and adults led by Grace music director Tom June 26-29

LIFT Leaders Met

LIFT Leaders came together for their monthly meeting on Wednesday. Topics of discussion included some possible service projects and worship experiences. Service project ideas include a workday to build beds for kids. Some area congregations have done this successfully. In September, 2021, St. Peter Blackberry and St. Luke's Curtice (my 2013 interim congregations) worked together to raise $14,690 to build and provide bedding for 50 beds for area children using the non-profit organization Let's Build Beds . You can view photos of this one-day project that took place in the St. Peter parking lot HERE. A similar kind of project can be done to build walls for a Habitat for Humanity house in a congregation parking lot in a one-day service project. We also discussed the possibility of LIFT sponsored worship experiences that don't necessarily conflict with regularly scheduled services at our individual congregations, including possible services at a city park or at the fairgrounds.

Memorial Service for Dan Linder

Maureen conducted the memorial service for long-time active Grace member Dan Linder today (Friday, May 12). You can read the obituary for Dan HERE.

Bishop Daniel Planning Sabbatical

A sabbatical leave for Bishop Daniel from June through early September has been approved by the April meeting of the the Synod Council. You can read more about this time of renewal for Bishop Daniel, as well as other details and minutes from April's Synod Council meeting HERE.

New Worship Setting to Begin June 4

Our Worship Committee tries to provide variety in our worship settings, so after using LBW Setting 2 for a number of months, we are going to move to WOV Setting 4 beginning in June. WOV (abbriation for With One Voice) is a hymnal supplement to Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) that was first published in 1995. This softcover book with a navy cover was purchased and used by many if not most of ELCA congregations prior to the publication of Evangelical Lutheran Worship in 2006. We will begin learning the several musical selections that we normally use in our worship (Hymn of Praise, Alleluia, Holy Holy Holy, Lamb of God) in the remaining weekends in May during the announcements. If you want to take a look at this music, Tricia has prepared an insert with the music that we will rehearse that you can view HERE.

Plans for Replacing LBW with ELW

Upon recommendation of the Worship Comittee, Council is investigating the cost and possible funding to replace the green 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) hymnals with the much newer Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal. This hymnal was first published in 2006, and virtually every congregation in the Northwestern Ohio Synod as well as the ELCA is now using this hymnal. The cost per hymnal is $24.50, and we will need to purchase 300. Congregation members will be encouraged to sponsor one or more hymnals. Almost all of the hymns that are stilll published in the worship bulletin would be in the newer ELW, saving us some copying expense.

Synod Council Highlights


Synod Council Highlights

April 2023

The Northwestern Ohio Synod Executive Committee approved a summer sabbatical for Bishop Daniel from June through early September 2023. Bishop Daniel will begin and end this sabbatical in spiritual retreat and focus on:

-      Rest, renewal, and retreat

-      Tending to the body, mind, and soul

-      Expanding cultural intelligence through immersive learning

-      Reconnecting with God’s creation

-      Engage in intentional rest, reading, and visioning for the future of northwest Ohio

If you require assistance during this time, please call the Northwestern Ohio Synod office at (419) 423-3664. As this sabbatical approaches, we invite you to join us as we pray for the Holy Spirit to renew and inspire Bishop Daniel.

Below are some highlights from the April 2023 Synod Council meeting:

  • Routine roster maintenance actions
  • Acknowledgement of outgoing Synod Council Members
  • Constitution Updates
  • Appointment of the Compensation Guideline Taskforce
  • Approval of June 1, 2024 Assembly Date. The 2024 Assembly will be a simplified one-day event of worship and synod business (voting on budget, elections, resolutions/memorials). More details will be posted to the synod’s webpage in early 2024.

January 2023 Minutes

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Bishop Daniel's May 4, 2023 Email - Tanzania


Dear Friends in Christ,

“Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and take their places at the banquet in the kingdom of God” (Luke 13:29).

We are a part of a global church, drawn together by the Holy Spirit from east and west, from north and south, to be the whole people of God for the sake of the world. Global Companions of the Northwestern Ohio Synod include: The Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia-Montenegro, The Dodoma Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, and the Mexican Lutheran Church.

During the next 12 days, I will be traveling with a delegation from the Northwestern Ohio Synod, to attend the May 7 Consecration of Newly Elected Bishop Christian Ndossa of the Dodoma Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. A group of women from Northwestern Ohio will participate in a women’s retreat to build relationships with Tanzanian leaders who are women.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) is the second largest Lutheran Church in the world, with over eight million followers of Jesus. Five percent of the Tanzanian population is Lutheran Christian. The ELCT is made up of twenty-six dioceses, including the Dodoma Diocese which is located in the heart of Tanzania. In fact, the capital of Tanzania is Dodoma, and the city is growing rapidly.

Newly Elected Bishop Christian Ndossa follows Bishop Amon Kinyunyu who is retiring after twelve years of faithful service. The Northwestern Ohio Synod will be presenting Bishop Ndossa with a Pectoral Cross and a Bishop’s Ring. Following the consecration, we will meet with Bishop Ndossa and General Secretary Rodrick Lyimo to learn about the status of shared projects, including: Aya School, the Mzogole water well, Dodoma Lutheran College, the Hekima Vocational School, and retiring Bishop Kinyunyu’s proposal to begin a ministry with those who are Developmentally Disabled.

Please pray for us as we travel and build deeper relationships with our Global Companions in Tanzania.

Tanzania Trip Learning

Book: The Bright Continent: Breaking Rules and Making Change in Modern Africa by Dayo Olopade

Book: Whose Religion Is Christianity?: The Gospel Beyond the West by Lamin Sanneh

Book: From Times Square to Timbuktu: The Post-Christian West Meets the Non-Western Church by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson

App: Duolingo: Swahili

2023: The Year of Story Memory Verse

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

The Story of Jesus Bible Study
2023 Daily Bible Reading Guide
NWOS Highlights
Grace Between the Lines

Bless you,

Bishop Daniel G. Beaudoin

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Friday, May 5, 2023

Interim Grace Notes for May 5, 2023

Reminder that New Worship Schedule Begins June 4

Beginning June 4, our worship schedule will move to one service at 9:00 am. The Saturday service continues at 4:00 pm.

Last Call for Picture Directory

Our plan is to send the picture directory to the printer the week of May 14. I have prepared text for an email that Linda will send out next week via Mailchimp with reminders for members to check their info in the directory, and to submit their order for a printed copy of the directory. You can read a preview of that email HERE.

New Member Class

I have one more meeting this Sunday with a family that will become members of Grace. In this family there is a husband and wife, and a toddler. Amy will be received by affirmation of faith, and Ryan and little Liam by baptism. We have one other couple, Steve and Vi, who will be received by letter of transfer. I'm hoping to receive both these households on the same day, perhaps yet in May.

Retreat at Henry and Becky's House

Since the early 2000's I have met with a group of pastors from our synod twice a year, spring and fall, at Our Lady of the Pines Retreat Center for fellowship, learning, prayer, support, and wandering the beautiful grounds at "The Pines." In recent years we have have been met for the spring retreat at Henry and Becky's house, and the fall retreat at The Pines. Our fall meeting was this past Monday at "The Farm." Since Becky is in Tanzania, our violin virtuosos Helen and Barb prepared a delicious lunch. It is good to gather with this group - only two of us, I and Bishop Daniel, are not yet retired.

Prepare Workshop

On Tuesday, I led a training workshop at Grace from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm for Prepare-Enrich, a scientifically developed and tested instrument for evaluating a couple relationship, for both marriage preparation and enrichment. The training includes instruction on how to administer a 165 item online survey, how to interpret a multi-page report summarizing a couple's responses, and how to provide feedback of the results to a couple. Couple feedback includes teaching communication, conflict resolution and other relationship skills. I had two synod SAM's (Synodically Authorized Minister) for the workshop, Maureen and Deb Noll, currently serving St. Paul Jenera in her SAM capacity. I've been a Prepare-Enrich trainer for over 35 years, and lost count how many workshops I've led and facilitators I've trained. This instrument also works well for marriage enrichment (making a good marriage better!). If you're interested, contact either me or Maureen! Cost is $35.

Stewardship Team Met -- SAS Starts in June

The Stewardship Team met on Wednesday. We have Grace Stories planned for the next several months. We are always on the hunt for more Grace members to share their faith stories with us. Interested or willing? Let us know!

On another note, the Stewardship Team will begin our participation in Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS), a program of GSB Fundraising, with Jennie Wolf Smith as our leader. We will be joining several other congregations in this program. From the SAS flier that I received from Jennie today:

The purpose of Stewardship For All Seasons (SAS) is to guide pastors and congregation leaders to learn tried and true basic principles and effective methodologies to carry out productive stewardship programs. Learn how to do year-round, on-going stewardship resulting in more money for ministry, more energized stewards, and a culture of generosity.

The same flier lists the benefits of SAS:

  • Prepare your congregation’s story
  • Educate people to tell that story
  • Focus attention on your congregation’s mission
  • Inspire people to give generously
  • Learn tools and methods that really work
  • Build a team that enjoys leading stewardship efforts
  • Become confident and skilled in stewardship development
  • Apply biblical principles to gain more resources for mission
  • Experience the joy of asking and giving
  • Avoid searching for the latest hot stewardship program
  • Increase annual giving by 10 – 15% or more each year

Our introductory Zoom meeting will be on Monday, June 5 at 7:00 pm. You can see the remainder of the schedule, and the agreement that we will have with GSB Fundraising in the flier mentioned above which you can view HERE. A bit of good news is that the cost is $200 less than what we previously expected.

No Rite of Confirmation This Year

There will be no Rite of Confirmation this year, originally scheduled for May 21. Grace has one confirmand this year, Libby, and she has elected to wait until next year and affirm her faith with current members of the 7th grade class, Mya, Brenden, and Tommy.

Worship Team Met

Worship Team met Wednesday, and we reviewed our Worship Planners for the balance of May and June. We will be starting a new setting of the liturgy (With One Voice, Setting 4) beginning in June, which we will rehearse prior to worship for the next three weekends. We also discussed purchase and use of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, available since 2006. Grace is one of only a few congregations in our synod that are still using the Lutheran Book of Worship, which was published in 1978. The "green books” are really shabby, and do not present a positive, forward looking image for either new prospective members, nor pastoral candidates.

Cornerstone Chorale and Brass Asking Grace to Host

On Wednesday afternoon Tom and I took a meeting with Dr. Bruce Vantine, founder and conductor of The Cornerstone Chorale and Brass, "a nationally recruited, paid professional touring ensemble, performing fine choral music augmented with narration." They tour every year in the fall for two weeks, bringing professional vocals and a quintet of brass musicians and present a program of music and narration which captures "the essence of the teachings of the Apostle Paul who wrote of faith, hope and love – the greatest being love. Love is the first mark of the true and living church: of a living, caring community."

Dr. Vantine is in the process of putting together his 2023 tour, and wants to know if Grace (or LIFT, perhaps) would sponsor. Sponsorship includes at minimum an evening meal and housing with host families, and a free-will offering at their concert. Dr. Vantine is asking for a concert at Grace on Wednesday, October 18 at 7:00 pm. There are about 28 total people in the touring group. Many of the hosting organizations, usually a Christian congregation, combine the concert with a fundraising drive for a local ministry. I told Dr. Vantine that I would bring this to Exec and Council on Monday night and get back to him on Tuesday morning. Please review the information about this group and their ministry/program on their website which you can find HERE.

Tanzania Group Arrives Safely

Becky Seibert was joined by others from NWOS in their trip to Dodoma Diocese of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, one of our companion synods. Pr. Sarah Schaaf, synod staff posted some pics publically on her FB page. You can view them HERE.

Bishop Daniel: "We are a part of a global church."

In his May 4 email message, Bishop Daniel reminds us of the global reach of our Church (Grace Fremont, Northwestern Ohio Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) with some interesting and inspiring facts about the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania as he and a group from our synod have traveled to Tanzania this month. You can read Bishop Daniel' email message HERE.

LIFT Notes for Week of May 4

Pastor Paul had an excellent message in this week's edition of LIFT Notes. You can read Pr. Paul's message and news and info about current and upcoming LIFT events/activities HERE.