Bridge of Hope Needs Volunteers
LIFT Board Member Traci Zoller is taking the lead in keeping LIFT's Bridge of Hope food bank operational since the compensated coordinator stepped down. We received the following email message from Traci:
Since the Bridge of Hope coordinator stepped down LIFT has been utilizing volunteers to keep the current hours. Currently the Bridge of Hope food bank is open on Mondays 5pm-6:30pm and Thursdays 10am-11:30am.
Volunteers show up 15-30 minutes early to set up, and stay a little later to put the food up. Lately there has only been one volunteer serving in the food bank on both days of the week. This volunteer has plans to go out of town for a while starting Tuesday, March 29th. In order for Lift to keep the food bank hours the same and open in general, we need at least eight new volunteers to sign up for one shift a month.
This is a ministry that has grown a lot in the last year and one that is vital to serving the community of Fremont. I am asking you to consider giving your time to serve at least once a month either on Monday nights or Thursday mornings. If we do not find enough volunteers the food bank hours and times may be subject to change which will gravely impact the ministry and those it serves.
Lift is looking to hire a new coordinator but in the meantime we need your help. I have attached a volunteer training sheet so that anyone wanting to serve will know all the responsibilities.
The "attached volunteer training sheet" that Traci mentioned above can be viewed HERE.
Our MIdweek Lenten Series: Continuing in the Covenant of our Baptism
The third of five midweek Lenten worship services featuring the musical setting Holden Evening Prayer and focusing on the five promises that we make in the Affirmation of Baptism service was held Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Our schedule and themes for the remaining services is:
- March 30 - To serve all people, following the example of Jesus
- April 6 - To strive for justice and peace in all the earth
Maureen and Pastor Henry will bring the messages for these last two services. Also, a reminder of the other Wednesday opportunities for observing Lent at Grace which include:
- Fellowship supper in the dining room at 5:30 pm
- Prayer service with Holy Communion at noon
Updates from Pastor Lanny and her Sister in Ukraine
- March 22 - Please don't forget Ukraine
- March 22 - Day 27 of the Invasion
- March 23 - Day 28 of the Invasion -- A message from "AH-Nuld".
- March 23 - Day 29 of the Invasion
- March 23 - A new lamb on the farm doing a "happy dance!"
- March 24 - "From my sister in Ukraine."
April Newsletter
Hardcopy of the April issue of Grace and Truth will arrive in your mailbox shortly. The online version was linked in today's issue of Just Three Things, and can also be viewed HERE.
Stewardship Team Submits First Story
For the past several months I have been reporting on the Stewardship Team's participation in a "Storytelling and Communications'' Track sponsored by GSB Fundraising, the firm that is collaborating with NWOS to provide insight and training to improve congregational stewardship. In our January Zoom session, our leader, Mitzi, taught us how to evaluate our communications, with the focus on improving our "deposits'' as opposed to "withdrawals". In our February Zoom, Mitzi taught us how to interview congregation members to learn how their association with Grace has changed their lives. Then she directed us how to organize and write a story based on this interview.
Beth Muffler agreed to be the first person that we (I) interviewed to hear her story. Using Mitzi's guidelines and prompts, I wrote this story about Beth. I have included Mitzi's prompts, so you can see how the story was constructed. We will add a picture of Beth at the top, and publish this story in a dedicated email and in the May Grace and Truth. The goal will be to write one story each month, so we need members willing to share their story. And if you'd prefer to be an interviewer and story writer, we will need those, as well. How about you?
Mitzi says that if we publish these stories, we will greatly increase the level of our "deposits."
Osterholm Update
Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. The latest episode, posted on Thursday, March 24, is entitled "A Familiar Uncertainty." In this episode, Dr. Osterholm and host Chris Dall discuss the state of the pandemic in the US, Europe, and the Western Pacific region; vaccines in children under the age of 5; and the new data on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.