Quote from Timothy Lull for Reformation Day 2021
Dr. Timothy Lull is a Fremont native, born in 1943 and was the valedictorian of his 1961 Fremont Ross graduating class. Baptized and confirmed at St. John's, he went on to become a Lutheran pastor and seminary professor and president. He was a prolific author on Martin Luther and the Reformation. For more information about this amazing son of Fremont, go HERE. This quote from Dr. Lull appeared today in a post in the NWOS-Rostered Ministers Facebook Group:
The passing of Christendom is both a great danger and a great opportunity for the churches. The dangers lie in nostalgia, discouragement, self-absorption and a lack of hope for a vibrant role for the church. The opportunity is to learn again to be a church in mission and to build a true partnership between clergy, church workers, and laity. In addition, in North America many of the unchurched are the formerly churched, who had negative experiences. Others are committed to the other great world religions. Still others find no need in their life for religion. It is challenging for the church to make its witness to such people without any privileged position and without any immediate prospect for overwhelming success.
The post concludes:
And then Dr. Lull would always say - "We are still called to be faithful and bold."
LIFT meeting with Bishop Daniel and Staff
Bishop Daniel and three additional members of synod staff traveled to Fremont today to meet with representatives of LIFT. Grace was represented by Maureen, Ed, and me. A total of 14 were in attendance at this meeting in the Auditorium at St. John's.
The Bishop and staff are very interested in and supportive of LIFT. Our conversation topics included
- Welcome back to Pr. Mary Carmen and Leo
- Update on LIFT congregations
- Update on and next steps for the closing of Trinity
- Future hopes and dreams for LIFT
Ed noted during the meeting that the Grace Transition team had reached out to community leaders including Mayor Sanchez and Superintendent Detweiler, asking what are major community issues and how Grace could respond. Ed said that both were glad that they had been contacted for their input, and indicated their willingness to pursue further conversations with both Grace and with the other LIFT congregations regarding ministry possibilities in the community.
One of the takeaways of the meeting was that we all need to think beyond Sunday morning (or Saturday afternoon) and begin to think more about being the body of Christ reaching out to the community.
Second Iteration of Innovator Learning Community (ILC)
One additional agenda item of the Bishop's meeting today was to promote the second iteration of what is called the Innovator Learning Community. This is the program that Heather has been participating in as part of the inaugural group, and includes 5 two-day weekends which explore new ways of creating Christian community beyond the walls of our churches. The purpose of the Acadmy is
to equip lay and rostered innovators to plant and nurture new Christian Communities within their unique contexts throughout Northwest Ohio.
Bishop Daniel explains in greater detail about the ILC and provides a link to the registration form HERE.
Transition Team Forges Ahead on MSP
The Transition Team has been hard at work the past week answering the many essay questions on the Ministry Site Profile (MSP). Here are some examples:
- List three changes or trends within the congregation which have occurred in the last three to five years.
- List three ways the community in which you're location has been challenged by change and transition in the last three to five years.
- Describe your congregation's current programs for mission and ministry.
- What are the primary goals of your ministry site (please refer to any Strategic Plan that has been adopted).
- What is your congregation really excited about right now?
- How dows this congregaiton see itself as a member and active participant in the ELCA?
As you can see completing an MSP is hardly a walk in the park. But your Transition Team is very near completing this document that will explain Grace to a potential pastoral candidate. At last week's meeting, we assigned the many "essay" questions to Team members, who did their homework, and emailed their work to Beth, who is the Team's official compiler and chief writer for the Profile. After some initial technical gliches with the MSP website (actually losing content she had already typed in), she contacted the ELCA and got things fixed.
There are a few more elements to complete, including a Commentary section, that will "help the reader appreciate the vision, opportunities, challenges and nature of your ministry site. Use this opportunity to creatively promote and commend your ministry possibilities." We will include in this section a thorough descripton of LIFT, which could attract a candidate who would be interested in a call to a congregation working collaboratively with other congregations to reach out in ministry to the community.
Second Stewardship Letter with Intent Card
The second letter in our "Live Generously" stewardship campaign has been printed. Included with this letter is a "Statement of Intent" card which we are asking congregational members to complete and bring them to worship on November 13-14, mail them to the church in the enclosed envelope, or submit their Intent via email or an online form, info which will go directly to the church office. The Stewardship Team is meeting at 11pm on Monday, November 1, to process this mailing which should go to the Post Office in the afternoon. You can preview the letter HERE.
I hope that many of you were able to hear Pastor Henry's generosity story that he told at the beginning of worship last weekend. If you didn't, you can read the text HERE.
Nominations for Call Committee
Reminder about nominations for the Call Committee. Submit your nominatons for the Call Committee using the form in the November newsletter or use the form inserted in the bulleting on the coming three weekends. You can also submit your nominations online HERE. I'm asking that forms be returned or submitted by Monday, November 15. Council will appoint the Call Committee from the nominee list at their December 13 meeting.
Latest Osterholm Podcast
Dr. Michael Osterholm, founder and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, continues to deliver solid scientific analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic in his weekly podcasts. In this episode, posted on October 28 and entitled "Evolving Science," Dr. Osterholm and Chris Dall discuss what it means to be susceptible to COVID-19, the extent of protection provided by vaccinations and natural immunity, the implications this has for breakthrough infections, and the need for booster doses and vaccinations in children. You can listen to or download this episode HERE.