Friday, December 31, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for December 31, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for December 31, 2021

We Have a Call Committee!

Members of the Call Committee are:

  • Roger Haynes
  • Nelda Bauer
  • Greg Jess
  • Kathy Burmeister
  • AJ Mehlow
  • Kristen Lindsay
  • Levi Cooper
  • Kaitlyn Fischer
  • Ike Durell
  • Ed Muffler

The mext step is to get that group together to elect a chair. I'll need to make some calls to get a few missing email addresses. Mary Satterfield, the Call Process Facilitator for Grace, will convene and orient the Committee sometime in January.

Christmas Eve

I thought Christmas Eve went very well. Attendance was 173 at the 6pm service, and 113 at the 9pm service. Tom put together a wonderful collection of music numbers, including harpist and former Grace member Karen Svanoe Westgate. In a conversation with Karen, I discovered some interesting connections. Karen's father grew up in Mission Hill, SD, south of Sioux Falls, attended South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD (about 30 miles from my hometown of Hendricks, MN), and then went to graduate school at Ohio State, which explains the Ohio and Fremont connection. For her last two years of high school, Karen attended a Lutheran high school that many members of her extended family had attended, Augustana Academy in Canton, SD, where she knew well the school's janitor, Pete Halvorson, the father of my cousins Lela, Galen, and their sibs who also attended the school. My uncle Einar also attended the school before he went to seminary and became a pastor. Another conncection with Karen is that I have attended continuing education events at Winter Park, CO with her cousin Rolf Svanøe.

Funeral for Paul Zilles

Today I conducted a graveside funeral service for Paul Zilles at the Faust Cemetery. Brother Bob (and Lil) attended - other brother Leonard (Florida) and sister Joyce (Fremont) were unable to attend. You can read the full obit HERE.

Year End Ask from NWOS

I received this email from the synod with regard to an end of the year fundraising program for Lutheran Disaster response, which ties in with the 2021 Year of Generosity. This ask is very timely, not only because of the devastating and deadly tornadoes that swept through Tennessee, Kentucky and other states recently, but now also the fires in Colorado. I have been hearing from pastor friends who have been close to these fires and who know people whose homes have been destroyed. The email content is copied below:

As we say farewell to 2021, we give thanks to God for all of the ways the Northwestern Ohio Synod has been richly blessed by the greater church, and we thank you for joining us in the Year of Generosity as we work to extend that blessing to others.

In the history of the Northwestern Ohio Synod, Lutheran Disaster Response has so generously walked with us at critical moments, as we have recovered and rebuilt after floods, tornadoes, and most recently, the impact of COVID-19. Over the past few months we have been in partnership with Lutheran Disaster Response, supporting their remarkable mission as they offer substantial relief to those who are struggling from COVID-19, from political crises, and from natural disasters.

On this final day of 2021, we invite you to join us in reaching our $100,000 goal set by the Council of the Northwestern Ohio Synod, to support our siblings in Christ in the United States and around the world who are in need.

We thank you again for your partnership, and may you and your loved ones have a very happy New Year!

For more information about this Year End Ask, you can go HERE. There are links on this page to give, but my suggestion would be to give through the Grace offering plate. Just mark your gift "Disaster Response." I made a gift after the tornadoes, and will make another in light of the Colorado fires.

Latest Osterholm Update

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, December 22, and entitled "On Viral Time," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss the rapid global spread of the Omicron variant, how the United States and other countries around the world are responding to the Omicron surge, and how to approach the holidays. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for December 17, 2021

Are We Ready for Omicron?

Thanksgiving weekend brought the news of the latest SARS-CoV-2 variant, the novel virus that causes Covid-19. Since it was first identified in South Africa, it has spread rapidly and is now in 36 states, according to a web posting Wednesday by CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of MInnesota). Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of CIDRAP, said in this week's episode of Osterholm Update: Covid-19, that the spread of Omicron, combined with Delta, will create a viral "blizzard."

Omicron has been found to be much more transmissible, but on the plus side, it seems to be causing less severe disease. The biggest threat is that our health care system will be overrun. I have a friend in my hometown of Hendricks, MN, who was hospitalized locally for Covid pneumonia. She had to wait three days for an available ICU bed in Sioux Falls, 80 miles away. Closer to home, Michigan is currently experiencing its highest hospitalization rate since beginning of pandemic with zero ICU beds available, and here in Ohio Governor DeWine has mobilized 1,050 members of the Ohio National Guard to help relieve the hospital staffing strain caused by the rising number of Covid-19 cases

Dr. Osterholm (along with many others) continues his mantra that vaccination is the best tool we have to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities. Another helpful/informative piece on Omicron was posted by The Atlantic yesterday. You can read it HERE.

Trinity's New Beginnings

Trinity Lutheran Seminary's monthly newsletter for congregations is usually written by the Seminary Dean, Dr. Kit Kleinhans. This month's issue is written by Rev. Mary Ann Harris Siefke, who recently started a new call at Trinity as Director of Congregational Engagement and Advancement. I know Mary Ann well. She was the organist at St. Peter Blackberry and St. Luke's Curtice, my 2013 interim. Mary Ann recieved an MA from Trinity in Church Music, but during my year as interim she decided to return to seminary to earn an M.Div. degree, which leads to ordination for Word and Sacrament ministry. After graduating from seminary and her first call to a congregation in Pennsylvania, Mary Ann, a native of Oak Harbor and a daughter of St. John's, returned to Ohio to accept this call. You can read Mary Ann's message HERE.

Stewardship for All Seasons

At the end of our "Live Generously" Stewardship Campaign, for which GSB Fundraising provided guidance, coaching, and program content, we were given the opportunity to continue to build on what we accomplished in our Live Generously campaign in the coming year and beyond. GSB Fundraising, in partnership with our Northwestern Ohio Synod, is offering congregations the opportunity to participate in a two year program of stewardship growth through GSB's Stewardship for All Seasons program. The synod is subsidizing half the cost for this program, and second-mile gifts are enabling Grace to participate for the calendar years of 2022 and 2023.

From January through May, Grace will join other congregations in five once-a-month Zoom meetings which will help us be more effective with our communications and storytelling. You can find a more detailed description of this learning track HERE. GSB will then provide content and coaching for Grace's 2022 stewardship campaign. This process will be repeated in 2023 with a different learning track. Ed will be joining me and hopefully others from Grace in this process. If you would be interested or know of someone who might be, let me know, please!

LIFT Notes

You can read the current issue of LIFT NOtes HERE.

ELCA Seeds Monthly

ELCA Seeds Monthly is a publication that has ministry ideas and resources for congregations. You can view and read the December issue HERE.

Just Three Things

ICYMI, you can read this week's Just Three Things HERE.

Christmas at Grace

Everything you need to know about Christmas at Grace you can find HERE.

Christmas and New Year's Weekends

There will be no Saturday worship service on December 25 and January 1. On Sunday, December 25 and January 2, there will be one service only at 9:00 am. The service on December 25 will be Lessons and Carols.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Interim Update for December 10, 2021

Confirmation Meets at St. John's

LIFT Confirmation youth and adult leaders met again on Sunday at St. John's. Our sessions begin at 11:45 with a light lunch, and conclude by 1:15. Attendance was a bit better this session, and we had three joining us via Zoom. Our learning track for this year is the Catechism, and our presentation this session was on the second table of the Commandments, which deal with our relationship with others in the community. Sessions will move to Grace beginning with the next session on January 2, when we will begin the first of several sessions on the Apostles Creed.

Healthy Chuches Faithful Pastors Study Concludes

For the past ten weeks, the group that I have been leading on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00 following Spirit supper and dinner church has read and discussed portions of the book Healthy Churches Faithful Pastors, which examines the important relationship that pastors and congregations share and the expectations that we have of each other. The first group of sessions dealt with expectations that congregations have of pastors, and the second group dealt with the expectations that pastors have of congregations. In the final lesson which we discussed on Wednesday night, the sesson addressed expectations that both pastors and congregations have of each other. Those expectations include:

  • to anticipate conflict, address differences respectfully, and avoid passive aggressive behavior
  • to speak directly and avoid triangulation
  • to trust that friends will respect honest speech about personal behavior and will be prepared to hold each other accountable
  • not to idolize or demonize each other or to practice projection
  • to be close, but not too close -- to avoid fusion and codependence

We have enjoyed good discussion in our group, We have one more session before the Christmas break, and will pick up again in January when we will begin a new series of sessions using Bishop Daniel's 2021 Bible Study on the book of Revelation, during the synod's Year of Vision.

Worship Committee Completes Christmas Plans

The Worship Committee met on Tuesday, and, among other things discussed logistics for our Christmas services at 6:00 and 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve. We will be using real candles on Christmas Eve, along with extra instructions and encouragements to always keep your candle upright -- to never tip a lighted candle. The plasic cup style candle holders are really effective in catching any dripping wax. Tom has been busy organizing all the music, including recital pieces by instrumental ensembles for the half-hour before each of the services.

Just Three Things, ICYMI

Today's issue of Just Three Things can be viewed HERE.

Microphone Adjustments Made

There's been continuing concern about my wireless mic that I use in the sanctuary during worship -- complaints about crackeling sounds and distorted sounds. Ed called a technical advisor from the business that the unit was purchased from, and he received a few tips to make some adjustments. Heather and I tried out the mic after the adjustments were made, and it seems to have made a difference. Please let us know if there continuing issues from where you're sitting, as I cannot always tell from where I'm at.

LIFT Notes

You can read the latest issue of LIFT Notes HERE. Upcoming activities and events include and Advent Celebration this Sunday at Faith, a Blue Christmas service on Sunday, December 14, 4:00 pm at St. John's, and an Epiphany Drive-In service at St. John's on Thursday, January 6, 7:00 pm in the St. John's parking lot.

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Christmas Message

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth posted the following Christmas message:

This is our second pandemic Christmas. We thought this would be over so long ago. And still, we wear masks; we're physically distant; we can't be with friends and family as we used to do. And also, there's so much that's broken in this world, so much that tells us, “Why have hope? Just give up.”

But we have a hope that's stronger than any of this, stronger even than death. The hope of God comes in the form of a tiny baby, a helpless child; nevertheless, who grew to a man and in his fragile strength was willing to die on the cross and was raised again.

I don't know what next Christmas will bring. I don't know what New Year's will bring. But I do know we have hope.

St. Paul put it this way:

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Merry Christmas, dear church.

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Death of Mike Smith, St. Mark organist

We received word from Pr. Paul that Mike Smith, the organist at St. Mark, died on Wednesday. He had bewen battling liver cancer. Keep Mike's family and the people of God at St. Mark in your prayers.

Lots to Decide at December Council Meeting

Council will have lots of work to at their December meeting on Monday the 13th. Important items on the agenda include the 2022 budget and forming the Call Committee. Executive Committee will begin at 6:00.

Latest Osterholm Podcast

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In the latest episode, posted on Thursday, December 8, and entitled "The Early Data on Omicron," Dr. Osterholm analyzes the current data on transmission, disease severity, and ability to evade immune protection of the Omicron variant. We also discuss the continuing Delta surge in many parts of the world, the role of vaccines and boosters, and when booster doses may be available for 12-17 year olds. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Interim Grace Notes for December 3, 2021

Stewardship Campaign Thank You Letter

The Stewardship Team met one more time on Tuesday to process Thank You letters for those who returned Intent Cards during our recent "Live Generously" campaign. The letter thanked members for their generous response, and reminded them that "every gift and every giver strengthens our shared ministries to nurture faith, care for our community, and share God’s Good News throughout the world." So far, we have received 99 intent cards with a total of $222, 838. pledged for 2022. The generosity of Grace members is inspiring! Thank you all!! And special thanks to our Stewardship Team -- Tanya, Henry, Kathy, Kent, and Maureen!

Blue Christmas at St. John's

There is much on many people's minds as they prepare for Christmas. Especially those who have recently lost loved ones through death or experienced some other significant loss. So why do we try to cover our pain and grief with Yuletide cheer?

Many churches have begun to recognize that Festivals of Carols, celebrations of Christmas, and children’s pageants do not meet everyone’s needs. To fill this gap churches offer what is called a Blue Christmas service. People who are not having a very merry Christmas and friends who support them are invited to come and sit with one another in a service that speaks of the love of God for the grieving.

St. John's is offering a Blue Christmas Service on Sunday, December 19th, at 4:00pm. The service will also be posted afterward on the St. John's website. For those desiring more fellowship, hors d’oeuvres will be served in the auditorium following the worship service.

Advent Midweek Worship Begins

The first of three midweek Advent Worship services was held Wednesday during our traditionall Spirit time. Supper begins serving at 5:00 pm, and by about 5:15 we begin a brief worship while still seated around the tables. Heather found some nice Advent hymns complete with music and with Karaoke style highlights of the the lyrics as the hymn is played. We are using a devotional booklet that highlights the ministry of ELCA World Hunger Program, and our open plate offering will be given to this amazing ELCA ministry, that has receive and dispursed millions of dollars over many years bringing the fight agains thunger to many places in the world. There will be two more services in this series, on December 8 and 15. Come join us!

Keeping Grace's Organ in Tune and in Shape

Congregations that have pipe organs face a usually higher cost for keeping that instrument in tune and in tip-top shape as opposed to those who use an electronic equivalent. I can't say that I know too much about pipe organs, but my 34 months at St. John's in Bellevue gave me a few insights. St. John's is blessed with a member who knows all the ins and outs of the instrument in that church, which has a few more ranks than Grace's.

That member, Paul Lieber, a retired high school teacher, considers himself the "curator" of the organ, and works with the organ maintenance professionals who tune and otherwise maintain that instrument on a regular basis of twice a year. In recent years Paul has has contracted with a young organist/technician , Glenn Tallar, who has started his own LLC call GT Organ Associates. I had a chance to meet Glenn several times during my time at St. John's.

A recent four-figure organ service bill inspired me to call Paul and ask about Glenn and how much he charges. Paul informed me that Glenn was going to be doing service on the St. John's organ the week after Thanksgiving. I called Paul on Tuesday of this week, and as it turned out Glenn was there. Glenn and Paul dropped what they were doing and came over to Grace, where Glenn took a detailed look at the Grace organ, even climbing up the ladder and through the tiny hole into the pulpit side pipe chamber. Glenn said that he would provide us with a quote for servicing the organ, which is normally done twice a year.

One of the reasons Glenn may be able to provide Grace with a lower cost estimate is that he usually works alone. At St. John's, Paul donates his time to work with Glenn while tuning, pressing the console keys while Glenn is up in the pipe chamber making adjustments. Other service professionals will send two technicians to do tunings, which, obviously, increases costs. Tom would be able to do this at Grace. Another way to decrease costs is to get on a regular schedule in which your technician can tune your instrument while tuning others in the area and minimizing travel costs. In addition to St. John's Bellevue, Glenn services St. Paul's Clyde and Zion Sandusky.

Glenn has recently moved from his home base in Illinois to Mesa, Arizona, and now splits his time between north and south. In Mesa, Glenn landed a dream job, one of the organists at Organ Stop Pizza, a destination restaurant for 50 years that features a world-class theater Wurlitzer organ. As Tom and Glenn shared stories of people in the organ world that they both knew, I learned that Organ Stop Pizza has been a destination for Grace members Mark and Christine S.

When Glenn landed the job at Organ Stop Pizza, it became a news story for some of the local outlets. You can view one of those stories HERE.

Preschool Addition and Fundraiser

Noah's Ark recently added another preschooler to their 4's program, bringing the total to, I think, 13 (don't quote me on that, or correct me if I'm wrong.) The 3's program is more of a concern, still with only four enrolled. The Beef Stick fundraiser is still underway, and the office has some available for purchase there for $1 each. I tasted the hot pepper stick, and it is hot, but very good!

LIFT Notes

You can read the lates issue of LIFT Notes HERE.

Dr. Osterholm's Take on Omicron

Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on Thursday, December 2, and entitled "The Emergence of Omicron," Dr. Osterholm explains what we know and don't know about the omicron variant, how we will learn more, and what it could mean for the future of the pandemic. Dr. Osterholm also emphasizes the importance of boosters and the potential for a post-Thanksgiving surge in cases. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.